ok then...........is there anything to talk about?
lol i believe u i just do that to my friend to make them feel bad let talk...
wish he was a man
ok ok clam down and let talk about something else then like........how a nice person u r :) dont ask i got bored if u want to talk about...
well did u every ask again every 1 has to take the health class we have the choice
got rape by a dog................twice
told u when u were 5? why would they tell u at 5 i have no idea why they have health. we just do
loves micheal jackson
what u mean never told me they will today. and what about u when did u learn this?
hate white people
lol u did it on yourself. i told my dad 1st and he just stand there for a couple a min and then said "wait into your mom come home, she will tell u"
hate asian
lol what the heck. we muct be very loney to do that
yep i thought it would be fun to tell my parent that and we have to learn how the dk. work and next we have to learn how the vig. work to
yes then after that we have to learn about the vig.
Let me be with you - round table
yes that part when u did it. but i realy dont care about it. we have to talk about how the dk work and everything about it. it realy suck
1. my phow is on v. 2. i can see with out them and only wear them to see far 3. we have to talk about it in health
lol...................i realy didnt need to no that
yes i have to tell them because my health teacher is making us and how the hell u no that