<.< >.> noooo
:) duhh everone knows catch the rain
:D ok lol life points 8000 customs yes uhh lol i guess the rest are defualt
lol how random
DX i cant duel u then...all my cards are customs
>.> *looks at album* o.o duel meeee
the n yes of course lol
:( sorry my labtop has some werid virus to where i cant click links use the adress bar or use internet explorer i have to make a shortcut to it...
sorry i do not
DX k i aked her
D: i hate to be a pain dp but whats with my post it was 50 somin now its 3
:D im happy to but one question looks at my post they were 50 something now it 3 wtf! >:(
O_o good question your 14 and your (acutly) bearing a chiled? O_o gawd alots changed in a few weeks
D: btw what happend to my posts they were at 50 something now its 17
lol indeed
XD *high five* so hows you and jaden
im quite good
lol washington DC mostly lol just got the inter net up
hi there..