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  1. Roxas24Sora
    Dang! I forgot about Jimmi Hendrix....


    JIMMI HENDRIX would rape everyone contesting on this.....except John Lennon.....
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Roxas24Sora
    MATTHEW TUCK would rape EVERYONE contesting on this.
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Roxas24Sora
    *laughs uncontrollably*

    Oh my gosh!!!xDDDDD

    Lions pawn everything.=p
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Roxas24Sora
    I still say Roxas would rape their tails....
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Roxas24Sora
    I'd say Roxas would defeat all of them so bad, they would be raped morally.
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Roxas24Sora
    "Shut up, Sonic." Shadow said loudly, pulling a gun out and poiting it at Sonic.

    Sora turned to Kairi. "It's cool.." He started. He saw Shadow pull out the gun. "Shadow! You know the rules.

    "Hmph...." Shadow grumbled as he put the gun up.
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Roxas24Sora
    "That's why we need everyone up." Shadow stated silently.
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Roxas24Sora
    Shadow flourished a toothy grin as he opened his eyes.

    "Sonic, we have to make a plan to fight our enemies." Sora said with an aggravated tone. He went over to Kairi as he lowered her upraised keyblade."It's okay, Kairi.." He said calmly to the red headed cutie.She's so cute in her fighting stance.
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Roxas24Sora
    Sora and Gohan, please!!!!
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Roxas24Sora
    You're out of your mind! Roxas would soooooo win!
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  11. Roxas24Sora
  12. Roxas24Sora
    Okay. Just edit that by color coding the names.

    Okay, I understand.

    Okay. I'll start!

    Sora woke up from his slumber. Everyone fell asleep in the same house last night for safety. Eggman had sent his servants to search for Sonic overnight. He would've killed anyone related to Sonic in anyway. Guess I should wake everyone up, Sora thought to himself. He saw Shadow standing in the corner, his eyes closed and his arms crossed.

    "Well, what are you waiting for?" Shadow said, his eyes still closed.

    "Okay..." Sora whispered. He pulled a bell out of his pocket. Why do I have this? Sora thought. He rung the bell. It made a loud, harmonious sound. "Wake up, everybody!" Sora shouted, smiling widely.
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Roxas24Sora

    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Roxas24Sora
  15. Roxas24Sora
  16. Roxas24Sora
    /\.:;--Kingdom Hearts Meets Sonic The Hedgehog--;:./\

    You heard me right. Sora and friends meet Sonic The Hedgehog. Here's the story:

    Sora, Riku, and Kairi were walking down the beach one day. Suddenly, a mysterious pool of darkness formed in the ocean. They decided to ask some of their friends to check it out with them. As they got closer, they all got pulled into the pool by a strang vacuum. They all fell into unconsciousness. When they woke up, they found themselves in a large, green, hilly plain, which consisted of abnormal loops and large red springs. As they traveled, they came across a fast hedgehog named Sonic. Sonic introduced everyone to his friends. Sonic told the Kingdom Hearts gang that there was an evil man named Dr. Eggman, who terrorized him and his friends on a daily basis. Sonic then told of a man named Xehanort helping Eggman, along with the evil hedgehog Mephilis. Sora agreed to help Sonic fight off the Doctor, if he helped them get home. And so starts our story...

    Here are the rules:
    1. Follow all forum rules.
    2. Keep it ALL PG-13. That means language, romance, violence, ect.
    3. No god modding.
    4. If I'm ever gone, before I leave I'll apoint who's in charge of the RP.
    5. You are permitted 2 characters, one from the KH universe and one from the Sonic universe.
    6. After you read this, post "You're too slow!" If you don't, I won't accept your request until you do post it.
    7. Color code your posts. When you pick a character(s), color their names the color you will post with.
    8. Add description to your posts. Don't talk in text or put these(*) around your actions.

    Here are the characters:

    Kingdom Hearts Universe
    Sora: Roxas24Sora
    Kairi: darkblademaster 907
    Roxas: Roxas 95

    Sonic The Hedgehog Universe
    Sonic The Hedgehog:Roxas 95
    Miles "Tails" Prower:
    Knuckles The Echidna:
    Amy Rose:
    Cream The Rabbit:
    Shadow The Hedgehog: Roxas24Sora
    Big The Cat:
    Rouge The Bat:
    Silver The Hedgehog:
    Blaze The Cat:
    Dr. Eggman:
    Mephilis The Dark:

    Have fun!
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 6, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Roxas24Sora
  18. Roxas24Sora
  19. Roxas24Sora
  20. Roxas24Sora