yes it dose i just have to remeber it some how
i dont no any more i got fogot after every thing u said
im lost i all of this
that wasnt the ?
then u have no other chose but to answer mine
there is............................i lost count but u havnt answer my ?
funny................................ maybe what about u?
wants everybody to drop dead
good-crazy-sad-hunger-happy-and my fav. bored
good-bad-crazy what u?
well then hi
r u still sure?
u sure? .
im srry but she is more fun to mess with is there anything i can do to make it up to u but if not then...................................
yes i do i would go to some 1 else but she not on
fine just had nothing else to do
hello how r u?
hello how r u doing?
hey how u dong?
hey answer this ? when am i movin?