hey let me ask u ? if u had to be in a class when the teacher is talking about and only about the **** what would u do?
trying to find a way to tell my parent i lost my phone, broke my glass, have a morning detation and have them tell me about sex(if need to ask why...
is sleeping right next to me
hello how r u doing today?
it a dumb health proj about how to protect yourself from "yourself" and now in class we have to talk about sex
no ok let me tell u them in order 1. broke my glass 2. got morning detation for playing tic-tac-toe(which was realy fun because my teacher was...
i have no idea it just happen 1 by 1.
not much. just lost my phone, glasses are broken, and i have a morning detation
now this is a better 1
hey what r u doing?
lol i didnt no u put the chp in different places. i read chp 3 and then i had to read chp 2
i would like to stay and talk to u but i have to go i need to start my homework or i will never get it done so bye
well then good for u. hey i got to go now i realy need to start my homework or i never get it done so bye
well u just have to wait and see. alot of stuff happen when u r not looking
i no but ever time im around her i get..........(dont no how to say it) and im going to realy miss her
lol if i seen her in person and she is as hot as u say then i might dump mine and try to get yours (Which real never happen)
no i dont have her e-mail and i cant see her because i dont no where she live or her # which realy suck
maybe to u but other people would say different thing
dosnt like gay people
i would say yes but her eyes kind of scare me