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  1. sora n roxas rock
    its ok -she smiled- I came close to using my powers against the head teacher once...and flood the school
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. sora n roxas rock
    OOC Yah but not everyone has to start there
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. sora n roxas rock
    -she watched them- You know I'm used to it my friends did it all the time...mind you I'm supprised I had any -she quietly said to herself-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. sora n roxas rock
    Yep -she smiled and took Xigbars hand- Zexion told me your power just so you know
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. sora n roxas rock
    -Aqua tured to Xigbar and asked- Your the one that controls space right?
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. sora n roxas rock
    Your all in and yes you can have Cloud and Sephiroth

    OO start now if you want
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. sora n roxas rock
    It's ok...I only found out about you a few months ago unfortunetly
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. sora n roxas rock
    OOC ok thanks
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. sora n roxas rock
    -she smiled hugging him back- I've missed you
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. sora n roxas rock
    -she smiled- Nice to meet you too bro
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. sora n roxas rock
    Your in but dose that mean she can use water and illusion constantly or certain times
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. sora n roxas rock
    -Aqua looked at Demyx and giggled- errm Yah but my real name is Aqua -she smiled-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. sora n roxas rock
    Your in ^_^
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. sora n roxas rock
    OOC aww bye bye

    ...Good plan -she smiled-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. sora n roxas rock
    Ok so yes its to do with kingdom Hearts but this is the back story so it cross' over with some of the story (it involves all of the kh characters)

    mini Story
    There are 6 elements that are there to protect the Keyblade Barers. This is the first time in the history of the 6 elements that all 6 of them are around at the same time.

    The 6 elemtents

    Age: 16
    Sibling: Riku (Twin sister)
    Power: Darkness
    Element power: power over hearts
    Element: Heart
    Weapon: Claymore (that is black with a heart shape on it and spikes)
    Connection to (key barer/connected to key barer): Riku

    Age: 16
    Sibling: Sora
    Power: Key blade
    Element Power: power over peoples light (is able to make someone Dark turn to Light)
    Element: Star
    Weapon: 4 lances (different to Xaldin’s)
    Connection to (key barer/connected to key barer): Sora

    Age: 15
    Sibling: Kairi (Twin brother)
    Power: magic
    Element Power: Memories of the other 6 Elements
    Element: Moon
    Weapon: 8 Shuriken (the small ones)
    Connection to (key barer/connected to key barer): Kairi

    Age: 15
    Sibling: Zexion
    Power: Illusion and Blue Fire
    Element Power: Sorrow (Sees into people’s sad times and makes them reply it)
    Element: Raindrop
    Weapon: A Chackram and 4 Kunai
    Connection to (key barer/connected to key barer): Roxas

    Age: 16
    Sibling: Demyx
    Power: Water and Red Water
    Element Power: Fear (Sees into people’s worst times (that scared them) and makes them reply it)
    Element: Thunderbolt
    Weapon: A water type looking Scythe
    Connection to (key barer/connected to key barer): King Mickey

    Age: 15
    Sibling: Larxene
    Power: Electricity
    Element Power: Love (can change who a person loves and cares about)
    Element: Cloud
    Weapon: 2 Katana
    Connection to (key barer/connected to key barer): Naminé


    3 Characters each


    Relitive (optional):

    Rikka: Sora n roxas rock
    Apperence: [​IMG]


    Apperence: [​IMG]

    Kayleigh: Sora n roxas rock
    Apperence: [​IMG]



    Original Kingdom Hearts Characters
    Kairi: Sora n Roxas rock

    Zexion: SoraNRikuNKairi
    Axel: Overload
    Demyx: SoraNRikuNKairi

    Cloud: King Of Darkness
    Sephiroth: King Of Darkness

    Name: Xert
    Age: 30
    Apperance: where a black orgaization robe has brown hair and grey eyes
    Power: magic and some powers over the mind
    Relitive (optional): none
    Weapon: he pulls them from portals
    Bio: he's stayed in the shadows waiting for the right time and has now has come to light ruleing over the nobodies and his own somebody solders
    Other: The armor on his Somebody solgers is an namo bot based armor which forms around them. The armor helment has a small computer that can help in battle. at the lower arms has chainsaw like blades for combat and climeing. room for two two handed wepons on the back. and four one handed wepons on the front and uper leg. the wrist has options from flam thrower, grapling hook, shoot gun burst or a flare. and at the lower legs anouther set of chainsaw like blades.

    Name: Colexin
    Age: 17
    Power: Can Create Time Vortex's, Invisible Walls, And Can See Things That Will Happen In The Future, As Well As Able To See Anywhere She Likes, Making It Easier For Her To See Where Anyone Is, Aswell As Know Who Is Winning Certain Battles.
    Relitive: She Is Dating Zexion (That Allowed?), and Is Demyx's Second Cousin.
    Weapon: Soul Of Ice. It's A Specially Designed Weapon, and Looks Like The Part Of Marluxia's Scythe That Joins The Scythe to The Stick It's on....>.<
    Bio: She can be kind when she wants to be, and can feel through her soul. Not having a heart takes its toll, so when she gets angry, there is no stopping her, for her mind takes over and she can't listen to her soul's conciense.
    Other: She also control's Water and Illusion with an Amulet Given to her by Demyx&Zexion.

    Name: Xeol
    Age: 17
    gender: male
    Apperance: wears an organization hood,has green eyes,has brown hair the front is cut to the eye brows and the back length is medium and the sides thats by the ears stops at his coller bone. He wears a dog tag thats engraved with his somebody name and love ufrom his girlfriend before he lost his heart
    power: he is able to create and controll fog
    Relitive: may be related to larxene and may be the cousine of Luxord
    Bio: he is nice and he loves to play tricks on people when he feels like it. He likes to tell jokes. He likes to make bets on things. Also he gets emo when he thinks about the words thats on his dog tag that says i love u with the intials J.S
    weapon: foged memories, Its a silver dager that is very sharp that he recieved when he became a nobody
    other: likes to mess around in vexens lab

    Name: Arixia
    Age: 15
    Apperance: girl pink hair/animewallpaper18.jpg [big pic ._.]
    Power: Earth - most especially thorns and vines and a bit of songtress/ dark dancer magics
    Relitive (optional): apparentally she is Marluxia's younger sister [O_o] and was also discovered as the cousin of Zexion and somehow relative of Larxene
    Weapon: A mic she uses that extends as an electrical wip
    Bio: She doesn't remember anything from her past except that her true self was a songtress/dark dnacer [like Yuna in that form of hers] She doesn't really enjoy being with her older brother and likes being with Zexion as a cousin. She's playful and won't stand still for a dull moment. Rather active for a nobody, she enjoys battles and tricks. But she's still young and can't really handle stuff sometimes.
    Other: she doesn't like wearing the organization cloak, she finds it unconfortable.

    Avatar URL;

    Nobody URL;

    Name: Brexen
    <Organisation 13 Name> the Eternal Nothingness
    Being: Nobody
    <Organisation 13 Rank> 0
    <Controller of> Swades (Nobody, see image.)

    Weapon:Power of Chaos Keyblade
    <Keychain Yes/No> Yes (It's worn around his neck)

    Element:Chaos (Light, Darkness & Nothingness Combined)

    Quick Bio:
    First Nobody in Existance,
    Member of the Chasers
    True Leader of Organisation 13
    Keyblade Master
    Leader/Founder of Outsiders 'known as Beings of Chaos'.

    Name: rexejon
    Age: 16
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    Power: lava, fire, earth
    Relitive (optional): axel's little brother
    Weapon: doule katana's
    Bio: when seprated with his older brother he was trained by ninja's and samurai's, he also was trained by different predators and learned by himself how to use his powers
    Other: he is a little bit different then axel, he is more serious then axel

    Hiya may I join please?

    Name: Lynix
    Age: 17
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    Power: Ice
    Relitive (optional): She is related to Aerith
    Weapon: She doesnt use one instead she turns her hands into huge ice claws
    Bio: She lives on the streets since she belives her sister is dead and hasent even seen her so she dosent know what she look's like but know's she has one.
    Other: She's afraid of fire and being with in a group of people for so long.

    any other caracter you want adding just ask
    Thread by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 14, 2008, 592 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. sora n roxas rock
    -she laughed a little- Ah but I'm good at finding things and with Demyx's help it'll be impossible to hide them
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. sora n roxas rock
    I love skittles too -she smiled-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. sora n roxas rock
    -she laghed a little- He sound like what my parents descrebed him like...They said when I lived with them for a bit I kinda resembled him only I was a little more mature then him
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. sora n roxas rock
    Water clones? -she smiled-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. sora n roxas rock
    -she giggled- Dose Demyx like flooding places?
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Dec 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home