fine run away =( everyone usually does *sits down*
well i made it anyway ^^ just 2 make u happy xD *Pokes ur forehead*
hehe you will never know *takes a step closer 2wards u* ;D
okee made it ^^ happy now ^^
okee ill download it bossy boots xD
im fine ^^ and no i have a tooch ache so i couldnt eat u even i wanted 2 :D *rubs stomach in hunger*
you know same old stuff, going to school blah blah blah ^^ how was your day ?? :D
hey ^^ *plays with your new short hair*
nice work, dont listen to any bad comments, its a wondeful picture ^^ good job *thumbs up*
hehe no problem i understand 0.o hows u doin ^^
=( i gtg , il cya 2morow ^^ *super hug*
*stops, then collapses* .......... ......... X . X
make me!! *coughs out blood then starts to pass out*
wy not.. *takes back knife then cuts chest* argh!! *falls 2 floor*
i luv gettin hugged ^^ *cuts both wrists , shouts in pain*
aww *hugs u tight* brb 5mins xD
*puts one arm around u* awwwww *looks up*
*doesnt hug back* hmmmmmmm *looks down*
hmph fine then =( *turns away then curls up in a ball*
hmmm then i guess ill have eat u =D *bites ur finger* !munch! ^^