And I thought I was slow...
There was nothing to understand in the first place.
GTFO. lol jkjk wecome to KH-Vids. I do hope you enjoy your stay *bows*
I like the park too! :D Lol you spelled it wrong. In all seriousness, though, they are a great band.
I would rather be mute. I am quiet as it is. I love music and I love to see the beauty of Mother Earth. Muteness wouldn't be too bad I suppose since I am quiet.
'Tis deleted. You may continue with what you have to say on it. I will no longer be a burden.
I am sorry about the post. I shall delete it.
In the real world, Sinder overheard the others talking about the dark magic. In the imagined world, Sinder remembered when she learned dark magic, thus losing her emotions as well as Sasha. It was a small price to pay after losing everything she held close. She lifted up one of the scales on her chest to see the eye that was branded on her long ago. Then, she slowly made her way to the others.
Oh. My. God. *nosebleed*
OOC: Hey, who said we can't revive this rp?
The dragon's body sat motionless in the room as her mind wandered, if one didn't look hard enough it would appear that she wouldn't be breathing. Sinder caught the smell of the Soris on her tongue. "There you are." She took off from the tree, turning invisible as her wings opened.
Sinder sliced her arm with the blade at the end of her tail. She held it to the box and let the blood drop in. When there was enough she took her arm back and licked it with her special saliva that closed the wound. The dragon appeared in a tree as she entered the imagined world. Her toongue flicked in and out as she searched for the scent of the Soris.
If anyone tries to mess with you tell them ol' Sinder's gonna come for them cuz I won't tolerate it.
Upon his death, the moon turned red...
an Asian hooker
Hmm... pm me the story? I can try my best to help.
Solution: Put some poison powder on his bed so when he goes to lay down he will breathe it in and die. Jkjkjk that's horrible xD
Well it's obvious I can't help. Sinder kidded around with her. I will need an invisibility spell as needed to watch them.
Killing yourself is not an option. I have had similar problems to you and have wanted to kill myself many times. Nevertheless, killing yourself will solve nothing. I raged in hate and sorrow and labled myself as nobody also. I called myself a Nobody, Heartless, Hollow, and so many other names. I felt numb to all emotion besides hate, anger, fury, rage, sadness, loneliness, and so on. How old are you? Talking to a professional councelor (not the ones at school) would help. Even methods such as meditation, yoga, exercising, and arts and craft stuff can help tremendously. To the kid in the gov. class; tell him to f*ck off. If he persists, pretend you don't see or hear him. You can always message me.