That didn't go as well as I'd thought. But my death shall not be in vain! Mwahahaha! -haunts P's kira-
Sorry, but I don't really know much about arm mods xD I think he tried to teach me them once. I'll take a look at one though, and if I figure it...
Wait a sec... no one's accusing. Kira be gettin' free kills! D:
Welcome aboard. Maybe you'll be able to help with the hint we have 8D Speaking of which, ...Well that doesn't sound right.
Sort of, but I've been really busy lately what with trying to get into school and numerous projects I've been working on... I might start dueling...
Just about, yeah. Have the rules changed much since last time?
All right! These'll come in handy for sure [IMG] Thanks a lot Jaden!
So I think I've gotten most of my monsters for my new deck... now just to find some decent magic and traps, and I'll be ready to duel [IMG]
I sort of stopped watching the tv show at around mid GX. =/ And yeah, he does look like a demonic killer whale, lol. Thanks again for the cards,...
I remember this creature! [IMG] This'll make a great secret weapon for me. Thanks!
They're similar to the replacement codes for that area in Olympus and Land of Dragons, but in a Tournament Round (Round 1). Some bosses act differently in battle events as opposed to regular areas, so thinks like fighting 4 Saix's becomes much more entertaining :3 And about your allies, I think you need to recheck your role mod. That seems to be the main problem... I think. Auran should know all about these <_<
Ah well, would've been awesome if it did. And yeah, you're pretty much the reigning fusion master =P
Two of the cards say that if I use them as material for synchro summon, all other synchro material monsters must be fish type (one) or water type...
Sure seems like it. And with cards like that, I can nullify my opponent's synchro monsters, right? None of you wish to use your powers against me. -Waves hand.-
Sounds good to me. Everybody seems to have gotten leagues better since I've been away... And wow! Those are some great cards [IMG] I never knew...
Ah, sorry 'bout that. Dozed off there for a bit. -Impales KH2man13-
Gentlemen, I've found Waldo.
Ah, these codes. I remember making some digits for them a long time ago... gimme about half an hour to rehack and I'll post you some digits :3 Do you want specific digits, or just... well, all of them?