OOC oh no there is only one at destany islands the other two are some where else but I alrady know where XDDDDD Daisuke is going out with Rikka thats why he is easier But not that much right? It shuldn't be too hard to find them
Hey Dem why not get your sis to help out? I'm not helping you
W00T and I will have world domination ^_^ -goes insainly evil-
Yup Mwhahah I can't wait till she crashes and burns -has an evil grin and look-
...Yah but where will they be? I know Daiuske has an element...I've seen his birth mark
ok -Axel clicked his figers and Zexion was set on fire-
OOC your in ^_^
...I'll make you give in...Hmmm -he said as he turend and looked at aqua- Don't look at me I'm not helping you
I will do plus I've lived with it for 11 years I could end up in a better life then them one day especily when one of them gets what ever she...
...Cheater -Aqua laughed- your bad at distractions arn't you
thats what I did but it still happens but if I report them one more time they are gonna be expelled
I know but it ruins school and college -sigh-
crossover area called the new kingdom hearts
Bullies as always I've lived with them for 11 years (school life) so I guess another year won't hurt
Hiya I'm ok you? oh check out my new rp ^_^ plz
We'll just have to try harder -Axel said summoning dusks and telling them to attack Zexion and not listen to him-
hmmm I probs wont as always -sigh-
I think it's fear...She has a thunderbolt birth mark like the rest of us...but ours is different Like mine is a heart -she said as she showed Zexion and Kayleigh her heart shaped birth mark on her shoulder- And Kayleigh has one too but I don't know her power Oh this -She said showing her Riandrop one the resided on her right wrist- I think it's Sorrow or something...Another thing I don't get whats with the key barers?
-Axel watched Demyx- This may be fun...Hey Dem make your dancers attack him that might work
-she thaught for a bit- Oh yah...Hmm maybe we could ask Rikka if she know's any...or ask the key barers Ask me what? -Rikka said walking through the door-