Big thing: NEVER hate. I have been through that process before. It took me years to get rid of the hate and rage that filled and consumed me. Trust me when I say this; hate never helps anything. It will hurt you extremely.
Sinder barrel rolled out of the way of the spear. Th ominous voice replied to her. "Sorry Mya. You lost the battle a long time ago." She struck out at Mya as fast as ligtning and made sure not to hurt her too much. A deep gash was just planted on her side.
The water made Sinder stagger but not much else, and the bolt was absorbed by her spikes. 'You can try all you want.' OOC: More like power level over 4500 :P
The arrow Leyna shot exploded from being shocked by the lightning as it neared Sinder. She stared at Mya and observed her movements and power level. 'The girl is still barely only over half her true power.' Her mane flared out even more and she gave a loud, high-pitched roar. Green fire licked her lips and face as it leaked upward out of her mouth.
Sinder grinned as the aura appeared around Mya. Then she was knocked backwards into the lake. She broke the surface of the water and stepped back onto the surface. The ominous voice came back and her eyes glew red as well as black smoke came from them. A dark laugh exited her throat. "It has begun." The mane flared out brightly once again and electricity bounced back on the spikes that ran down her back and on her tail. Fire raised from the mane and venom dripped from her fangs. Her tail swung threateningly from side to side.
OOC: you shall see soon whats going on.
OOC: heartless_angel, check inbox before posting. BIC:The creature squished her for a second to knock the air out of her. "What do you fear Mya?" She said in a low tone. "Losing your friends?" Sinder gave an ominous laugh. "Well, we'll figure that out won't we?" Her tail searched the waters for the others and, one by one, caught them in her serpentine tail. "Look Mya, we have visitors." She made the fog dissipate and the others can be seen in her grasp. Then the grip on the others slowly started to get tighter... Tighter... Tighter... Crushing them alive.
The current Mya shot only made the creature stagger a little, it was too big to be moved a lot by it. Sinder then used her powerful tail and legs to capture Mya in her claws. Then she rose out of the water into the foggy air.
The dragon-phoenix creature jumped down from the surface of the water and dove down after the Sori girl, making no sound. Her eyes glew a fierce red and the mane extended and glew as well as she faced the female. Electric currents ran through the spikes on her back and tail.
The girl transformed back into the girl before. Oh Mya... Why don't we have a little fun?... An evil smirk crossed her face and her eyes glew red. The girl disappeared in a puff of black smoke and Sinder struck out at Mya, fangs bared and mane flared, straight for her midsection.
heyheyhey rp woman!!! lol
As Mya rowed closer the girl changed into someone very familiar. The girl was now Sinder's Sori form. You killed me... Mya... How could you do such a thing?... Tears started welling up in her eyes and she kneeled down on the water. Mya... I thought you were supposed to help... Sinder was trying to get Mya into a state of weakness and self-doubt.
Sinder swirled her tail a little in the water and an ominous fog rolled in. There was no way to see through it as thick as it was. Sight was not useful. Then she became visible once again, her new form would be rather shocking to the young Soris. Sinder made an illusion around Mya. In the girl's eyes she could see a young girl, around her age to be more precise. This illusion girl seemed rather depressed and held out a hand to Mya, as if she was asking for help, while slowly making her way to the Sori. Sinder was walking on the water's surface, hidden behind this girl; growing evermore closer to the one on the fishing boat, her fangs ready for flesh.
Beautiful music. Interesting imagination...
I tend to do this with friends as well. I have a social axiety and it eventually gets to me at some point or another. Even when it does affect me I also play a 'happy' character. Just be yourself. Insecurities can cause one to step away from ones that are close to you. If this happens any further, I suggest having a sit-down with a friend or all of them and talk about what's bugging you. Talking about problems is a good way to vent and ask for advice. I'm always here to try and help. :) If you wanna drop by and pm me I'll be more than happy to try and help with the insecurities that are bothering you.
I do not have anything to work with. More detail por favor?
The what?
The video did not work. I only have a link and that does not work either. How do you do a screenshot anyway?
Haha that is very cool.
Sinder had stayed close to the lake (still invisible), watching Mya closely. She then changed her form so she could not be noticed. Her underside was now orange, the blade at the end of her tail was replaced by spikes, her eyes were red, the inside of her wings were blue, the four horns were no longer there; instead there were two that curved backward, and she had a mane of phoenix feathers. Sinder dipped herself into the lake gently, barely moving the surface of the water, and made her way underwater towards the canoe the Sori had fashioned herself. She noticed the fish moving away from her.