~Hogwarts~ M and Mephiles were left alone as Caius told them to go after their target."Let us not waste any more time, M. I will find her. Just follow me." Mephiles said before opening a dark portal and going through.M sighed."Jeez, what a nuisance this is turnin' out to be..." M complained as he followed Mephiles through the portal, allowing it to close behind him. ~Galleon~ Patroklos was torn. What was he to do?Could he trust this man who appeared out of thin air and gave him Soul Calibur?Patroklos looked down at the blade he was given. There was no denying it, this was the true Soul Calibur. He could feel it's power coursing through him as he held it.But, at the same time, Patroklos was hesitant. How could he be so sure that Sakura wouldn't be hurt?Patroklos gripped the sword tightly."...Sakura...When Caius's henchmen find us..."Patroklos could barely choke up the words."...Go with them."He sighed."If what this man says is true, then it needs to be done."Patroklos looked down at his old sword and shield on the floor where he was laying.He knelt down to it and picked up his old sword, the Stigma Sword, and put Soul Calibur where the Stigma Sword once was before approached Sakura.He took her hand and placed the Stigma Sword in it, grip first."Take this blade, Sakura. Use it to defend yourself."Next, he placed his hands on her shoulders before pulling her in to hug her, the flat of his old sword pushing against the two of them."Don't worry, Sakura. I will rescue you. I stake my life on it." He said softly as he hugged her.Holding the hug for a few more moments, he let Sakura go.Finally, he turned to Vergil, picking up Soul Calibur and the Arcadia Shield."If she is hurt even slightly, I'll find you and gut you myself!" He said threateningly to Vergil. ~Reaper Dig Site~ The battle had finally concluded for time being, and there was one thing that stuck out in Ryoma's mind from it, and that was the merging mecha, Aquarion.Closing off the comms to the other mecha, Ryoma began to speak to Hayato."So, Hayato, you think it's safe to assume that their mecha's a kind of Getter Robo now?""I don't know...It all matches up; three flying machines merging into one fighting mecha, but there's something...Different about theirs." "Different?" Musashi asked. "You may not have noticed, but when they combined, there was more going on than just a flashy combination sequence. When they combined, their three separate bio-signatures connected together, as if the three pilots became one being." "Gross." "So there's more to it than just joining together, eh? Interesting. I just might take that thing for a spin one day." "But what if it needs two more pilots?" "That's what you two're for." Ryoma said sarcastically. "...Right." On the ground, Haruko had exited Nu Gundam, feeling ever so proud of herself. "See? Piloted it perfectly. Not a scratch on it." She said to Amuro, slightly hoping that Heero would notice her apparent expertise. However, mere seconds after gloating about her perfect piloting, the Fin Funnels on Nu Gundam's back fell from the Gundam and onto the ground. "...Okay, except that. But the Gundam itself is fine!" She added. Then, as if on cue, Nu Gundam toppled over, making it obviously less than fine. Haruko groaned. "Nevermind..." While the Getter Team and Haruko completely ignored Gunleon's entrance, the others were truly impressed with it. Still inside Mazinger Z, Kouji approached the newcomer, excited to get to know somebody with a mecha that powerful. "That was incredible! I've never seen a move like that before! How'd you pull all of that off so easily?" Kouji drilled the pilot of the new mecha with question after question, obviously anxious to learn all he could from him. "Kid sure seems worked up." Ryo said to Ken from inside SKL. "Eh, better that he's doing it at the new guy than at us." Ken responded, an annoyed tone in his voice. "You don't like him all that well, do you?" "There's just something about him that really gets on my nerves." Trowa remained inside Heavyarms, keeping an eye out for any other possible attackers. At the same time, Heero also stayed inside his Wing Gundam, thinking to himself. Kidd, Iraak, and Dayakka then approached Aquarion, seeing as anything they may have wanted to say to Gunleon's pilot would have to wait until Kouji's fangasm ended. "Pretty slick move you guys pulled there, punchin' that sucker all the way t' the moon. Can't say I've ever seen anything like it." Kidd said from inside his Gunman, complementing Aquarion's pilots. "I agree. You know, we have a friend whom I think you three would get along with, especially with a machine like that in your possession." Iraak added, also inside his mecha. "Hey, you three got any beer on you?" Dayakka asked, uninterested in what Kidd and Iraak were talking about. "Scuse me a moment." Kidd said before opening a private comms channel with Dayakkaiser. "Dayakka I swear to whatever God Rossiu believes in, if you don't quit with the alcoholic crap, I'll make sure that the only thing you're drinkin' is your own piss through a tube. Capiche!?" "...okay..." Dayakka squeaked. Finally, Shadow stood alongside his younger self, as usual, examining his robot-using teammates. The designs were interesting to say the least. Some were vaguely humanoid, some were clearly based on animals. Despite their designs, the last battle made it clear that each one of these different mecha were very powerful. This fact made Shadow think. "I wonder...Do I need one of those to fight these enemies?" He looked down at his hands. Shadow closed his eyes, smiling slightly. "Of course now. The Ultimate Lifeform doesn't need a mech to be strong." He said to himself, unaware that he was being listened to by the small hedgehog beside him. "Uh...Are you talking to yourself?" C. Shadow asked. "...N-No, I'm not." "Riiight...Note to self, get therapy in the future." C. Shadow mumbled to himself. ~Cave~ Pit thought for a moment when Pinkie Pie asked him for a Cake or cupcake like Derpy's."Here's an idea; How about the best of both worlds!" He said before snapping his angelic fingers stylishly.The snapping sound echoed, just like before.Like the last time, a glowing orb descended from the sky, although this one was larger.Big enough, in fact, that Pit had to hold whatever was inside of it with both hands."Pinkie, I present to you..."The light faded from Pit's gift, revealing a cake-sized pink cupcake."The Big Cupcake, fit for a queen." He said honorably as he handed Pinkie Pie the giant cupcake. ~The Dai-Gurren; The Search Begins~ Pretending that Shepard had agreed to his deal, Dante lead the group onward. "Stick with me. I can track her down." Dante said, sniffing into the air. He began to walk toward the source of the odor, the others following close behind him. They were taken down hallway after hallway, passing room after room. If they hadn't had an accurate grasp of just how big the Dai-Gurren was before, they certainly do now. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Dante found the room that gave off the foul odor. "In here." Dante said before quietly putting his ear up to the door. His eyes widened slightly at what he was hearing. "And by the sound of it, she's not alone." He said quietly, having heard some...Questionable sounds from inside the room. "Really? Let me listen." Mami requested. Dante stepped away from the door, allowing Mami to step up and listen. Mami put her ear close to the door and began to listen. Upon hearing the sounds from inside, her face again turned red, at the same time she placed one hand over her mouth. "Oh...O-Oh my..." Mami stuttered before stepping away from the door. "Alright, this chick is stronger than she looks. We're gonna have to give her all we got if we're gonna even think about beating her." Dante explained, unaware that one of the members of their group would certainly recognize one of the voices inside the room. Spoiler: ENTER ~Team HQ~ Taking a moment away from the scientific science that he was sciencing, Colress looked to his adopted daughter, a girl named Amethyst, who was requesting instructions on what to do next. "For the time being, I'd like you to go to their headquarters and join them. Act as if you are on their side, and gather any information on them. When the inevitable time comes that they go to fight Team Plasma, you stab them in the back. Figuratively, of course. Now, get going. The sooner you get started, the more information we can gather on the trainers and their Pokémon." Colress explained, calculating his plan as he spoke. He turned around, where one of his computer monitors displayed a layout of Haven City, while another monitor right next to it displayed data given to him by Giovanni. "Interesting..." He thought to himself. "If what Giovanni said is correct, then this substance locked away under the Capital Tower could be exactly what I need. Now I just need someone to retrieve it for me..." Colress looked back behind himself at Amethyst, before shaking off the thought he was having. "No. That is one risk I am not willing to take...I'll have to find somebody else." Colress sighed as he stepped away from the monitors and over to the caged Zorua. He knelt down, looking the small Pokémon in the face. "Don't worry, little one. Soon enough I'll have exactly what I need to bring out your true potential. It's all a matter of time."
If RPers had themes, that'd be my theme right there.
Hey, I don't discriminate.
Aww, thanks, Momo-san. c:
Name: Eddie Riggs Description: Eddie is proclaimed as the "greatest roadie of all time", and has supported that fact throughout his travels. He is able to build his car, the Deuce, from spare parts summoned at the Temple of Ormagöden, and later organises and leads the armies of Ironheade, a group of rebels who fought against their oppressors. He is also a skilled guitarist, able to perfectly read tabulature and shred with his guitar, named Clementine, surprisingly well. He can use the Separator, his battle axe, almost perfectly, even though he admits that he'd never touched an axe before when he very first picked it up. This may or may not be the influence of having a warrior father and a demon mother, who also wielded the same axe. Eddie is also very strong. As he was assembling the Deuce, he lifted its metal body and frame with ease. He's also shown carrying large amp towers for the Roadies to carry when gearing up to assault General Lionwhyte's stronghold during the early days of the Heavy Metal War. In recent times, Eddie has taken up a job at Nintendo High, putting his skills to use working as the school's electrician and one-man construction team. Eddie's personality can be immature at times, and he is almost always sarcastic and snarky. However, he also knows when it's time to be serious, and is an efficient and capable leader of men. He also knows that, as a roadie, his place isn't in the leadership of an army - a fact proven upon his initial meeting with Lars Halford, the original leader of the rebels before Eddie came into the picture. Eddie is also friendly and a good advisor, when people have doubts of what they can do, Eddie supports them and helps them realize how strong and powerful they really are. Eddie also has a strong sense of justice in him when someone is being attacked or discriminated. Occupation: Ex-Roadie/Current Nintendo High Electrician and Construction Worker Series Character is from: Brütal Legend Other: Spoiler: Once looked like this Spoiler: Now looks like this
Thanks, Dark. I appreciate it. c: On the topic of reserves, I'm making another; Eddie Riggs (Brutal Legend) I'll be writing up his sheet sometime today.
No problem. Happens to the best of us.
Just thought I'd point out that in your last post, there's nothing left to fight in the Reaper Dig Site. When Dark's two new characters came in,...
I haven't, but I really, really, REEEEAAAALLY want to.
Transferring control of the of Rufure from Fire Emblem: Awakening to Myst. Additionally, I am reserving the Female Player Character, also from Fire Emblem: Awakening, whose name I haven't decided on yet. EDIT: Decided on a name. Her name shall be Robin.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I've already reserved Chrom. Sorry.
~Cave~ As Pit conversed with Percy, he was approached by Derpy, who asked if Pit was a transformed pony, among other questions. "Uh...N-No, I'm pretty sure I've always been an Angel. Though I have taken a ride of a Pegasus before. Those things are fast." Derpy then asked about Pit's clothes. "What am I wearing? Oh, this. It's called a chiton or something...At least, that's what Lady Palutena says it's called." Finally, Derpy went on to say that she wished she had a muffin to share. Pit smirked at this. "That can be arranged." Pit snapped his fingers. Strangely, the sound of the snapping seemed louder than it should have been, as it echoed into the sky. Moments later, a small glowing orb materialized in the sky before slowly descending into Pit's hands. The orb transformed, becoming the muffin that Derpy had asked for. "And here you go, ma'am." Pit said, handing Derpy the Muffin. Afterwards, Derpy asked about Pit's job. "I'm the captain of the Goddess Palutena's Royal Guard. When she needs some Underworld Demons dealt with, I'm the guy for the job." Finally, Derpy asked about something called a 'Cutie Mark'. "...Cutie Mark? What's that? Is it like a birthmark?"
~Cave~ Pit remained on Guard Duty as ordered, his angelic bow prepped for defensive battle.While on guard, he heard a voice from behind him.He quickly turned back, an arrow at the ready.Upon closer inspection, the voice came from nothing more than a mortal boy...Or at least, he looked mortal.Pit was asked if he was a person called 'Icarus', a name that Pit had heard quite a few times before."Icarus? No. My name is Pit. I've heard of that Icarus guy, but Lady Palutena never seems to want to tell me who he is..." Pit said, mumbling to himself near the end.He shook his head, disregarding the thought."Anyway, mind telling me who you are?"Unbeknownst to Pit, another new arrival had appeared about the same time as Percy, a pony-turned-human named Derpy. ~Dai-Gurren~ Dante and Mami, having just 'recruited' Tifa into their 'party', were about to continue their search, when they were bumped into by a familiar duo. Dante was merely bumped slightly by one of the two. Mami was not so fortunate. She fell over, Jason with her, into a most uncomfortable position. Mami's face turned red (again) as she removed Jason from herself and stood up. "I-It's okay, accidents happen." She said with a fake smile. "I'm going to kill that motherfu-" Mami's threatening thought was cut off by Dante's voice. "Hey, whoa, who're you?" Dante asked the man before him. The man, Shepard, introduced himself, asking to see Team Dai-Gurren's leader. Dante thought for a moment. "Sure, I can take you to him. But you gotta do me a favor first." Dante said with a smirk. Mami looked at Dante, confused. "Don't tell me he's-" "You two help me and my lady friends find the demon that's somewhere in this base, and I'll take you to the boss-man myself. Deal?" Mami sighed. "I regret agreeing to this..."
Reserving: Delsin Rowe (inFAMOUS: Second Son) Yeah, he was just announced yesterday, but I wasn't gonna miss my chance to get a cool inFAMOUS character on my roster. :3 He's not coming in for a while, though, for obvious reasons.
~Cave~ Pit nodded as he received his orders from Link."Will do, Link!" Pit said, saluting.Despite the fact that they Link's squadron hadn't even moved out yet, Pit summoned Palutena's Bow and began his guard duty.Whether this was due to his dedication to his friends or sheer boredom remains to be seen. ~The Dai-Gurren; Waitwut?~ Dante and Mami, still searching for the source of the demonic odor, were approached by Tifa, who had asked an embarrassing question."W-What!?" Mami asked, her face instantly turning red."No, you don't understand, we're just looking for something!""He's right! He asked me to help him!"Suddenly, Dante smirked, walking closer to Tifa."Which reminds me; Would you like to lend us a hand?" Dante asked in a flirty tone.Mami looked at Dante, dumbfounded."Really? That quickly?" She thought as Dante flirted it up with Tifa. OOC: Short post is short, but I was bored.
Get dat shiny creepy-crawly in there. c:
Would this gold spider happen to be the...Well...Gold Spider, and would that ship just so happen to be the Dai-Gurren?
~Dai-Gurren; Room with Cloud (Is it actually Cloud's Room?)~ After getting Cloud's mental game show induced answer, the demon girl smiled."I'll show you exactly what I have in mind." She said before throwing Cloud onto the bed on his back with unnatural strength, pinning him down."All you have to do is sit back, relax, and me do all the work." She said seductively as she moved in to kiss Cloud on the neck.As she did so, she let out small, devious giggles. ~Dai-Gurren Lounge, moments before the events above~ Dante was enjoying his time with his teammates, eating pizza and gulping down soda like there was no tomorrow.That is, until a strong demonic odor entered his nostrils."So she's back, huh? Looks like my break is over already." Dante stood up, tossing his half-eaten pizza slice onto the nearest table, before looking to Viral. "Viral, keep the pizzas comin'. I'll be back in a few." Dante instructed Viral before approaching Mami. "Yo, Mami, wanna give me a hand with this?" Taking one last sip of her tea, Mami looked up at Dante, a smile on her face. "Sure, I'll help you, Dante." Mami stood up, brushed off her skirt and proceeded for the exit. "Shall we?" Dante nodded as he followed her out into the hallways. OOC: Who will walk in on Zone and Cloud's kinky business first? Will it be Dante and Mami, or another unsuspecting member of Team Dai-Gurren? Find out on the next episode of Crossover Cove: Porno Edition!
After the Mecha set is uploaded in a million years.
Well, seeing as the theme "sets" aren't going as swimmingly as I'd hoped, I'm just gonna have everyone send me 1-2 character themes of their...