"Yea, i've been stuck on him for a while, damn Anti-Sora..." Revus said. As he saw Vexen he quickly put his PSP away and made it look like he was working.
Jared ignored that comment. He saw the temple that they were near. "Think we should go in?" He asked.
Don't think we have progress on those codes yet. Also, does anyone know the ability digits for Combo Plus, Combo Boost and Finishing Plus?
"Not me." Revus said as he unpaused his game. "Finally." He said. "Finally beat Vexen Data."
Revus paused the game. "Uhh, what are we supposed to be doing anyway?" He asked Sora.
"No thanks, it's bad enough here." Revus told him. "Oh, here comes Anti-Sora."
"Nope, no one saw. Vexen isn't hard, just really annoying, his laugh scares me though." Revus told Sora.
"Well Darius did say something about they will eventually realise." Jared explained.
Revus sighed. "Hey Sora, i'm fighting Vexen right now on my game." He then said.
Jared sighed. "There's no battery space here." He said, shaking the book around to prove his point. "Well, Geryl seems to beleive the story, but the others don't, not sure about Kyzar though." He told Isabella.
"Fair enough." Revus said as he grabbed his PSP and started playing KH2FM, which he downloaded.
Jared turned and saw Isabella. "Well, Lynn's stole the ship so we're stranded here. These people are, Xane, Kyrie, Nulix, Geryl and Kyzar. They're Light Heroes as well, but some of them think i'm lying." He explained.
Nah, you're not being weird, well, i've been looking around and doing a little RPing, oh and I've put my new sig in. hehe.
"I dunno if you should've done that you know. We've annoyed the headmaster and know we're going to annoy this crazy laughing science teacher, he uses ice remember when you fought him." Revus told Sora.
My birthday was great, finally got a camcorder, amongst other things.
Nice sig, you're definately getting better.
*Tackles everyone.* Hello family random. How is everyone.
Can I be Roxas please?
"I don't know, something to do instead of listen to Vexen." Revus said.
Revus grabbed some paper and tried making a paper Keyblade. He looked at Sora. "Why don't you try?"