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  1. Roxas24Sora
    All Consuming Fire - War Of Ages

    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Roxas24Sora
    Profile Post

    Right here. Wazzup?

    Right here. Wazzup?
    Profile Post by Roxas24Sora for sk8david, Dec 23, 2008
  3. Roxas24Sora
  4. Roxas24Sora
    Turn It Up - Pillar
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Roxas24Sora
    Okay, guys! Get ready for a fanfic made by a Twilight fan boy! Yes, I said fan boy! So, here it goes!



    Before you continue reading this, let me first assure you that I'm not your average seventeen year old boy.​

    If you want to stay ignorant of the phenomena that happens in my life, then put this away and read something else to pass the time by. This tale I will tell will change your view of reality. If you continue, I guess I'll tell you a little bit about myself...

    My name is Chap Simpson. My real name is Chapman, but I prefer Chap. I'm a junior that attends Forks High School in a little town out in the middle of nowhere in Washington. I have black hair with a little red here and there. My hobbies include video games, playing guitar and drums, skateboarding, and driving my '76 Ford Mustang in street competitions. My favorite hobby is, however, drawing. I mostly draw video game characters that I think are cool, like Shadow The Hedgehog and Cloud Strife. I listen to almost every genre of rock music, ranging from Nickelback to The Devil Wears Prada. My favorite type is either heavy metal or screamo. I'm never caught without wearing some kind of wristband. I usually wear a checkerboard pattern band.

    Well, that's about it concerning me. I do, however, have another major but scary characteristic...

    At my own will, I can transform into a monster. I fall onto my arms as they turn into front legs. A long tail unravels from my hindquarters. Black fur covers every visible inch of my body. My fingernails and toenails become sharp, retractable talons that rip through flesh like butter. All my senses increase drastically, giving me inhuman sight, smell, hearing, etc. I crave flesh every second while in my transformation. I mostly eat deer, but sometimes by complete accident I have human flesh.

    I'm what you call a werelion. Scary, huh?

    If you read any farther, you might doubt my story about werewolves, vampires, and my kind. All information contained in this is absolutely true. You can ask anyone in Forks, Washington, about the Simpson, Swan, Cullen, and Black families. They'll assure you of their mysteries and theories about them.

    I guess I'll stop rambling on and begin telling you about my time in Forks. It starts off at my first day of school, when I first saw her...

    Chapter 1: Angel

    I drove into the Forks High parking lot in my '76 Ford Mustang. I was new here and I didn't know much about the area. I knew a few friends in the La Push area, but that was it. I wasn't the best at making friends, but I had a good feeling about Forks, Washington.

    I was in a pretty good mood today. I usually didn't get good sleep at night, so I was cranky often. On days when I haven't eaten enough deer, I'm cranky also. I looked at the time and realized I had a while before school started, so I parked my car and sat on the hood. I left the car on so I could listen to my music. I had "In Regards To Myself" by Underoath blaring through the campus.

    I looked down at my apparel to see if it was okay. I was wearing a System Of A Down shirt that adorned the "Toxicity" album cover art. I had some baggy jeans on and my new Etnies were strapped tightly to my feet. I had my checkerboard wristband on my left arm and an Assassin's Creed wristband on the other.

    I guess I look alright...I thought to myself.

    Suddenly, a blonde guy, who looked around my age, appeared beside me. He still had baby fat on his cheeks, giving him a 'girls adore this guy' look to him. His hair was way shorter than mine, and it was spiked. He held out his hand and smiled widely.

    "Welcome to Forks!" He said whole-heartedly. "I'm Mike."

    I looked at his hand, thinking If I should shake it or not. I decided to keep my arms crossed against my chest. "Chap..." I said a little louder than a whisper.

    He smiled and put his hand away. I saw his posse approaching from behind him. "Chap....that's a weird name. What nationality is it?"

    "Old English." I said at the same volume as my other reply. "It's actually Chapman, but I prefer Chap."

    "It means merchant, right?" A girl called from behind Mike.

    As I nodded, Mike turned around to see his friends. "Oh! Chap, these are my friends." He pointed to two boys. "Eric, Tyler..." He looked at a girl right beside him. "Jessica, who's my girlfriend..." He then turned to another chick. "Lauren, and last but not least..." He turned to the girl that called out the meaning to my name. "Bella."

    I felt my heart burst open. My tongue swelled up in my mouth as my lower jaw dropped. I started to sweat and my hands shook violently. I stared into her eyes as my mouth started to water.

    She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Her skin was pale, giving off a faint glow from her skin. Her lips looked as though they were made from red cloth they were so perfect. Her reddish hair was in a ponytail, which I thought suited her well. Any way she would wear her hair would be perfect. Her eyes were beautifully brown, which I liked in a girl. I stared into them, imagining a halo above her head and wings sprouting from her back.

    I could hear Bella giggle as my trance drifted off. Mike smiled and laughed silently. He said softly, "Cullen's not gonna like this..."

    Cullen? Who was Cullen?

    "Edward won't mind if I talk with the new kid." Bella said as she waved to her friends. They must have decided to leave while I was in my trance. " you know anyone around here?"

    I didn't answer. My mind drifted toward another subject. Edward Cullen. Our families had been enemies for centuries, battling nonstop. Edward had only been around for ninety years, but he was the most hated. He killed our brethren. He was enemy number one. I growled slightly.

    "Are...are you growling?" Bella said, catching me offguard.

    "No..." I replied, stopping my growling instantly.

    She dropped the subject. Thank God. "So, do you know anybody around here?"

    I shook my head. "I know a few people in La Push."

    "Really? Me too! Who do you know?" She asked excitedly.

    "Jacob you know him?" I asked bluntly.

    She nodded. "Old friend of my family. Anybody else?"

    "Sarah Caldwell." I stated silently. She was one of my oldest friends. So was Jacob.

    "Don't know her..." Bella said, frowning slightly. Suddenly, the bell rang and we both picked our books up. "I'll see you later, okay?"

    "Cool." I said as we waved. She dissapeared into a group of heads.

    Wow...I thought. Didn't expect angels in Forks. I walked down the sidewalk and entered a building, officially starting my first day of school.


    Whatcha think? And yes, I did edit this to put Chapter 1 in it for those who read the Preface before I put the 1st Chapter up. I also give credit to Forever Love for letting me use her character Sarah Cadwell.

    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 21, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Roxas24Sora
    Yeah, we're still goin.:D
    Profile Post by Roxas24Sora for sk8david, Dec 18, 2008
  7. Roxas24Sora
  8. Roxas24Sora
  9. Roxas24Sora
  10. Roxas24Sora
  11. Roxas24Sora
  12. Roxas24Sora
  13. Roxas24Sora
  14. Roxas24Sora
    Profile Post

    Hey, what's up?

    Hey, what's up?
    Profile Post by Roxas24Sora for Lily Lilac, Dec 13, 2008
  15. Roxas24Sora
  16. Roxas24Sora
    Guys! Random thing I wanna say.

    Listen to Finding Myself by Smile Empty Soul.

    That song = the shiznit.:D
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 11, 2008 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  17. Roxas24Sora
    You're friends with FL?
    Profile Post by Roxas24Sora for sk8david, Dec 11, 2008
  18. Roxas24Sora
  19. Roxas24Sora
    OOC: What did I miss?
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Roxas24Sora
    OOC: Sorry dude. You forgot something.
    Post by: Roxas24Sora, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home