Well, summary really. I'm writing it up much like we write up our RP ideas; bulleting certin events definitely doesn't work for me anymore. xD
"...Keep that courage," Roxas said, still staring at his lap. After a minute he lifted his gaze back to Namine, his eyes serious. "You'll never know when you'll need it." After all, they were always thrown surprises, whether it was Jeff, Smith, or a mission. The first two were definitely done with, Roxas knew, but the last one he still had to be prepared for. Anything could happen.
Yup. I have 5 pages of plot written out in Word. 8D
Roxas met Namine's eyes, but with her last words, memories appeared and made him lower his gaze. Yeah, he knew what she was talking about. He was glad she stood up for herself, because she had been shattered in the past because of Smith. Roxas didn't want that for her, and thankfully it would never happen again.
Yes ma'am. :3
"Mm," Roxas hummed, understanding in a sense. If Namine didn't show weakness in front of Smith, then she wasn't weak at all, both physically and mentally. At least, that's what he was getting out of what she said. Well, she was never going to have to deal with Smith again. Ever.
So, I'm starting to write the continuation of my fic. :3
"What made you do it?" Roxas asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Stand up to Smith, I mean." At the time he had been surprised, but nonetheless proud. He was still that way, though not as surprised as he was curious.
The Real - Nevertheless :3
Good idea. :3
Roxas glanced down at Namine's face, seeing her eyes closed. He didn't want to ruin the silence that surrounded them, but he couldn't bite his tongue. "Nam, I've got a question," he said, his fingers momentarily pausing their movement with her hair.
Ah, okie dokie.
Roxas felt his eyebrows furrow a little as the silence lingered over the room, watching his fingers play lightly with Namine's hair as thoughts went through his head. What triggered Namine to stand up to Smith? He was still curious about that since he hadn't asked that. And then there was the threats Smith had thrown out, which still chilled him to the bone even if Smith was gone. This was actually the first time that Roxas thought about them, though he knew he'd never forgotten it.
Myself - Fireflight
How do you figure they know that Kairi's missing? Namine, perhaps?
"Mm-hm," Roxas hummed, his head lifting a little off the couch as he continued to watch his fingers play with Namine's blonde hair. It was soft between his fingers, which only made him want to play with it more. He couldn't really help it; sometimes he just found himself twirling her hair. It was just a plus that Namine didn't mind.
Forever - Fireflight
xD I like it.
Roxas chuckled a little, his eyes traveling back up to his fingers as he played with Namine's hair. "Sorry," he said. "But I thought you needed to hear it." She deserved to in his eyes, considering how easily Smith could get to a person. He got to Sora and Riku eventually in the Realm, which surprised Roxas at the time, but now he realized that Smith had just been using his Darkness to affect everyone. Fortunately enough, it didn't get to Namine as badly; he was relieved for that.
They're not too bad. =) The Hunger - Fireflight