OOC: still accepting characters here?
I'll show you on msn if you want, I gotta download camtasia to make the vid first so it might not be until a couple weeks xD
Oh no! My drastically lengthy reign of terror has come to a tragic end! Come Hastings, help me to my closet! Twist a what?
.....Wat .
Bet 10 bucks it's a record 1-day game.
Then we can only concede that it'd be foolish to accuse you on that basis alone.
Or you could just be doing this to cover your tracks, so they don't accuse you next time.
Bumpedy bump bump. 7 people to go? This could take a while.
I remember you! Sort of. Welcome back 8D
In. Maybe you should space out the key parts of the clues P, so Curious no one shoots it down too quickly?
Haha, nah. I'll just race you to the next one >.>
Stop stealing my hints, Curious!
Do I really need to say anything about this?
On the next episode of Death Note... Mako joins the round.
Tutorial coming soon.
Hey guys, due to some problems I had to switch computers and put all of my emulator files on a flash drive. The emulator still works fine, but the recording doesn't work anymore. When I press F12 the selection thing comes up, but either I've forgotten the button to stop recording or it just won't record or stop recording. I've no idea. Any help here? Using 0.9.6, by the way.
RECAP! After the unfortunate deaths of Feenie, Curious, and Makaze, the detectives finally discover one of the master minds behind the murders; Ienzo. But as the deaths and evidence run shallow, . : tale_wind takes a bold move and pins Midnight Star as the kira! Will . : tale_wind's suspicions prove to be correct? Stay tuned for more episodes of Death Note! -This series has been put on hiatus due to P not posting-
I really want to, but it's hard with everything in my life going on at once... I'll see if I can jump back in in the summer though?
You missed one. Same credit as above, I'm guessing?
Definitely in.