cool , i really thought there shold have been more daylight lvls =P
hehe *hugs u back* but just incase i turn into a dino, get hungry and might eat u! , a kiss always changes me back 2 human hehe ^^ jkin well...
i got the wii version , the daylight levels are awsome , which 1 u got ?
*licks ur face then roars softly, turns bak 2 human* mmmm i would neva dare 2 hurt u =P i was just trying mean, guess im no good ^^
same old trying to get past all the boring lvls in sonic unleashed xD wat bouts u?
*rawrs so loud ground shakes* come on 1 more time i dare ya ^^
lol no 1 paints me *turns into T-Rex* RAWR u wanna try that again RAWR
i just used summons for fun and neva even thought about using magic
man get ur butt on s4
*does magic then takes out rose* hey howz u? xD khvids kept going off 00 soooo sorry i left u paused all this time hehe ^^
hey blitz bro ,woo saturday finnally !! show me ur s4 *high 5*
hehe exactly what i thought xD *shares box of cookies* khvids keeps going of 0.0 *takes out a bucket of paint and throws it over u* ^^
hey ^^ im dong good =D u feeling better? im just finishing the last of my coursework, i just wanna get it out the way!!!!! lolz *does magic trick...
hold it *pauses* i gtg xD remember only i can press play lol c u 2morow xoxo :D
gr8 we can make a trick video xD
5 better lol xD blitz bro out lols shall we do us 2 vs 4 that be cool xD
okee i cant force u ^^ hm actually maybe i can *takes out knife and holds it against ur neck* muaha lols
no it aight , just wanderin xD xfire 6.OO s4 2morow??
*holds u* no u not getting clean =P stay painty wiv me xD
hey i c u didnt come on 2day nvm ,wateva uve been doing hope u had fun ^^ love from ur new dino pal Jay ^^