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  1. sora_101
    Oh, so I'm gessing it didn't work then, well we got other codes xD

    ...but what about the wisdom shot ability? I have it in one of my files.
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. sora_101
    WOAH, woah, woah, woah!

    ...hold on for a second...

    Woundn't that activate the synch blade abillity, or the wisdom shot ability?!

    Another way is to save it, let it be for a while, and it'll re-boot the ability to itself as if you unlocked it :p

    and if you leveled up, you can probably use a code to turn it to lvl 1 again!
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. sora_101

    yeah... it's been out for a while :)

    Oh, okay. sorry, I didn't understand :sweatdrop:

    Well, i don't know if anyone can transport mickeys inventory to sora's, or with any other character, so i say theres no way so far.

    The WTTD is the weapon given to riku, because of his unique moveset, some, maybe all, of soras attacks will not work :/
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. sora_101
    oh, that makes sense xD

    Anyway, I've found a source of the enemy mod, the one Razor uses, it replaces soilders with dusks, from Ryota

    Wasn't that made in the past? :huh:
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. sora_101

    I wish i could rep you, but why did you keep it for yourself?
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. sora_101
    W-Wow, did you just port that?
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. sora_101
    Um... i believe that won't work, however Razor released a DW Wisdom Fix code for FM+

    If Razor can give the NTSC version, or someone ports it, that'll be great (if possible!)

    DW Wisdom Fix (FM+)
    21cd5230 46544c55
    21cd5234 00004c5f
    21cd5248 58455f57
    21cd524c 5f303130
    21cd5250 46544c55
    21cd5252 0000525f

    AR MAX
    ~by Razor234 (SakuxBo)
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. sora_101
  9. sora_101
    Made a code, makes enemies Supa-strong AND Infinite Hp to EVERY world(I think :p)

    Battle Lvl Omega
    20340E8C FFFFFFFF

    1. Can't help with that

    2.Use Sora w/ Riku's moveset, the weapon modifier doesn't allow you to attack with WTTD

    Mickey keyblade works with normal sora but magical stuff, like guard break, don't attack, plus it makes weird sounds...

    3. I don't know yet... maybe only videos, like blitz form.
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. sora_101
    1. Using PS2DIS, and knowledge of it, but in here, ps2dis or pcsx2 is spam, so theres no guide.

    However, you can ask moderators for more info on using those features :D

    2. Most of the characters you said are solid, dw roxas can't do any RCs without mushballing, because it doesn't have enough bones to match sora's

    Riku only jumps and attacks, there's been recent attack-on-the-ground riku codes, but they cancel out the lock-on feature. Check the mickey codes so they are perfect.otherwise, I have nothing for you...

    Hooded roxas is impossible, maybe forever. He only appears on his cut-screen, and in FM+ sora and HD Roxas battle.

    3. Party Modifiers, i believe, can be converted. However, you must find someone with a omni-converter (Downloadable in front page, need WINrar!)

    4. Unless you have an attraction of old kh1 sora, allow japanese, have a swap-magic, knowledge of using the swap magic, and capable of buying it on the internet, plus new bits on the storyline...

    ...then, yes! I'm planning to use it in the future. Also, don't talk about it here, it's also spam!!

    Hope this hels to all your questions!
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. sora_101
    Yeah, he was saying use the model mod, this code
    51CB97B0 00000020
    01CB9750 00000000


    21CB9754 5F303031
    21CB9758 4647414D

    Add them both, and it'll make sure you have valor with wisdom's model :D
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  12. sora_101
  13. sora_101
    Just wanted to point this out, but it doesn't seem to work for me :/
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. sora_101
    Correct, on the right door at the end
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  15. sora_101
    Profile Post

    Anytime :D

    Anytime :D
    Profile Post by sora_101 for NarutoSuperKubii, Jun 28, 2009
  16. sora_101
    Done at profile...

    anyway, I found out something with the "Infinite Drive" code

    I noticed the drive turned to 9, and the hex value was 0A090964 I made a few tests, changing the code to 0A0A0A64

    ... it veiwed "1" on my drive gauge, but showed "10" when using the drive recovery item

    I went far using the code as 0A646464
    ...anyone who knew hexadecimals, it would be 100

    ...It Worked...
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. sora_101
  18. sora_101
  19. sora_101
  20. sora_101 you have WINrar?

    after all, it's a RAR file, so get that and it should work :)
    Post by: sora_101, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault