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  1. Terra254
  2. Terra254
  3. Terra254

    Rienzel Did It.

    All Hail fred

    Oh ... Uhm ... Sorry.

    Also, @Itachi Not really, I've forgotten what you said but incase you didn't notice "People started leaving" (paraphrasing what you said but ugh) Jaden also made them leave. Also, Talking bout rude, you just IGNORED his problems when he was having them. "So anyway, More important things, Who wants to duel?" That is rude, You're pretty much just saying this to make us feel bad to make jaden feel better, But You're also wrong. You waited, this could have all been avoided if you said something earlier, So get off whatever sense of Pride you have for defending him a little too late. Also,I had already known 2 or 3 people would want him to stay and he'd talk about how much nicer those people are and he'd become friends with them and then they'd talk and he'd not be lonely, Giving us Hope of him not being such a...Bad person. Also, Itachi says like 3 sentences and Jaden belives him, Brooklyn , Fred, Rafael, And I write paragraphs and Jaden cusses us out, I wonder why he thinks I'm not his "Friend" .(which By the way, Is a bad word word to use because just like when Rienzel Left out Itachi in the millennium Thing, People you forgot to mention might take it they're not your "Friend")

    But I am Sorry about Jaden's GF, Because it seemed like she was the only person he didn't hate.

    Also, Jaden just irks me when he believes people who hardly say anything but not fudging Poets of friendship like Fred, And when people stand up for him and feel all good when they completely ignored him earlier, Other wise I could not have to write such a long paragraph and go back to being uncared about. Also, Funny how The only time Jaden or most people care about what O say is when it's "Rude" or "Offensive"

    Also,Rafael is probably just kidding, because alot like me he like to see peoples reactions to certain things, Bu I've abandoned the hobby of making people cry to observe the reasons for it.

    Dear Fred,

    Forgive me for showing Anger as the Fred: Book 3-Interaction says, And I quote "...And so it became that Majesty Fred decreed that Anger not be shown due to an arising or war between the Logical and Illogical and be it so that the Logical just leave the Illogical in their inncorectness,"[DOUBLEPOST=1350098285][/DOUBLEPOST]
    If Fred left, You'd miss him?
    I miss Droid, And Haya because he had fun conversations.
    I also missed Fred and Brooklyn even though I don't recall Brooklyn posting much anyway.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Terra254

    Maybe there's Hope for Us, The Arena, After all.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Terra254

    Because I mean dat Appropriate Exodia deck
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Terra254
    Rafael laughing at Jaden makes me Laugh...

    Also, Jaden, I dunno if you've noticed...but I tried that, Rafael tried that, Fred tried it, Riku tried it, Even BROOKLYN (Who wants to eliminate mankind with the exception of Fred, and Maybe Riku , Star,and I to keep as play toys) Tried. You just don't WANT to understand, And also, I know lots of people that have things like Autism,ADHD, And even this boy named Aeron that has some disorder where His legs are bent together at the knees or something,Like he can't run , But Talking and encouraging him is alot easier. I'm pretty sure he's had a harder life, because not only that, but he also has a speech disorder, so he talks alot slower,But when people encourage him he thanks them. And don't say "I don't know you, So my opinion is invalid" because an opinion is an opinion, And weather or not its correct, Cannot be proved because then it would be a fact. We've built you up, But you just tell us we're wrong and we can't be right unless we're stupid . I'm not even going to mention the Rafael incident AGAIN, Because that was really ****ED UP.
    "Oh hey Jaden Can I help you?"

    And also, We don't know you so our opinion of weather or not we'd care should be invalid, shouldn't it?
    Atleast you've claimed so.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Terra254
    United We Stand, And The Pride of the Weak will never extinguish as long as we have The Heart of The Underdog! We stand in Unity! As long as we're friend ...We cannot lose!

    /Activates United Front while Controlling Level 1 Terra and Level 10 Rienzel (Reduced by using Galaxy Queen's Light) to Negate Jaden's Trap Card "No Empathy For The Weak"

    *In The Distance the Lost City of Brooklyn Sinks for no apparent Reason*

    lol INB4 Jaden activates Wall of Revealing light paying all your life points
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Terra254
    At which?
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Terra254

    Count of people caused to directly leave:

    Nice job.


    Don't bother, Even though E-Hero's are Terrible, They won't stop arguing so it's pointless, Don't be No. 3 to leave.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Terra254
    That's what he meant
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. Terra254

    @Rafael and Jaden

    Rafael and Jaden should sing this because Its so true.

    Also, Jaden you just proved yourself wrong. You said you suck and can't get better at this game, but you said you just said you can beat people if theres luck involved, and according to you...Yugioh is almost almost luck. So you CAN get better
    /doesn't know why tries

    Also, Fred didn't mean he didn't care, He meant that you can't really use that as an excuse because he'd still be right.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 8, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Terra254
  13. Terra254
  14. Terra254
    He was using a very inconvenient deck, Asumming he was playing Gate Heros, They Banish alot . Normal E-HERO's do also, Because of Miracle Fusion.
    Well...IMO using E-Hero's in any deck is a mistake.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Terra254
    Your banish deck banishs monsters, meaning at least 5 + of his E-HERO's would have been banished,and Shining gains ATK on how many E-HERO's are banished, I suppose is what he means.[DOUBLEPOST=1349541548][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, It seems Jaden is making progress.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Terra254
    Obelisk looked up at him mumbling "I'll have some ambrosia mommie" (Even though that's greek leave me alone okay lol). "Oh. It's you..." He said dizzly getting up almost stumbling on to the floor. He rested his hand on the mans shoulder and felt him fall. "Sorry..." He said as he regained full conciusness.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Terra254
    I dueled Slaughtermatic and did not lose nor tie.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 3, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Terra254
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Terra254 for Beucefilous, Oct 2, 2012
  19. Terra254
    I also asked her that, too.
    She said because it's not as much fun anymore or something along those lines, I think.
    She also said it was nothing none of us did(Because I asked her that too.) If you were wondering.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Terra254
    Obelisk lay there half knocked out mumbling about hitting something.Images slowly started to focus and he jumped to his feet,Yelling as he started to swing, But his arm swung around and he flipped himself over, The ground where he fell sunk a little when he made contact.He was groaning in pain, Waiting for the man above him to react. "Need...Drink."
    Post by: Terra254, Sep 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home