Yes, and by the looks of it, it's still a DMA for Riku's battle :/
well, I found that in a closed thread, and the same thing happened to me. I was wondering if someone could work it. sorry...
No problem xD Can anyone port this, it's from razor234, replacing ALL of the nobodies with neoshadows, or Dusks if you remeber the digits!! repalce all nobodies with neoshadows (Razor234) e020fdff 0034d45c 21c99094 00303234..........sorcerer 21c990b4 2e303234 21c990f4 00303234..........creeper 21c99114 2e303234 21c98eb4 00303234..........sniper 21c98ed4 2e303234 21c98e54 00303234..........samurai 21c98e74 2e303234 21c98df4 00303234..........assassin 21c98e14 2e303234 21c98f14 00303234..........dancer 21c98f34 2e303234 21c99154 00303234..........dusk 21c99174 2e303234 21c98f74 00303234..........berserker 21c98f94 2e303234 21c98fd4 00303234..........gambler 21c98ff4 2e303234 21c98d94 00303234..........dragoon 21c98db4 2e303234 Thx in advance to whoever ports it :D ... Ahh what the heck Dusks = 303939, where the 303234(Neoshadows) digits are (BY RYOTA)
Have you checked "Playable Characters"? Play as Dual-Wielding Roxas in PJ's BEP6-X0QB-NA1F5 GKMF-G0EA-C5K8F FCQH-KR6R-KFX7D Q729-DK94-50VBR 1DKF-VGF2-85GGH K52D-5XJ9-8QRYC WEHG-UQM9-GY67F 11CFA3FC 00000323 21CC3830 58455F50 21CC3834 5F303131 21CC3838 5F43504E 21CC383C 414A4150 21CC3840 0053414D Glad to hear :)
...What would happen if you increase the digits?
No, but I think you can look for it on youtube :P
That's ~Model MOD ~UWM MOD ~Game MODS I should know, because that's part of my "New Warrior" code
Stick (DUMMY) 0801
And the hooded Roxas code xD
It's a tutorial, using kh1 as an example. I dont know :(
It was a remake of the Texture mod. Basically you were to take the texture of Sephiroth Maybe I should joker it untill the sephiroth battle...hmmm...
yeas, and it's supposed to not die, because if you damage him for a while he goes into a cutscene!
Can someone test this for me? 21CFA3FC 08B60054 11CFA3FE 000008B6 01CDD80C 00000001 Play it to find out what it is, or tell me if it froze :)
have you read the file: Sora/Roxas Codes Max AP 0032E028 000000FF
In RAW Format, it's codebreaker PM me for more info! :D
nope, what's wrong?
King Mickey {B
The matrix was a big sandwhich? xD
O.o Never saw that type of code before.