"Good idea," Roxas said with a nod in agreement. He'd made the mistake of trusting Ty to stay still after hours of no company. That was a mistake. The boy let his hold on Namine's hands loosen, coming back to his sides.
That's always our luck. xD
Roxas nodded a little as he took a small step back, using his muscles to pull Namine up. Of course, he did it carefully, not wanting her to slip and then get even dirtier in the process.
Roxas lowered his hand from his face to look at Namine, seeing that her pants were getting wetter by the second. He sighed and walked forward, stepping carefully around the crackers that were around the floor and getting soggier. He stopped in front of Namine, bending over a little. "You go get some dryer clothes on," Roxas told her, offering his hands out to help her up. "I'll work on cleaning this up."
xD Btw, once things calm down, time gap to when kitchen and such is clean?? Alrighty. Bye!
Roxas's eyes widened at the scene, but then he brought his hand to cover his face and frowned. Crap. He told Ty to stay... "Aw, man," he muttered. He should have known better than to trust Ty alone. After all, the mess was a clear sign of what he could do.
xD This will be good.
Roxas shut the door behind him as soon as Ty was inside the house, the boy walking forward a few steps and passing the dog before stopping. He turned around and pointed his finger at Ty. "Stay," he demanded softly. Roxas walked forward a few steps to make sure Ty did as he said, and when he did, the boy approached the kitchen doorway to see Namine on the floor. The smell was still there, and he knew that still needed to be cleaned up. "How you holdin' up?" he asked the girl, trying to think of how the vomit on the other side of the room should be tended to.
Oh, so it's the tape that Namine shows him? Or is the memory card or whatever? xD
Roxas squatted down and rubbed Ty's ears for a minute, tilting his head to look at the dog. "What did you do while Nam was gone, huh?" he asked the dog in his "pet" voice, rubbing Ty's coat. Ty only licked at his hand when he took it back from his ears. Roxas only rubbed his hand over Ty's head before standing up. "Come on, boy. Let's go inside." He patted his leg for Ty to follow him as he started back for the porch steps.
Haha. xDD Awesome.
Roxas saw Ty's ears perk up and the dog turn around at his call, but he didn't come right away. The teen stepped off the porch and into the yard before trying once more. "Here, boy!" the blond called again, clapping his hands as he stood on the porch. Ty looked at him for another moment before quickly approaching the boy's position. Roxas could tell he was wound up, probably because he had been left alone for a while. Somehow, that was to be expected.
Oh jeez. xD It's a light-hearted one?
"Yup," Roxas said, nodding once as he looked at Namine. "I'll help you out once I get back." He offered her a small smile before turning and starting down the entrance hall the way he came. He stepped out the open door and immediately whistled, seeing Ty at the corner of the yard and sniffing around. Roxas wasn't going to let Namine clean the mess herself; it wasn't her fault things had gotten ugly.
Probably whenever. xD
Roxas approached Namine's side at the doorway to the kitchen, standing a little behind her when he came to a stop. He saw the mess and inwardly winced, but he was sure his face wasn't pleasant either. Okay, maybe he was wrong earlier when he said everything was fine. That didn't seem the case. He was actually afraid to see the rest of the house.
That sounds just fine. =)
Roxas followed Namine inside, though he didn't get very far before fanning the space in front of his face. "Whew! That doesn't seem good," he said, commenting on the smell. He walked forward a few steps, glancing back to make sure Ty was still in the yard through the open door. Obviously that needed to be left open for a minute or two; for either Ty to come back inside or that smell to clean out. Whichever came first.
I've slept all day, but I could actually go to bed right now. xD It's up to you.
Roxas turned his head to glance in the direction Namine was looking before turning his gaze back to her. "...Maybe we should go take a look," he suggested, his hands staying on her waist for a moment longer before he brought his hands back to his sides. He looked past Namine and into the house, though he couldn't see anything from outside.