What is that? -she asked looking at the bottle-
-kayleigh jumped to the other side of the all alsmost- don't do that
whatever -axel said as he ported off to look for Xigbar- -as axel left Aqua portled in and instantly noticed Zexion's eyes-...Are you possessed? -she said as she rushed over to check on him-
ok bye -she said-
oh well it's ok -she smiled-
I could try...and what's happened to your eyes?
Zexion is the same or at least he was the same...Dose he fight now?
OOC W00T guitar for xmas ^_^
OOC...Sorry i've been gone for a while christmas and all whats been happanin?
That'll be easy -he smiled-
-she sighed- They should get something in here
I know but I don't really like fighting that much...unless its that heartless witch This place is boring -Rikka said as she wondered around-
You know I could go talk to him and ask if he'd do that for you
He's good -she smiled- better then I could do
ah...well would he be alowed out for a little bit as long as he stays out of your way?
OOC...I donno...we've just left the appartment so somewhere near there...and its ok
OOC ok thanks You mean sorta cocky
Any chance of you letting Xigbar out of that book of yours anytime soon?
OOC we could meet you along the way