Hit it until it dies.
No I didn't, it's been there since the beginning.
The first time my friend did weed it just made his legs hurt.
In during stealing news from KHI
XionxRoxas is pretty much canon at one point after Xion stops showing up for icecream and Roxas gets all worried about her, Roxas asks Axel what Love feels like and if it's possible for him to feel Love if he doesn't have a heart.
Repliku seems to approve of my gargantuan penis this is questionable
Her stockings are the exact weave of the design of the Master Sword's handle, and her head is so clearly the tip of a sword.
And pointing out for you slow people: sure is master-sword-come-to-life in here
Glad to see that a serious psychological dependency disorder that ruins families and leads to the deaths of tens of thousands each year is funny to you, you unbelievable bastard.
Chuck Norris told me he thinks you're gay and should stop telling ****** jokes about him like an enormous homosexual.
I knew I was forgetting someone >_> okay, I fixed my horrid mistake
is your vagina tingling
So, after neglecting this for a significant period of time and then forgetting about it, I'm returning tot his thread to finish it out. Platforming and Arcade have been finally been updated, and now I'm doing Thinking.
Well, I like shorts They're comfortable and easy to wear
oh sweet mother of god what have you done
Penisman .
There's nothin gay 'bout love, baby and I am a cornucopia of love
I am a bucket of originality