Wanna trade?
Harpoons will be thrown if someone doesn't join within the next hour. ...Ya know, FYI.
http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Furtive_Assimilation Hello oval office~
Great. Think I'll leave it at that, then. I'd try taking the time to mod the whole tournament, but the number of codes would be enormous >_>;
Hmm. Try these then. 11c792f0 000008b6 11c79330 000008b6 11c7d2f0 000008b6 ! 11c7d330 000008b6 ! 11c7d370 000008b6 ! 11c7d9f0 000008b6 11c7da30 000008b6
Perfect =3 Now let's see if the Soldiers can work... I think these three are the right ones. 11c7ee1c 000008b6 11c7ee5c 000008b6 11c7ee9c 000008b6 One at a time though, just in case
The closest ones to those two are 11c78a10 and 11c7d2b0
Sure. Wouldn't get my hopes up, though. That was just about all the possible replacements I could find for it =/
Well yeah, but it'd spare me the time of rehacking some status codes xD
Thanks a lot =D This should be a good change of scenery, just hope the difficulty settings still apply if you switch the characters.
Hmm. That's odd... there should've been three shadows in that round. Ah well. Think you could try these, in round 49? Leon (?) 11c799cc 0000012e 11c7d150 0000012e 11c81acc 0000012e 11c828d0 0000012e One of these should make a shadow show up. Same with the following: Tifa (?) 11c7e564 0000012e 11c7fec0 0000012e 11c82810 0000012e Yuffie (?) 11c7998c 0000012e 11c7d110 0000012e 11c7e5a4 0000012e 11c82890 0000012e Cloud (?) 11c7ff00 0000012e 11c81b0c 0000012e 11c82850 0000012e
Anyone mind testing these (ONE AT A TIME) in the first round of the Hades Paradox cup? 11c78910 000008b6 11c78990 000008b6 11c789d0 000008b6 11c78a10 000008b6 11c7d230 000008b6 11c7d270 000008b6 11c7d2b0 000008b6 11c7dc58 000008b6 11c7dc98 000008b6 11c7dcd8 000008b6 11c7dd18 000008b6 11c83c18 000008b6 11c83d18 000008b6 11c83d58 000008b6 11c83d98 000008b6 Tell me which lines make Sephiroth show up. I'm looking for three.
Are you kidding? Of course I'm playing D: I'll be able to be a lot more active this time around, I assure you (Sorry P).
asdfhjkl;this still exists?!
Yeah, but there's no boss in KH2FM that looks even slightly like the Darkside (giant heartless in beginning of KH1). Sure, you can fight giant heartless, but not that SPECIFIC giant heartless. EDIT: And yeah, all twelve keyblades can work, with a little trick I remembered =P That kind of code can work just about anywhere that you can mod 5 things in.
You can't fight the giant heartless in KH1 with codes because it isn't in KH2... as far as I'm aware anyway. And one way you can record your PCSX2 is with a plugin called ZeroSPU2 I think.
^This is true. The code's unbelievably DMA, about as DMA as target mod, but less useless to release =P
Hmm, true. And I think you can fight enemies in those areas by activating the room mod before going into a boss battle. And there is a DW Roxas partner code.
Just felt like notifying you all that I might be making an emu release of this: Spoiler Twelve Keyblade code. :3