Does it work for EU Citizens?
Black Friday was before WW2 when the economy went down because of the americans that invested in Stocks. it was in 1929 If I recall correctly.
Also Killzone 2.
Fallout 3.
It happens to most people eventually. :/
I thought you were high on rotten tomatoes when i first this thread.
Whoah you used to be like 14. o.o Anyways Happy Birthday. :D
nomuch bro
Don't tell me that you never used alt + tab.
I thought you were gone?
what up homie
I see a lot of People are getting PS3's for christmas.
Yaaaay It's DA.
Final Fantasy X or Metal Gear Solid 4.
Crack In Time or Uncharted 2. Maybe Infamous or Killzone 2.
Wasn't that a part of MGS4?
Oh My god this has to be the most hypocrite thing i've ever heard anyone say. I can't fucking believe it. I could post a million fucking posts where you're taking things a lot to serious. People like you almost make me RAGE. I'd post this in all caps but whatever
Because your sentences had NOQUESTCHINMARKS Because you want to ask me something.
Still dislike her.