Sophia walked along silently with the group, wondering where Angela was in this crowd. "She's gotta be here somewhere...Jeez, am I really gonna have to use it for something like this?" She thought to herself before finally doing it, "it" being using her Psychokinesis to locate Angela. Keeping pace with the group, Sophia began to search the area with her mind, closing her eyes while she did so. After a few moments of searching, she located Angela along with two other people close to her. Sophia opened her eyes, feeling somewhat winded from using her power, before turning around making her way back into the group where Angela was. Upon spotting her friend, a smile grew on Sophia's face. "Angelaaaaa!" She called out, waving to her friend. Taking her place opposite to the boy holding her books (Ayer) and the other boy (Alastair), Sophia looked closely at Angela's face. "Whoa...What happened?" She asked before looking at Ayer, giving a dirty look. "Did he hit you?" She asked before turning around and giving the same look to Alastair. "How about him? I swear if either of you did put a hand on her..." Sophia grumbled, having already convinced herself that one of these two boys had caused the redness on Angela's face.
Indeed I have. Looking forward to the finished product more and more every time I see a new trailer.
I was freaking out there for a sec. But dat ending. xD
Actually, the next set isn't going to be specific. I'm just gonna ask for two themes per RPer, and see how that works out for me. If it works...
You're very welcome. c: I'll get the next set started soon.
I'd like to order an RP banner, please. c: Image/s { Here } Text { Sophia } Orientation { Horizontal } Vision { Tech-y. Not really sure how else to describe it... } Shape { Rounded Edges } Other Specifications { If you could use a font that gave a "digital" vibe, that'd be my only specification. God I'm bad at explaining things. ;~; } I didn't list a size because I didn't want to restrict anything. Whatever size you come up with is A-Okay by me.
KH 1.5 English Trailer released today:
-Monster Anatomy- Among the bored and tired students in the Monster Anatomy classroom, there was Sophia Hima, taking notes and paying close attention to the instructor's lesson. Her desk space was completely organized; Her notebook in the center, with her current writing utensil in hand and a spare one off to the left of the notebook. Just above the notebook were two pink, rectangular erasers, just in case. Sophia seemed to be in some kind of education-induced trance, as her gaze stayed locked on her notebook while she listened only to the sound of the teacher's voice. Until, that is, the grating sound of the school's speaker broke her concentration. "Ugh...What now?" She grumbled quietly to herself. "These students will report to the front of the building..." Sophia rolled her eyes. "...Kendric Stark..." "This is nothing but a waste of my time..." She thought. Couldn't they have found a quieter way to get these students? "...Grace Cassardis..." "Blah blah blah..." She thought, using her hand to mimic a talking mouth. "Ayer Granz. Sora. Albina Kegan. Meara Ward. Celeste Abelard." "Get on with it!" Sophia's eyes widened slightly, an irritated look in them. "...Alastair Vaun Trios..." Sophia groaned, her palm colliding with her face. "...Luna. Angela. Julia..." "How many fu-wait, Angela!? Luna and Julia too!?" She thought, her gaze locking on to the speaker. "...Zelos. Drei. Sophia Hima..." "M-Me!? What did I do?" Time seemed to freeze upon hearing her name. Her thoughts were racing, as well as her heart. "...Poke. Mya. Alayah and Rogan Crowfest. Artan Everette..." "What could they want me for?" She thought, ignoring the rest of the names. "Congratulations. All of you have been selected to have front row seats at today's festivities. Professors Nadine Fay and Naomi Lockhart will be supervising. Be on your best behavior and have a nice day!" She froze, feeling incredibly stupid for freaking out. But wait, 'Festivities'? What was happening that required festivities? "Oh. Right. The 3000th Anniversary of the end of the last war." It was amazing. 3000 whole years with no war. How the people managed to do it was a question that even Sophia had a hard time answering. Having figured out the reasoning behind her unwanted interruption, Sophia sighed. "Might as well get going. Angela's gonna be there, so I guess it'll be worth it." Sophia thought before standing up, neatly placing her things back into her bag, picking said bag up and exiting the classroom, not bothering to take her gaze away from the door. As she exited the classroom only one thought was on her mind, "Let's get this over with."
Reserving: Ay, the Fourth Raikage Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage EDIT: A few more reserves: Loran Cehack (Turn A Gundam) Watta Takeo (Invincible Robo Trider G7) Kappei Jin (Invincible Super Man Zambot 3) Uchuta Kamie (Invincible Super Man Zambot 3) Keiko Kamikita (Invincible Super Man Zambot 3) Banjou Haran (Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3) Marine Regan (Space Warrior Baldios) Judau Ashta (Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ)
Username: HeartlessOfLight Name: Sohpia Hima Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: Here Home: Wendel Bio: When Sophia was born, her magical ability was immediately apparent. Different things around the room she was born in were being lifted and thrown left and right. Her parents had a very challenging experience trying to take care of Sophia as a baby, due to her Psychokinesis constantly breaking or throwing things. Luckily, during her toddler years, she quickly gained control over her powers, perfecting them more and more as she grew older. While Sophia has always been intelligent in almost every field, her main strengths computers and technology. This is mainly due to her parents working in some of Wendel's most prestigious technological science labs, which Sophia has been to many times over the years. Her experiences at the labs, plus her own personal research, has given her a vast knowledge on tech-related subjects. However, she rarely steps foot outside unless it's for school-related reasons. Not due to shyness, but due to having more interest in expanding her knowledge than making friends. Despite that, Sophia has made one friend, one she holds very close to her. Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis Weapon: None Other: N/A
Reserving: Lockon Stratos (Celestial Being: The Movie)
Here're the ones that need to be added to my list: Rock Lee (Naruto Shippuden) Deidara (Naruto Shippuden) Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
-Gym Class of Rage and 'Splosions- Kamina and Simon stood and watched the fight between the Super Saiyans, Kamina somewhat peeved that he was unable to fight them due to the inability to turn his hair blonde, which apparently made people stronger.Simon, on the other hand, was scared shitless, shaking where he stood as stray energy blasts flew around them."Bro, I really think we should get out of here!""And miss my chance to fight that guy? Hell no!""Look at him! He's three times your size! It's suicide to even look at him funny at this point!"Kamina looked down at Simon, arms crossed."If you wanna run, Simon, I won't stop you, but I'm staying right here-" Before he could finish, Kamina noticed something through the hallway windows, which he could see through the doorway of the gym.He reached the windows and looked into the sky."What's the matter, bro?" Simon asked, coming up behind Kamina.Before a clear answer could be given, Simon saw the same sight that Kamina had seen, his eyes widening as he saw it."W-Wha...What are those things!?" He called out, referring to the Abductors that littered the skies of Tokyo."I don't know...But they need to be stopped.""But they're way up in the sky! The only people that can even try to do anything are the Military.""Jeez...Two fights in a row that I gotta miss out on...""Hey, what's goin' on? Something happening outside?" Said a voice approaching Kamina and Simon. Spoiler Ignoring the fact that an anthropomorphic hedgehog just spoke to him, Kamina pointed out the window."Take a look for yourselves." He said before stepping away from the window, allowing Sonic, Kaito and Luka to look outside.The Hedgehog and Humans looked out the window, and were struck with shock when they saw the Abductors wreaking havoc."What the!?""What's going on!? What are those?""Are we...B-Being invaded!?"While the three of them watched the invasion, Sonic noticed something jumping from rooftop to rooftop.He squinted, confirming what he saw was right."Looks like they've already got the Special Forces on the job.""Special Forces?""Yep. A friend of mine who's a part of it just went out there." Spoiler: ENTER -Tokyo Rooftops- Abductors clouded the sky as they took the city's women one after the other, leaving the men to wonder why their wives and daughters were taken, but not themselves.Jumping from rooftop to rooftop towards the invasion was Shadow the Hedgehog, one of G.U.N.'s top agents."This is Shadow the Hedgehog, reporting in from the invasion site in Tokyo.""Good to hear from you, Shadow. What's the situation?" Asked a G.U.N. operative from the base."The invaders seem to only be abducting females, as all males caught in the invaders' sights have remained on the ground.""I see...Can you infiltrate any of the invading ships?""Not from my current position. None of the buildings here seem to be high enough-What the...?""What's the matter, Shadow?" "Some civilians with some kind of mech have opened fire on the invading ships. I'm stopping them." "Understood, just don't kill them. They're still civilians, Shadow." "...Right. Shadow Out." Shadow jumped from the rooftop he was on, using his hover skates to safely lower himself to the ground. "How exactly are we supposed to get up there?" said one of the civilians, this one being inside the mech(?). "You don't." Shadow said as he reached the ground, landing just behind them. He walked closer to them. "Those ships are full of civilian females. If you destroy one, thousands will die." Just then, Shadow pulled a badge from God knows where, that stated his position in G.U.N. "By the order of Guardian Units of Nations, you are hereby ordered to stand down. Failure to comply will result in the use of unnecessarily deadly force." Shadow said, generating a single Chaos Spear in one of his hands.
Hoo boy, a lot o' reserves lately, I tell you what. Reserving: "Tennessee Kid" Cooper (Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time) I had more but I've forgotten them. ._.
Also calling dibs on Mami Tomoe and Kyoko Sakura (Madoka Magica). Will do sheets soon.
A female Ryoma. :3
Oh, trust me, I want to. But the lack of the green papery stuff prevents me from doing so at the moment.
Four new reserves: Name: Ryoma Nagare Description: An ex-pilot of the famous Getter Robo, Ryoma has recently retired from piloting and has taken up a job at Nintendo High as it's Male Sex Education Assistant, which has caused the raising of many eyebrows from those who know Ryoma. Occupation: Sex Ed Assistant (Male) Series Character is from: Getter Robo (specifically Armageddon) Other: Spoiler: Picture Name: Hayato Jin Description: Like Ryoma, Hayato is an ex-pilot of Getter Robo, but retired recently. Recently, He's taken up a position on Nintendo High's School Board. Occupation: School Board Member Series Character is from: Getter Robo (specifically Armageddon) Other: Spoiler: Picture Name: Musashi Tomoe Description: Like his two comrades Ryoma and Hayato, Musashi has retired from piloting Getter Robo and has gotten a job as the lunch room server for Nintendo High. Occupation: Lunch Room Food Server Series Character is from: Getter Robo (Specifically Armageddon) Other: Spoiler: Picture Name: Benkei Kurama Description: After retiring from his job as Head of Military Tactics in the Japanese Military, Benkei took up a position at Nintendo High as Head of Dorms. Some have questioned if his reasoning was because of Ryoma, Hayato and Musashi taking jobs there as well, as Benkei was the last to get a job there, though Benkei says that he enjoys being around the students. Occupation: Mechanics Teacher/Head of Dorms Series Character is from: Getter Robo (Specifically Armageddon) Other: Spoiler: Picture
Oh my god I love these songs. I haven't played the game yet, but DT showed me some of the music from the game and I've loved every single bit of...