do i IM ?? huh lol sowwy im dumbz =/
hehe yay... *goes baby dino* wy cant u help !meow! lol
more for me ^^ *talks with mouthfull* wy u doin ur hair im just gona mess it up again hehe *makes a face at u*
im alright.. bit lonely though =0
hehe u hungry *feeds u a cookie* xD want another one??
hehe well im back xD i got bout 30 min ^^ *plays with ur hair*
hehe i had a big lunch soo i wasnt hungry hehe *turns u around and does ur hair up* i duno wy playing with your hair is so fun -.-;
this dino* man im bad at spelling 2day
but the bright side i got rugby 2morrow or football if u live in america ^^ his dino's going crazy RawR
hehe it wont go well cause im not seeing u xD hehe i so sappy =P
yesh i fowgot u XD *steals ur knife and eats it* i missed dinner xD
oooh lots of spelling errors there =/
hehe dont sweat it xD *turns into baby dino* howd that happen ?? amyway i just wanted 2 tell u that i wont be on 2 day =( but ill ef be on 2morrow...
hey sup dude if u gona be aloud to go on the comp tommorow then go on xfire at 4 : 30 just saying ^^ cya round
tyvm just wondering ^.^ btw do u have the cloud boss rep donald code?
hey sup soz i didnt reply xD im good how boutz u btw nice profile pic ^^
hehe good point, i wouldnt be freaked out since i know them so ,well hmmm not sure..
hey check this out i was just thinking of something when u start the game and play as roxas u have to find out the 7 wonders, there was a part of it when u fight a darkness clone of yourself , it kinda looked like anti roxas i was just wondering is there anyway possible to get a pary code of him for example ally?
yeh we seem get sad and angry so ofcourse kinda dumb question =O
man id stab myself a few times, wouldnt know what i would do if there was no KH3 , btw welcome to KHVids ^.^ Have Fun!!