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  1. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    Eeeeeeexcellent. >:3

    Eeeeeeexcellent. >:3
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Mar 14, 2013
  2. Lite
  3. Lite
  4. Lite
  5. Lite
  6. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    Ah, that'll do perfectly. Thanks.

    Ah, that'll do perfectly. Thanks.
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Mar 14, 2013
  7. Lite
  8. Lite

    Shinobu Fujiwara (Dancouga)
    Sara Yuuki (Dancouga)
    Masato Shikibu (Dancouga)
    Ryou Shiba (Dancouga)

    [DOUBLEPOST=1363354059][/DOUBLEPOST]Three more reserves:

    Brera Sterne (Macross Frontier)
    Mikhail (Michael) Blanc (Macross Frontier)
    Ozma Lee (Macross Frontier)
    Post by: Lite, Mar 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite
    Name: Shadow the Hedgehog
    Description: Shadow is a loner, to put it bluntly. He is rarely seen with others for an extended period of time, and distances himself from essentially everyone. He is, for the most part soft-spoken, and only says what he needs to before a fight. If he makes a threat, he has every intention of carrying it out. Shadow constantly refers to himself as the Ultimate Lifeform and thus belittles others as well as insulting their lack of strength. He has a ruthless edge in combat that many others lack, and displays a natural "killer instinct".
    Occupation: G.U.N. Special Forces Agent
    Series Character is from: Sonic the Hedgehog series
    Post by: Lite, Mar 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Lite

    Pounding the Tuna.

    And here I thought I'd heard 'em all.

    EDIT: Uploading the rest of the themes now. A note to Bushy Brow: I've just realized that I missed one of yours, so I'll get on that ASAP.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 12, 2013 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Lite
    Yo, guys, just a little heads-up for y'all:

    I'm going to be uploading a portion of the Mecha Theme set momentarily (FRIGGIN' FINALLY, GAWD), and the rest will be uploaded somewhat soon after (A day or two at the most).

    Remember, this isn't the entire thing that I'm uploading, so if you sent me a theme and it's not in there: Don't panic, It's most likely gonna be in the second portion. Now, if you sent me a theme and it isn't in the second portion either, just shoot me a VM with the link to the song (if you have it), and I'll get it done and uploaded as soon as possible.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 12, 2013 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Lite
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Lite, Mar 12, 2013
  13. Lite
    In response to this, I'm reserving:

    That one Starfish who loves Charlie so much it's almost creepy/Overly-Attached Starfish/Yolo Starfish (Charlie the Unicorn)
    The Millipede (Charlie the Unicorn)
    Post by: Lite, Mar 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lite
    OOC: Long post inbound.
    ~Haven City Capital Tower~
    As Kankuro's puppet launched the poisonous knives, the Heavy stood and took them as if they were nothing, not even reacting to the poison...Or rather, the poison wasn't affecting him due to the Medic's constant healing stream.
    "Tiny knives are nothing against me!"
    Next, Kankuro's puppet revealed two hidden flamethrowers under it's hands, which had unleashed an inferno upon the two red Mercenaries.
    As the flame approached, the Heavy's grin only grew as he stood and seemingly took the flames head-on.
    The flames engulfed the Heavy and Medic, along with the majority of the room behind them.
    Torn looked closely at the inferno that blocked his view of the attackers, confused.
    "Is...Is that it?"
    Suddenly, there was a sound coming from inside the flames, the sound of something emitting a kind of electricity.
    "Not even close, tiny babies."
    From the blaze emerged the Heavy and Medic, completely unharmed. Their appearance, however, had changed.
    They were now completely red, skin and all, and their eyes glowed a bright yellow.
    "I am Heavy Weapons Guy...And this is my Weapon!"
    The Heavy's large minigun began to rev up as he prepared to open fire.
    "Any last words, cowards?"
    Before any kind of answer could be given, a thin string with a carabiner attached to it extended from seemingly nowhere, wrapping itself around the Medic's Medigun and pulling it from his hands, removing any Ubercharge effects from the Medic and Heavy.
    "What is this!?"
    Moments after, the same wire came down again, this time with a knife attached to it.
    The knife stabbed the Heavy in the back, where it began to glow a bright-blue, along with the rest of the wire.
    Seconds after, the Heavy was shocked with electricity, knocking him out within seconds.
    The Medic stood silent, knowing he was doomed now that his firepower was down and out.
    The Medic looked around the room for the source of the attack, but found nothing until he looked straight up, where he caught a glimpse of the assailant falling towards him.
    The assailant, who wore a black trench coat and a mask, landed on the Medic placed his hands on the Medic's gut before glowing blue just like the knife did before.
    Immediately after, the Medic was shocked in the same fashion as the Heavy, knocking him out.
    "This guy...He's good."
    "Get all of the prisoners out of here. The building's clear." The man said, his voice slightly muffled behind the mask.
    "And just who the hell're you?"
    "That's not important, just do as I told you. We'll meet again, Torn." The masked assailant said before stepping off of the Medic and exiting the room.
    Suddenly, the lights came on, and the prison cells opened.
    Torn looked around as some of the prisoners stepped out from their cells.
    "Jak! Ratchet! You in here?"
    "Over here, Torn!" Called Jak's voice from the back of the room.


    With him was Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, who seemed to have been stuffed inside the same small cell together.
    The four approached Torn and the rest of the group.
    "Nice save, guys." Jak said, relieved.
    "Not like we couldn't have done it ourselves...But your help is appreciated." Daxter added.
    "I'm not the one you should be thanking. The thanks goes to the guy in the mask."
    Daxter looked around the room.
    "Mask? I don't see anyone with a mask anywhere..."
    "He left before your cells opened."
    Daxter climbed up to Jak's shoulder before leaning close to Jak's ear.
    "Jak, I think ol' Torn here's chuggin' the juice, if you know what I'm sayin'."
    Jak rolled his eyes before disregarding his friend's comment.
    "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll run into him again. For now, let's just focus on getting ourselves and the rest of the prisoners out of here."
    "Yo, are you the guys who saved us?" Said an approaching voice.

    It was a young man wearing a blue shirt and a baseball cap. He also wore a headset communicator.
    "Forget it, that ain't important. Check out lardy and the Doc's heads."
    "Their heads?"
    Torn walked over to the unconscious Heavy and Medic to examine their heads.
    As Torn approached, the Heavy and Medic's clothing colors flickered oddly before finally changing from Red to Blue.
    "What the hell..." Torn muttered before kneeling down and examining the two.
    Each one of them had a red microchip embedded into the skin on their heads, which had been overloaded by the masked man's electricity.
    "What are those things?"
    "It's some kind o' mind control device or somethin'. Those two were the first to get planted in their skulls...They probably got more o' my team and I don't even know about it. If you guys hadn't shown up, I woulda been next."
    The Scout looked around the room, hoping to find some of the teammates he was referring to.
    He sighed when he found none.
    "Well at least we got those two."
    Ratchet scratched his head, thinking.
    "Clank, you know anything about this mind-control stuff?"
    Jumping from Ratchet's back and taking a quick look at the chips in the now-blue Mercenaries' heads, Clank shook his head.
    "Unfortunately the devices attached to those two are not in my databanks. Whatever this technology is, it does not exist in our home galaxy."
    "Ugh...Let's just get back to headquarters then...We can probably figure it out there."
    "Agreed." Torn said, arms crossed.
    Just then, the Scout noticed a security console in the center of the room.
    The Scout sped over to the console, which monitored the tower's different rooms, among other things.
    On the bottom of the console was a small SD card slot with a card inserted.
    "Yoink!" The Scout said as he pulled the card out.
    As he was about to place it in his pocket, he noticed a camera that had been monitoring the room the entire time.
    Smirking, the Scout looked up at the camera, showing it the data-filled card.
    "Wave good-bye t' your secret crap, dumbass!" He taunted before placing the SD card in his pocket.
    The Scout, now feeling proud of himself, walked back over to Torn.
    "So, I'm guessin' we're stuck wit' you now, huh?"
    "If you wanna make it through this war with your face still attached, then yeah, you are."
    "Ooooh, so intimidatin'." Scout joked as he went back to his now-awakening teammates.
    "Oh...My head...It hurts..." Said the Heavy as he stood up.
    "What...happened to us?" The Medic asked, also recovered from his beating.
    "You were brainwashed. I'll explain the rest on th' way outta here, let's just get movin'. You two okay t' walk?"

    After standing up and regaining their balance, The Heavy and Medic then made their way out of the suspiciously empty Capital Tower alongside the Scout, who had stopped and turned around for a moment.
    "Yo, whats-yer-face (Torn), we'll be outside. Don't keep us waitin'." He said aloud before leaving the room alongside the Medic and Heavy.
    Torn nodded at the Scout.
    "Jak, Daxter, take Ratchet and the others and get going."
    "You got it. See you on the ground." Jak said before leading the original group out of the tower.
    He then turned back to the prisoners who had also been released.
    "Everyone listen up! Unless you wanna stay in here and get captured again, you'd best get your asses outta here. From this moment forward you're with me. Don't worry about the intros, just get outta here!" Torn ordered anybody who was willing to listen.

    OOC Again: Okay, if there's a character you'd like to bring in to join Torn's group (AKA the Non-Pokémon Trainers), do so now. Just have them exit the Capital Tower and wait outside it's entrance. Torn will leave after everyone else has. Also, apologies for neglecting this for the longest time. I'll try to keep up with it now that I've gotten this out of the way.

    ~Undisclosed Location in Haven City~

    Four figures stood in a dimly lit room, those figures being the Baron Praxis, Dr. Nefarious and Giovanni.
    In front of them was the fourth figure, obscured from view by the darkness, sitting in a chair with his back to the other three, stroking a small, black fox-like Pokémon, an Umbreon, given to him by Giovanni.
    The four of them watched a wall of monitors, one of which looked over the holding room in the Capital Tower, showing them everything that had just happened.
    "The street rats freed them, just like we planned."
    "Indeed. However...That man in the mask...Who is he?" The man in front said.
    The Umbreon fell asleep in the man's lap at this point.
    "My records have him filed as 'BK-201', otherwise he is known as the Black Reaper." Praxis explained.
    "Who does he work for?"
    "I don't know, sir."
    The man sighed.
    "Find out as soon as possible. Do I make myself clear?"
    "Good. Giovanni, did you deliver the information about the Dark Eco to Colress?"
    "Yes. He says he'll gladly help us test it's affects on Pokémon."
    "Excellent. As soon as we're able to extract it from the city's core, Mewtwo will be our first test subject."
    "Yes sir. Anything else?"
    "Other than thanking you for this interesting creature, no. Praxis, Giovanni, you are dismissed."
    "Yes sir." Said the two in unison before exiting, leaving Nefarious alone with the man.
    When they left, the man turned around in his seat, looking Dr. Nefarious in the eyes.
    "Dr. Nefarious. I've heard a great deal about you. I'm surprised you agreed to help me despite the fact that I am clearly an organic life form."
    "Yes, well, I was promised an incredible power. However, I'm starting to question whether or not I was lied to." Nefarious said angrily, leaning in closer to his superior's face.
    "I assure you, Doctor, your patience has finally paid off."
    "Really?" Nefarious asked in disbelief.
    "Yes. Take a look." The man said before turning back toward the monitors and pressing a button on the keyboard in front of him.
    After that, the monitors all changed to form one large image.
    "I believe this should be explanation enough."
    Dr. Nefarious's robotic eyes widened at what he was seeing.
    "Astounding...You mean that I can-"
    "Correct. All of this is yours."
    "Yes...YEEEEES! With that kind of power at my disposal, those PUTRID SQUISHIES won't stand a ghost of a chance!" Nefarious called out before going into a devious chuckle, which quickly grew into a full-on maniacal laugh.
    "Now it's simply a matter of time. This new world will belong to me." The man said, stroking the Umbreon's fur, letting out a dark and demented laugh of his own.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Lite
    Before anyone asks, yes, New Lara and Classic Lara are different enough to be considered separate characters.[DOUBLEPOST=1362790944][/DOUBLEPOST]Reserving:

    Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto Shippuden)

    I don't think he's taken, but if he is then fuck you he's mine just disregard this post.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Lite

    Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

    The new one. Not sure if she's taken or not. If she is, just say so.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Lite
    -Hallway; The Battle's End-​
    Kamina put on an angry look as the battle ended.
    "Damn...Didn't even get a hit in..." He said to himself before sheathing the nodachi.
    Turning away from the site of the battle, Kamina walked back over to Simon, his now-claimed nodachi resting on his shoulder.
    He looked down at Simon, who looked a little more freaked out than usual.
    "Somethin' wrong, Simon?"
    Simon looked up at Kamina, giving a frightened "Seriously!?" look.
    "Didn't you see that!?"
    "See what?"
    "That...Thing ate that kid with the red hat!"
    Before Kamina could respond, the 'kid with the red hat' (AKA Mario), was spit up by the creature that had eaten him.
    "There, Problem solved! Now how about we sneak outta here for the day, huh?"
    "W-What? But the day's not even half over!"
    Meanwhile, Nia, still standing by her father, sighed.
    Lordgenome looked down to his daughter and patted her on the back.
    "What's the matter, Nia dear?"
    Nia looked up to her father, a look of great worry in her eyes.
    "What were those creatures, father? Are we being invaded?"
    Lordgenome sighed.
    "Don't worry, my daughter. I'm sure we won't be seeing anything else like that." He said, knowing that it could very well be a lie.
    "Could this be the first time in years that I'd have to...No...I promised myself I was done doing that."
    He sighed yet again.
    "It seems that the time has come to pass that right down to you...My son."
    Just then, Lordgenome noticed Kamina and Simon making their way towards the exit of the school.
    "Kamina! Simon! Where do you think you're going?"
    Simon froze in place, while Kamina spun around and eyed Lordgenome through his orange shades.
    "I was thinkin' of heading home. I've had enough of this dump for one day."
    "B-Bro! Do you want to get us into trouble or something!?" Simon yelled, turning toward Kamina.
    "Now that you mention it, gettin' into some trouble does sound better than just going home and sleeping all day. So what's it gonna be, chrome-dome?" Kamina asked, a cocky smirk on his face.
    "It's really happened...He's truly lost his mind."
    Lordgenome growled.
    "It's going to be detention for both of you! Today after school!"
    "That's it? C'mon, you can do better than that."
    Lordgenome growled more.
    Not wanting to get into more trouble, Simon began pulling Kamina down the hallway, away from Lordgenome.
    "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Lordgenome! I'll make sure he stays out of trouble! Bye, Nia!"
    Nia waved slightly as Simon ran down the hall with Kamina.

    -Moments later...-​

    Having escaped from the angered glare of Lordgenome, Kamina and Simon found themselves near the Gym.
    "Well, if we're gonna be sticking around, we might as well do something at least somewhat fun, right?"
    "What do you mean, bro?" Simon asked before getting Kamina's arm wrapped "lovingly" around his neck.
    "I mean we're going to Gym Class! We're gonna get that body of yours into tip-top shape!"
    Simon stopped struggling for a moment before looking up at Kamina, confused.
    "Why do you care about my fitness all of a sudden?" Simon asked, trying to get out of Kamina's choke-hold.
    "Because you've gotta take care of Nia, that's why!"
    Simon's eyes widened and his face grew red.
    "M-Me? Take care of Nia?"
    "Yeah, you! Who the hell else?"
    "B-But I can't..."
    "Simon, you saw how her dad treats her. Do you really want to see her glued to old chrome-dome's side forever?"
    "I...I guess not..."
    "That's why you gotta look after her! Now come on, blood brother! I can hear the dodgeballs flyin' already!" Kamina said as he let Simon go and marched for the gym, Simon close behind him.

    -Gym Class-​

    Kamina and Simon entered the gym, Kamina grinning at the intense game of Dodgeball that was happening.
    "Alright! This is my kind of game!" Kamina yelled before removing his shirt and tossing it to the side stylishly, revealing the blue flame tattoos that marked his body.
    He looked to Fang.
    "Yo, Teach, Me 'n' Simon are goin' in together!"
    "What!? Without a team!?"
    "Pfft, who needs a team! We can take out every last one of these punks ourselves."
    Kamina then picked up a stray Dodgeball.
    "C'mon, Simon! Let's combine the flames of our souls! Let's win this thing!"
    "'s just Dodgeball, bro..."
    "LET'S DO IT!"

    Kamina pulled his arm back, locking his sight on one of the opposing players.
    "Take this! ULTIMATE COMBINATION OF MANLY SOULS THROOOOOOOOOW!" Kamina yelled as he threw the ball with strong force, not even paying attention to where he was throwing the ball.
    As it flew, it curved, heading straight for Note.
    "Simon! Get a ball!"
    "Right!" Simon yelled as he tracked down a stray ball, keeping an eye out for incoming dodgeballs.
    Behind Simon was one of the Gym's walls, which gave Kamina an idea.
    "Simon! When I give the word, toss the ball into the air!"
    Kamina ran behind Simon towards the wall, where he, somehow, ran up said wall about three steps before pushing himself off and turning around toward the playing field, his legs curled in.
    Simon tossed the ball upward as ordered.
    "JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM DODGEBALL KIIIIIIIIIICKU!" Kamina yelled before extending his legs out, kicking the ball with both feet incredibly hard, letting out a distinct sound, and coincidentally sending it flying towards Note again.
    Upon landing, Kamina immediately noticed a dodgeball hurdling towards Simon, who was busy searching for more dodgeballs.
    wasting no time, Kamina ran over to him, his fist prepared.
    "HANDS OFF MY BELOVED LITTLE BROTHER PAAAAAAAAAANCHI!" Kamina yelled one last time as he punched the oncoming dodgeball just as hard as his previous kick, which let off another loud sound. The ball was sent away from Simon as fast as it had been sent toward him, possibly even faster. This time, instead of gravitating towards Note, it instead collided with Broly's face.
    "You alright, Simon? Were you hit?"
    "I'm okay, bro! But...I'm not so sure about the people that you hit..."
    "Nah, they'll be fine. They're just dodgeballs."
    "You did hit them kinda hard..."

    OOC: All I'm doing for now. I'll get the rest in a separate post later.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Lite

    Utakata, Host of the 6-Tails (Naruto series)
    Post by: Lite, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Lite

    Rei Ryghts (Hyperdimension Neptunia series)
    Post by: Lite, Mar 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lite

    Joey Jones (Heroman)
    Heroman (Heroman)
    Rioichi Cooper (Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time)

    If Rioichi was already taken, then disregard that last bit.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home