Search Results

  1. sora_101
  2. sora_101
    Well, Ryota found out that if you spam out the keybalde size mod, with a few other codes, he'll weild backwards.

    Post by: sora_101, Jul 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. sora_101
  4. sora_101
    ummm... do you want anything?
    Profile Post by sora_101 for ◄Slip►, Jul 4, 2009
  5. sora_101
    well, it seems that mickey will only move when enemies appear, unless somebody makes a code like that.

    the DW Sora code has been made, but it doen't use magic, because it's based on Valor Form
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. sora_101
    Profile Post

    sure! what's up?

    sure! what's up?
    Profile Post by sora_101 for ◄Slip►, Jul 4, 2009
  7. sora_101
    Neutral Role Mod
    Digit 08 with specified Characters
    find it!

    EDIT: NTSC version here:
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. sora_101
    I'm looking for that too! :lolface:
    Sorry, i thought I can have somebody to port it so I wouldn't have to go through all of those lines :p
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. sora_101
    I planning to buy kh2 FM+ soon, can someone port this for me please! thx!

    All Items
    40340CE8 00500001
    62626262 00000000
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. sora_101
    I'm sure codebreaker works with 32 byte codes!
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. sora_101
    I have a S3 SLUS File [[OFF TOPIC]]]

    ...but I've heard Carey saying that the codes always froze up
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. sora_101
    one of the lines deletes the goofy slot, check in Sora, roxas, and Sora v.s Sephiroth from SoraRawks
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. sora_101
    That's a LONNNG Code O.O

    What's it do?
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. sora_101
    some bosses might be Permanently fixed to sora, and the boss will leach over to you, i've tried it

    by the way, have you used Full Party?

    also, for the antifinal code, forms and soras models turning to anti's model only seem to have the first verion to work

    This is the code your looking for:
    51CB98D0 00000020
    01CB9870 00000000
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. sora_101
    Can't test right now, in watching my little brother
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. sora_101
    Re-edtited, sorry.

    Maybe it works, i'll test them soon!
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. sora_101
    What I think...

    Dark Warrior Sora[KH2FM+ Version]:

    11CE0B68 00000057
    01C95617 00000000
    21C95618 00000000
    01C9565F 0000000A
    21CD528C 00303330
    21CD5290 00000000
    11CD5294 00000000
    1032E020 0000002B
    1032EECC 0000002A
    11CD4394 000009A2
    21CE267C 005300B2
    21C95614 5F303031
    21C95618 464C5448

    Kingdom Hearts 2 [NTSC/UC]

    11CFA3FC 00000057
    01CB9817 00000000
    21CB9818 00000000
    01CB985F 00000009
    21CEFF38 00303330
    21CEFF3c 00000000
    11CEFF40 00000000
    1033FEC0 0000002B
    10340B74 0000002A
    11CEF110 0000XXXX
    21CFBDEC 005300B2
    51CB98D0 00000020
    01CB9810 00000000

    Light Warrior Sora[KH2FM+ Version]:

    11CE0B68 00000057
    01C95617 00000000
    21C95618 00000000
    01C9565F 0000000A
    21CD528C 00303330
    21CD5290 00000000
    11CD5294 00000000
    1032E020 000001F4
    1032EECC 0000002A
    11CD4394 00000949
    21CE267C 005300B2
    21C95614 5F303031
    21C95618 4647414D[/QUOTE]

    Kingdom Hearts 2 [NTSC/UC]

    11CFA3FC 00000057
    01CB9817 00000000
    21CB9818 00000000
    01CB985F 00000009
    21CEFF38 00303330
    21CEFF3c 00000000
    11CEFF40 00000000
    1033FEC0 00000029
    10340B74 0000002A
    11CEF110 0000XXXX
    21CFBDEC 005300B2
    51CB9870 00000020
    01CB9810 00000000
    21CB9814 5F303031
    21CB9818 46544C55
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. sora_101
    Took the liberty of labeling :D
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. sora_101
    Thank you for loading those attachments!!
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. sora_101
    Easy: add the Final, valor, and mastor hand mod to the code

    All Drive Forms Unlocked


    20340E28 FFFFFFFF
    20340E2C FFFFFFFF
    20340E30 FFFFFFFF
    10340B24 00000180
    10340B74 00000180
    10340B9C 00000180

    those are struggle bats, change them into something else with these

    0029 = Kingdom Key
    002A = Oathkeeper
    002B = Oblivion
    01F4 = Ultima Weapon

    Anyway, If Kh2 and Kh2FM+ Digits work the same, then this is what I found...

    ___ replaces soldiers and surveilence robots
    21cba534 00XXXXXX
    21cba554 2eXXXXXX
    21cbce74 00XXXXXX
    21cbce94 2eXXXXXX
    21cbced4 00XXXXXX
    21cbcef4 2eXXXXXX
    21cba52c 00000003
    21cbce6c 00000003
    21cbcecc 00000003

    XXXX Digits
    Dusks (from Ryota) = 303939
    Neoshadows (from Razor) = 303234

    I would like someone to test this out, and if someone would port this, that would be kind too

    (By Razor's vid: Kh2FM+ DW Mickey!)
    21c96334 00303234 ....morning star
    21c96354 2e303234
    21c9632c 00000003
    21c98c74 00303234 ....armored knight
    21c98c94 2e303234
    21c98c6c 00000003
    21c98cd4 00303234 ....surveillance bot
    21c98cf4 2e303234
    21c98ccc 00000003
    21c952b4 00303234 ....crimson jazz
    21c952d4 2e303234
    21c952ac 00000003
    21c94294 00303234 ....bookmaster
    21c942b4 2e303234
    21c9428c 00000003
    Digits are Neoshadow, for no confusions! :D

    Untill then, most digits can be pooled here, or at the front page, if IWantedToExplode wants to send them there!
    Post by: sora_101, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault