I love you, too, baby. *hugs*
My PSP doesn't pick up the symbols in your name.
I can't reply to your PM because of your name.
Idk when the wedding will be.
I LOVE DEMON ANGEL!!! .....and a few other people.
Oh, and I saw what you said on Day~Dream's VMs. I thought it was pretty funny.XD
Wow....that's a sexy username.:D
o_o So you're telling me that, back in August or whenever, you could've been my girlfriend?
Dude! An angel is my gf!....Well, I knew that already.:D
So, you asked me out? When did you?
You know...I only said that cause you said it, too. I asked you because I wanted to go out with you. I had a major crush on you.XD
Yep...a month now.X3
I'm dating her.
I hope Yosha is that girl...
I try not to, but when you look like me....
You're pretty, though.
Exactly. I don't look good.
I meant my looks.
You're my BM, dude! It was a joke.
Hmmm....haven't thought about it.