Pretty soon. No longer than an hour or so.
"...What brought this up?" Kairi asked after short hesitation. She didn't want to step into dangerous territory, but she felt it was kind of past that point. It was time to get some answers, though she knew she didn't want all of them at once; that would be too much. She was already feeling kind of weak, anyway.
Alrighty. I'll have to log off in a few minutes, so the next post or two and I'm off.
Kairi continued to look at Sora, lifting her head off his shoulder a little. "...I do have a question, though," she admitted softly. She was wondering what exactly triggered him to talk to her about this, and she felt that she had a hunch. However, Kairi didn't want to jump to conclusions; that could make things worse.
xD Btw, I might have to go for a little bit. But I'll be back.
Kairi glanced up at Sora at the question, and hesitated a moment before answering. "I can," she said softly. "And I will." She didn't completely agree that he had been selfish, but she was hurt that he couldn't be open and honest with her. Things really had changed while they were apart.
Luckyyyy. xD
"...I see," Kairi said, not knowing how else to respond. She had forgotten about the four months away because she knew she wasn't going to get any details. But she wasn't sure what to even ask anymore; all of the questions had been built up at the time, but now they were gone. She would have to try and remember what they were if she wanted to know anything specific.
...Ihatechu. -_-
Kairi lowered her sight from Sora's eyes at his words, looking down at her hand that was still resting on his shirt. There wasn't much she could do to deny what he said. Those months really did affect her, and in more ways than one. She didn't really want to think about the emotional rollercoaster she had been on, but it was inevitable now.
Haha. Have a high metabolism? That'll help you greatly. ;D
A wall? Kairi thought immediately, her mind also moving to the mission she promised not to speak of. Now that she thought about it, she realized that there had been a wall between the two of them; she just never made herself realize it before. But now that it was out in the open, it was hard to ignore. Kairi believed there were good reasons not to speak of the mission, however. "...You just needed time to adjust," she said first. "Talking about the mission would've only made it more difficult for you. After things with...Nathaniel, I didn't want any more pressure on you, Sora."
Jeez. There must have been a lot then. xDD
"What do you mean?" Kairi asked, her eyebrows furrowing slightly in curiosity. Sora was beginning to concern her with this talk, and she wasn't sure what to think of any of it.
That's actually what caused me to feel so sick. Pretzel M&M's are bad to eat on an empty stomach. xDD What'd you have?
"Yeah," Kairi responded immediately, meeting Sora's gaze. "Of course it will." Four months had changed a lot of things, between them and around them. They weren't the only ones affected by the long duration because Namine and Roxas were too, even if the blond was only away two months compared to Sora's four. They all were affected by this, but it seemed that Sora had more problems to face than Kairi thought.
Yuck. Let's not talk about it. xDD
Kairi wasn't sure what to say. She knew that he was right with some things he was saying, though she couldn't really let him take the blame for the way things were when he got here. Nathaniel was a perfect example as to why it was hard for him to adjust, but surely he knew that. It wasn't all his fault... But the girl stayed silent, listening for more.
Yeah, being in there makes me nervous. =/
A mistake? Kairi wasn't sure what to make of this news. What mistake could Sora be talking about? She continued to look up at him, silently encouraging him to continue so her confusion could be cleared.