Well at least you can get better now What happened?
found out? Oooooo Zexy has a secret -Aqua blinked-
OOC XDDDD About -she said- No one was around so I got bored
Yah thats mean especialy infront of Aqua ...Huh?
-Kayleigh skated in- Here I am There she is OOC...Why?
No he never said Axel is mean he said that you can be Oh so I'm right?
Love? -Axel smiled- Zexion did say you were mean
...-she blinked- You know I'm on about Kayleigh...Right?
OMG Zexy embersed -Axel laughed- ...You like torturing him don't you?
No problem...-she turned to Zeixon- So your her brother then -she said to him-
oooo an embersed Zexy, I wanna see -Axel laughed- -Aqua just looked at them-
-Rikka walked through the portal walking with her- OOC up to you
...Oh yah...Just wondering what did you whisper to Zexion earlier? ...Xigbar can whisper? thats a new discovery
ok -Rikka said as she helped Colexin up carfuly-
No probelm Xiggy -he smiled- I'm guessing this happens all the time then?
-Rikka created a dark portal down to Colexin- I could bandage it up for now and take you to get it sorted out if you want?
-Axel barley missed Zexion's leg and laughed- Gonna send him into a constent falling illusion again Oh your the fire one right? Yah -she said turning to Aqua- so you've heard of my greatness -he smiled-
OOC yah thats why I made them twins XDDDD plus I liked the idea of Riku having a sister that would compeat with him XDDD -Rikka sighed then from the top of the building she was on she shouted- Want any help down there?
-Aqua Laughed- You two arguing again -Axel said as he appered behind Zexion and put a hand on him hopeing Zexion would jump-
-Rikka watched Colexin from a distance- She looks powerful -she thaught- -Kayleigh wondered around- Great once again I'm on my own -she got on her skatebord and skated around- OOC btw Kayleigh is like a skater punk...she tends not to have a style and rikka is a bit like Riku only a bit lighter