Hmmm. That's always hard to deal with. Dx
Riku moved his eyes from Roxas to Sora when he entered the room, but otherwise his sight fell back on the screen. He thought about asking Sora how Kairi was, but then again, he shouldn't have been spying in the first place. So he stayed silent, letting his thoughts be lost as he focused on the T.V. Roxas's eyebrows furrowed slightly when his body ached with a throb, coming out of his sleep a little more. He released a breath and brought his arm back up on the couch, the position of it not helping his soreness.
I'm guessing it's after she finds out?
Riku was still sitting in the chair, his eyes trained on the screen. He'd notice Namine come in not too long ago and spoke briefly with her until silence fell around the room again. He spared a glance in Roxas's direction, seeing that the blond was still sleeping. He could understand, considering how much work he did the day before. Taking on Smith wasn't an easy task, but he needed to wake up sometime. It was late morning, after all. Roxas was lying on his stomach, the side of his face against one of the pillows as he slept on the couch. His hand dangled over the edge, but he didn't notice. However, his wounds were becoming more apparent to him as his senses started to return. He was waking up, being the last one to do so.
Coolio. =)
Kairi let her eyes trail Sora for a short time before she closed them, releasing a soft breath. She wanted rest, not liking the feeling within her. She felt weak, and she could only guess it was because of the events that took place yesterday. Hopefully some more sleep would give her enough energy to act normally around her friends.
Mhm. =) So, what'd you do while I was gone?
Kairi smiled weakly and nodded, one hand resting beside her face on the pillow. She hoped for nice dreams, and not horrible nightmares. That would be a nice change in things.
It's alright. We had to give her away eventually.
Kairi lowered her eyes and once she saw that Sora was off the bed, she lowered herself so her head was on the pillow. She pulled the sheets up a little and rolled onto her side. Once she was comfortable, Kairi lifted her sight to Sora without thought.
Yeah... I gave her to my boyfriend's older brother and his girlfriend, but I couldn't take her myself; my boyfriend had to come get her because I...
Kairi nodded a little and opened her eyes, glancing up at Sora. "That sounds like a good idea," she said softly. She didn't feel like herself, so sleeping probably would help. Hopefully when she woke up she wouldn't feel as weak and...weird.
I just gave my kitty away not 20 minutes ago. :'(
Later. That was the key word. Kairi was still trying to recover from seeing Smith again and being captured (though she didn't hold anything against Riku for it). And then there was her nightmare about Nathaniel fighting Sora, which had actually happened in the Realm of Darkness. And then there was the Realm of Darkness itself, and now things with Sora. There was a wall, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to take it down completely just yet. Worrying Sora... It didn't sound like a good idea at this point.
Hi there. =)
Kairi closed her eyes again, but this time it was because she felt a little weak. She had been ever since she had been taken to the Realm of Darkness, but she hadn't said anything. The boys had been easy, and now, well...she didn't really want to tell Sora when he already had enough going on. Stuff she was sure she would ask about later.
Kairi closed her eyes and released a soft breath, not even wanting to consider than option. She didn't want to believe it; Smith had to be wrong. "Um..." she started, opening her eyes. "Thanks, for being honest." That was all she really wanted, and if she had any questions, she would be sure to ask Sora about them.
Kairi continued to stare at the bedsheets, trying to figure this out. If what he said about Sora was true concerning this, did that mean the rest was as well? Was in to the Darkness?
Alrighty, buh bye!
Kairi simply nodded, her sight falling from Sora's and to the bed. She figured that it had been him, after all he had said to Sora in the Realm of Darkness. She'd hated hearing such things about Sora leave the man's mouth, but it seemed that there was more going on with Sora than she thought.