Hey Zexion -she said smiling- How are you?
...are you sure your not clinically insane? -she asked Xigbar-
-she turned to Colexin- Oh thanks -she smiled then went through the portal to Zexion-
Oh I have an elemental power...If you can call it that -she said then she whoed them her thunderbold birthmark- this it the thing that hold my power -she said then looked at Zexion and said- You said that you were ok
-she smiled- She's after my power...But I guess you know nothing about that
Well I have and idea of why she wanted me but I still can't figure out what I could have donw for her
-she sighed- all mum and dad told me was that she wore black and purple cloths and had horns on her head...I don't really remember myself but there were these other people who kidnapped me form her and looked after me ever since -she smiled- They live in a place now called...errm...Radiant Gardens...I think
I donno I only saw them a month ago for the first time...I was kidnappend when I was younger so I wouldn't know
oh...and they didn't like that very much I guess
oh...Why not?
Yah -she smiled- Oh yah mum and dad say hi -she smiled-
errm thanks -she said as she looked at Axel then walked off looking for Zexion-
-Aqua looked at Demyx and giggled a little too- But you'll get used to it
new year soon ^_^ can't wait
-kayleigh jumped again but this time not as much- thats it I'm going before anymore people show up and make me jump out of my skin...again -she turned around to walk off but then turned back to the group-...Errrm dose any one know where Zexion is? -she asked them-
Errm ok -Aqua said as she watched Zexion go- I'd better go see Demyx -she thaugh to her self as she walked round to demyx's room. As she walked she wondered what happened to make her get separted and why most of the elements were connected to the key barers-
OOC that was random XDDDD
nowt hung about with my besty friend and beein bored...you?
I hate being snuck up on
Oh...Well don't drink too much -she smiled-