So there's still two notes?
I like it. Reminds me of OoT.
So this one's harder than the other secret boss? Sweet. QFT
I don't care what any of you guys say. Xehanort's voice is win~
Come on guys, just three more people.
Here's hoping that all that crap was just reminiscent to the original KH1 mind-f*ck beginning. Only far too over the top =/ KH1 originally started with a dream, so it makes sense that this one does too. . . . imo. It could just be a one-way-ticket to confusion after all.
I always found Gyarados to be badass. Dunno why. Especially red Gyarados~
Coded's on the DS, right? This is 3DS. From what I've seen, they'll likely be better.
Not getting this. I'll stick to the PS2 one, kthx.
Works perfectly, thanks Auran ^^ Though I'm using emulator.
Sure, go for it.
'bout those, a while back someone made a drive into Riku code, but it only worked for certain conditions. Lemme see if I can find it.
Yeah. KH was pretty much the "crisis moment" of the plotline, and even then meddling was frowned upon (I.E. Wonderland). But of course, Sora being his naive self didn't care.
Only nine detectives? Next round won't be starting anytime soon I take it =/ lolthistotallyisn'tabumptogetmoarpeople
Well then. Sorry >:C -dashes to YouTube-
Oh sure, let me just pop in my non-existent BBS UMD and have a look-see. Ass >:C
Reeses. I could eat them all day, unlike skittles or M&M's.