i have to go now it was nice talking to u and because i ant going be on for next week HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)
sure i just remember u said u was a working on a book. how is it going?
The Alchemyst(The Secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel) by Micheal Scott
well i cant tell so for now i have to believe u
that nice r u any good?(ur opinion)
lol wow it ok so what did u get?
it was kind of hard to be happy to my family when it was my only gift and it was also useless
its a X .
i only got 1 gift and the gift was a gutair for a game that i dont even have
im doing fine. my christmas suck what about ur christmas?
hey how u doing?
not bad my christmas suck how about u?
Citizen Soldier in my pants
what the heck! is that a toy or the real thing?
3 Doors Down - It's Not My Time
3 Doors Down - Citizen Soldier
i got money and my best gift was a.................................................................. wireles guitar for gutair hero but i dont...
hello and how was ur christmas?
Merry Christmas