You. RP. Now. lol jk
Exactly .
Do not strain your minds young ones. This pool shows a true person, whether you are complete or not. In yourselfs, you have completed one another. Thus, creating strength in your joined state. The sun started to peak above the mountains and the wolf howled. As the sunlight hit the wolf she dissipated and disappeared into the air. Her howl echoed through the forest.
Sinder walked around tha pond and up to the top of the rock. A howl escaped her throat and the moon shone brightly in the night sky. It luminated the water some, making it glow a little. Look in the water... As the couples would look into the water, they see the female leaning on the male's shoulder and the male's arm around her, both of them clearly visible and whole. But, in the wolf's reflection only half of her body could be seen; the other half was just a vague outline. Also, if the couples were to look at her, she would also be half like in the reflection.
Alrighty here was a dream I had once: I was a scientist in a lab out in the forest. The janitor drank one of the vials that was on the work desks. It turned him into a werewolf-like beast that could also revert back to human. He chased me to a small adobe-like house in a sand lot. A small 2 foot brick wall stood a few feet in front of the house (of course having a space to walk through to get to the front door; which was just a hole in the front wall.) There was a small boy there, I think about 5 years old, and I told him to get down so we could hide because I knew the wolfman was close behind. He got down at first but even though I kept motioning him to stay down, he got up. The wolfman grabbed him and ripped him to pieces, spreading blood everywhere and even on me. Somehow I escaped and met with the other scientists in a city. I remember looking back once and he was following us. We separated and I ended up in a hotel room with an asian lady and her younger daughter. But the wolfman found us and used a huge ass robot to tear off the roof of the hotel. The two asian females got crushed by falling pieces of roof. Annnnnd that ended my dream lol.
The wolf led out of the forest into a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a pond and a rock that protruded over it some. She pushed Mya with her snout to one edge of the pond, then nudged Demetrio over to her side. Sinder did the same to Leyna and Hark, but put them on the other side of the lake. The protruding rock was between them.
Welllll welcome to the forum madame! *takes off tophat and bows* I guess I was a little too late on the thread you made... whoops ^^; But...
The wolf's tail wagged and her ears perked up. She trodded into the trees, constantly looking back at the group. In the dark and through the trees, the light shining from her made her look like a spirit.
The wolf padded around impatiently. Hurry... Hurry it'll be gone soon... She took a few steps backward toward the forest.
Sinder made her way warily towards Mya. Her paws touched ground and every place she stepped upon, the ground would glow a little and small plants would grow from where her paw touched ground. When she reached Mya's side she licked the wound in her side, making it disappear besides a scar that was left. She then jumped around and away from the group and stood a few yards from them, her rainbow eyes glowing. Come... Come... You must see... She swayed from side to side like she wanted them to hurry.
Sinder trodded to the middle of the lake. Mya... The angelic voice called. She crept a little closer. Mya... Mya wake up... She crept closer still, now only a few yards from the shore.
As the moon rose high into the night sky Sinder changed her form again. This time, a pure white wolf with rainbow colored eyes that shone with heavenly light. She padded towards the others and stood in a clearing on the other side of the lake. The luminescence could be easily seen in the night. A sweet and whisper-like voice came from the wolf. Mya... Even though the wolf was talking the jaws of the beast didn't move. Mya...
Ienzo and the rest of you guys are brilliant! Thanks for the stuff to write about. ^-^
I've already told them I don't believe in what they believe. I think that was why they put me in the stupid class in the first place. I think they are forcing me to believe what they do.
I have to do a paper for a religious class that my parents put me in. :nerve: It is a letter to the archbishop. The questions are; "Why do you want to be confirmed?" and "What do you like about being a catholic?" I HATE these classes because they get on my nerves. Why you may ask? It's because I don't even believe in the religion in the first place. I get f*cking irritated hearing "jesus this and jesus that. god did this and that..." and so on and so forth. I'm sorry if I offend anyone out there that is a hardcore christian or whatever it's called. Please, help me on what to say on this thing. I have no clue what to write. :.-.:
I second that.
OOC: AmericanSephiroth, No one knows that the creature was Sinder.
Pretty much all of school right there.
Can I haz one?
"It is not just luck child. I do not let my feelings consume me and that is how I win. You are lucky that I have chosen not to kill you, for you wouldn't ever see your friends again if I did." The tornadoes surrounded Sinder. "I suppose I have done enough damage here." She curled up in a ball and extended within moments, releasing a giant blast of electrical energy that struck all of Mya's friends, doing damage to their reflexes. "I shall see you soon." A smirk crossed her lips. Then she disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.