During the week, I talk quite a bit considering I have classes and run into quite a bit of people. On the weekends, it depends on if I go out or not. If I stay in for the weekend, the only words I say are what I am ordering for lunch/dinner and sometimes I'll talk to my roomie but usually I just sleep. If I go out, I am usually drinking and if I drink enough, I can't shut up.
if you can't hang by sleeping with sirens
love your friends, die laughing by man overboard
a decade under the influence by taking back sunday
BOTDF has the prettiest gurl evr, tho
be mine
what exactly do you think is attractive, then?
send dick pix and ask to see bewbs
the snow has melted my birthday is good again
worst bday present ever, omfg
lol, i wouldn't really call this place dead. it's just different the people that i talked to when i was actually active for a decent span of time no longer sign on and about 75% of the people that post now aren't necessarily my cup of tea :c
If you don't think you'll be able to pass college, please take a break. It looks better than a bunch of failing grades. Universities will also let you back in when you feel the time is right to continue your schooling. The first time I went to college, one of my best friends had just passed away in a car accident. I ended up not going to 75% of my classes and would have failed. I made the decision to drop out half way through the first semester, and took a year and a half off to put myself back together. I recently started college again (about a month ago), and I am doing great. I skip a few classes (but srsly, when you have a class three times a week at eight in the morning, there are just some days you do not want to go), but I am easily able to catch back up on what I've missed. In order to succeed in college, you need to be in the right state of mind. It's stressful, and if you have other things bothering you, you're not going to do well.
call your girlfriend by robyn "don't you tell her how i give you something that you never even knew you missed. don't you even try and explain how it's so different when we kiss."
probably, "mommy is gonna start buying lots of junk food to eat her feelings away once daddy leaves for iraq. please don't eat the junk food or you will get really super fat"
impressions? favorite actor? if you could bang anyone in the world, who would it be and why? favorite bands? why are you so beautiful
you draw the nicest butts
whoa the only birthday that matters is the one that is five days after valentine's day
movie: les mis game: league of legends ok i need to play better games
I would be having a good day if the snow we had last night had melted and froze overnight so I didn't have class this morning, but nope. )':