You mean who I'd rather bone? If so Joan. A lot of money. YYZ. Lot of other songs that would be great aswell though. I dunno. Beastie Boys? Also german rappers Fettes Brot, Fantastischen Vier or Seed. Mike Portnoy.
Oh crap sorry. I'm not going to answer impression questions but I do fail at like and y Death Note game was pretty fuckin' fun. Idklol Not going to Draw anyone on MSPaint right now, sorry.
All of these are not questions do to lack of Question marks.
Am i going into khv history if i win this again? :lolface: Also voting for Shades
I don't know. No. I am Luka You have nothing better to do. No clue. Nothing. Some weird movie with Heath Ledger about Bob Dylan Didn't watch therefore no answer Jedward
Yeah i barely do. No/yes. not a question. >|
C'mon get more original then this guys. <.<
17 .
Also please get rid of those annoying ass pop-ups. That was horrible.
Didn't they like say this like half a year ago. o.o
Depends on who.
Kay fine. You're a nice guy and you know your video games. Happy?
See ya Cody, you were good.
Yeah i agree with you on that but parents buy their children Wii's not PS3's. There's a really low amount of hardcore gamers with Wii's in comparison with gamers that have PS3's or 360's. Therefore Mature titles like No More Heroes don't sell well on Wii. Unlike on PS3 where Mature titles are on of the best selling ones since it has a different audience.
We're in the same boat bro.
Don't make me disappoint
You have got to be kidding me. People that have Wii's are 100% casual.
Are you sure? Because the wii really has completly different audiences.
I might try out the Facebook feauture but i actually liked the way the Friend List looked but oh well.