How late you wanna stay on?
"Whoa!" Roxas put his hands on Namine's waist as soon as he realized what was happening, trying to keeping himself and her from going off balance. Once he made sure he wasn't going to fall over, he kept his hands on Namine's waist to make sure she wouldn't either, at the same time glancing over her shoulder to see that Ty was the cause of the sudden turn of events.
=) So.....
"Ah, I'm sure everything's fine," Roxas said, beside and slightly behind Namine as he glanced down at the key in her hand. Ty did get pretty crazy when he didn't get his food, but Roxas didn't think he would be too bad. At least, hopefully not.
I guess that's beneficial with the RP. xD
Riku silently offered both Namine and Roxas a small wave, seeing the girl walk off before Roxas followed after her. He had a feeling their walk would be easy and without trouble, considering that most of the blondes' troubles were solved now that Smith was defeated for good. However, he didn't know all the details, so he couldn't be for sure.
xD Lucky. I have to make myself think for even the small things.
Roxas let out a small breath as his muscles relaxed after his stretch, the boy nodding once to Sora before moving his eyes to Namine. Whenever she was ready, so was he.
We should do it. ;3
"Right," Roxas replied with a nod, his smile turning into a goofy grin. After a few seconds it dimmed, the boy turning his sight to his best friend on the couch next to Namine. "Thanks for letting me crash, man. Appreciate it." Sora let everyone stay the night here, and though they had disagreements about the sleeping situation, Roxas got plenty of rest. The boy pushed himself up from the couch, successfully fighting off the pain before he stretched a little.
Haha. xDD Nice.
"What if I want to?" Roxas said, smiling a little as he looked at her. Besides, he wanted to get out of Sora's hair; he needed to get home soon anyway. Being with Namine for a little while longer was never something he refused, and he especially wanted to be with her after being so worried about her the day before.
Humorous?? xD
Roxas lowered his fist from his eye and nodded a little in understanding. He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair as he tried to wake himself up. He then looked to Namine, his blue eyes finding hers. "Want me to come with?" he asked, his voice still showing how groggy he was. Even if Roxas was still tired, he was awake enough now to realize that after yesterday, he didn't really want to leave Namine by herself.
My brain is fried from things that happened today, so I can't come up with anything tonight. xD
Riku nodded once. He figured it something like that. "Well, if you have to leave, get going," he encouraged gently, motioning with his head toward the doorway. "We understand." He'd never had a dog, but he was sure that the responsibility was a big one. Ty? Namine has to go? Roxas brought his hands to the couch and slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position, grunting a little from both tiredness and the soreness of his body. "You're leaving?" he asked softly, bringing up his knuckles and rubbing his eyes as he tried to comprehend what was going on.
Hmm. You're right, it could...
Riku's head turned slightly to look at Namine, having heard her words. He nodded once with the faintest smile. He guessed Ty was her pet by the way she talked about him, so that was reasonable. Roxas blinked again, trying to register the words he just heard. Namine was the one speaking, he knew. It just took him a moment to understand what she said, the wheels in his head only starting to turn and function.
It'll come to you eventually. =)
Roxas tensed, a small grunt leaving him at a dull ache in his back. Man... He couldn't remember what he had done to it, but it definitely wasn't good. He furrowed his eyebrows a little more before cracking his eyes open when he registered the sound of voices. When he blinked and opened his eyes fully, he knew that it wasn't from his friends; his eyes immediately fell on the television, seeing some sitcom on. What time is it?