No, sorry :(
The Warrior Sora code is making master form weild a keyblade on one hand and a shield on the other! :D
Wisdom 1032EE5C 0000???? Edited with real digits of weapons :D
Here: Dw Wisdom Fix (Razor234) RAW 21cd5230 46544c55 21cd5234 00004c5f 21cd5248 58455f57 21cd524c 5f303130 21cd5250 46544c55 21cd5252 0000525f AR MAX CNHB-N9KD-QVP60 189W-KBA3-QDZEA KDGQ-TG22-M5X8F DF26-BD3E-HQ5DV UMY3-MX6K-FJCND ZUMA-UXUQ-KE7TQ 8B3J-PD6W-65FCN Make Sure to add Wisdom's Hand mod! Some real digits: 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 021F = Acrossing Two 002A = Oathkeeper 0220 = I believe the mushroom keyblade xD
Recheck your mastercode, and make sure it's okay. Also, try the code alone and into a place fixed up, like hollow bastion, twilight town, etc. because I also have a hard time with codes in disney castle :/ 1. There isn't that many character slots, only 3 can be replace (Sora, Donald, and Goofy) and sora can't be replaced with a boss. However, if you're using room mods, the AI of the bosses would be to high, and most likely will crash the game 2. Final Xemnas can't, apparently, be called in UCM terms, no one knows why.
That'll probably make a mushball, but probably might happen. However, the two models aren't exactly alike, so it'll be glitchy. Sorry if I'm being rude. Apparently, this didn't come to me if I'm wrong!!) This is from Keytotruth. DW Limit form (Non-floating keyblades) 01CDB31F 00000008 521CD620 58455F57 21CD620C 5F303130 21CD6210 4631484B Footage (by Ninetailednaruto98)
No, not that i heard of :huh:
AR MAX Won't work with that, I'll port it... Sightseeing Mode {AR MAX Format} 2H8Q-VKBT-ACRU0 89UH-AV7V-M6APX 9AW3-93U1-00KB1 YPUC-799V-QWG8A RMMY-HZM5-R3V32 UA6X-4KV7-XCJE2 0GAK-PUP6-4PKKU More info is on the video called: "Multi-Code Demonstration Video" by OmegaErkz (Erkz on!)
no problem! :lolface:
Using the "Boss Status Modifier" on the front page, put in "2EE0" as digits for Max HP to get, as said, max HP (12 Bars!) If alone, use boss status mod 2 fighting Twilight Xemnas would need boss status mod 3 If with Donald and Goofy, Use the FIRST boss status mod, don't worry, I've tested it :D
Does a SLUS File work?
Dynamic Memory Allocation. Yes, it only works in one specific room like everyone said xD Edited from dream traveler's post below :D
Nice job guys, can't wan't for the dialogue to xD
No, you need to put in wisdom's hand mod in too!
You're forced to be master, so it seems you can't use magic. However, if you drive to it, like Slip's Dark knight form, magic will be enabled. Ask Slip for details :)
well, show the code, sora-final-riku :D
An odd connection XD Sorry, no new codes yet :|
Terra as an ally, dw wisdom fix, Dw Anti and limit forms, all items condensed version (For kh2 xD)
Hm... Warrior Sora[KH2 NTSC U/C] 11CFA3FC 00000057 01CB985F 00000009 21CEFF38 00303330 21CEFF3C 00000000 21CEFF40 00000000 1033FEC0 00000029 10340B74 0000002A 11CEF110 00000240 11CEF10C 00000XXX <DUMMY DIGITS ALWAYS!!> 21CFBDEC 005300B2 Keep it in this order, and make sure kingdom key = oathkeeper has dummy digits, the ones you used, because when switching kingdom key with oathkeeper using real digits corrupts attack, magic, and ability, making it freeze, like you said :lolface: I don't think that's it, cause when relating 2 Oathkeepers, and Oathkeeper has shield, chances are that they both get shields