*turns 2 human* i gtg xD ill eat u 2morow *winks*
no i was just painting my arm red silly xD *kisses ur wrist* my lips are magic, they fixed my ps2 xD
stop poking me ! *turns into T- Rex* RawR!!!
sowwy :D *walks 2 happy corner and cuts wrist* lol who does that remind me of xD
wy did u just say "hmmmm............." ??
sorry my internet want funny again -.- sowwy didnt mean 2 get ur hair wet ^^
ooo bad idea *picks tp water gun then shoots u in the face*
hmmm true... *grips tighter* but ... me being sad is bad!!!
*pokes u in the nose* no one pokes Jay xD
teehee :D ill let go if u pwomise not 2 run
*kneels down* get up u lazy bum cus im not helping u up ^^
*grabs onto u b4 u dissapear* hehe ^^ neva lettin go !
i gave it the kiss of live xD it lives ^^ *spins u around*
okee then , ill make 1 2morow ^^ grr stay still
grr my internet died soz *looks 4 u* werd u go
grr soz i left my internet died -.- xD ur fault
oooo u know same old same old lots of mood swings XD
heeh fine then hide ill find u XD
hehe okee ull die then ^^
Axel , i just loved the way his character was designed XD