Will you marry me, ma'am?
I loooooooooove you.
I'll miss you, too. :(
It's the grades from before Christmas. :(
Oh... Hey, baby, I'm probably gonna get grounded for my report card, so Idk if we can have the wedding on Saturday. I'll talk to you as soon...
Where the f*ck are you?
*sighs* *puts earphones in* *turns on 'Best Of Both Worlds'*
*nods* Yep.
We didn't finish our bowling...again!
The last time I did this, I got raped O.O
*gets thrown out a window while DD puts lipstick on me*
*nods* Anything.
She won't get mad.
I'm a play toy. You can do anything you want with me, but it has to not break forum rules.
Okay.....I hope I will be able to reply.
*shrugs* I really want to PM you...
*kisses* I love you, too.
Okay. I will.:D