Leon was leaning on a wall thinking about something, but he heard speaking and saw Rikku and the others in the distance. He walked over to them. Cloud was riding his bike and he got a phone call, he answered it. "Hello?" He asked.
Balthier looked at Kadaj. "My father's a maniac, he'll go anywhere as long as it has some kind of object to research." He explained as he then sat down.
OOC: Sorry I haven't been on, been a little busy. Could someone give me a recap please?
Hi family, how is everyone.
Thanks yet again Xiggy.
Revus looked at his watch. "About 30 seconds." He said.
OOC: Sure, i'll add you.
Jared tried cutting the net with one of his knives, but it was no use, the netting was uncuttable. "Let me go!" He demanded.
"Sorceror, you mean Julkirk right?" Jared asked as he opened the book.
"Another world, we were supposed to be heading there but things happened and we're here." Jared explained to Xane.
I know who it is, I remember who had those sigs.
"I don't know ehere Isabella is at the moment, I think she's in the ship." Jared explained. An idea then came to him. "Why don't we help with the repairs here, and then you both can come with us to Ivalice?" He suggested.
"For those wondering why i'm here. Let's say i've got some family matters to attend to." Balthier explained as he walked around.
"Hmm ok." Jared then opened the book again Lynn and Thron's pictures still remained there. "So I guess you're going to stay here?" He asked her.
Jared turned around and saw Shin chasing him. "Great." he muttered sarcastically as he ran away.
"Ok, understandable." Jared said. "Is this your home world?" He then asked.
KH, bought in 2003, KH2, bought in 2006, KH:CoM, bought in 2007
"Ok, but, why didn't you tell us you needed to get here?" Jared asked.
Jared saw that Lynn was awake. "Ahh, Lynn I have some questions to ask you. First, why did you steal our old ship?" He asked her.
Unequip all combo/air combo plus abilities. Best keyblade would be Decisive Pumpkin (unless you have Ultima). Negative combo would help a little. Use his weapon on him at any chance you get. When he's not berserk Guard his attacks and you should knock his weapon out of his hands. Giving you time to attack him. Hope this helps. Also, use Reflect in emergencies, it usually helps when trying to block his berserk attacks.