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  1. Lite
  2. Lite
  3. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    That. Is. Perfect. xD

    That. Is. Perfect. xD
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Mar 24, 2013
  4. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    I would pay to see that.

    I would pay to see that.
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Mar 24, 2013
  5. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    This man just screams 'MERICA.

    This man just screams 'MERICA.
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Mar 24, 2013
  6. Lite
  7. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    Can do. Thanks, buddy. c:

    Can do. Thanks, buddy. c:
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Mar 24, 2013
  8. Lite
  9. Lite
  10. Lite
    Hey there Ladies, Gentlemen and Bushy. Just letting y'all know that I'm starting the next Theme set now. This one isn't for specific kinds of themes like last time, so any character goes.

    Alright. Here's what I need: 2, count 'em, 2 themes per person. It can be whoever you want. All I need is songs for their theme. A picture isn't required, but is greatly appreciated.

    Don't worry, I won't take nearly as long to do these ones as I did the last set.

    Post by: Lite, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Lite
    Profile Post Comment

    Hate you too, buddy. ;D

    Hate you too, buddy. ;D
    Profile Post Comment by Lite, Mar 23, 2013
  12. Lite
  13. Lite
  14. Lite
  15. Lite
  16. Lite
  17. Lite
    Oooooooh, I loves it. c:
    I actually think it looks perfect like this. The background and everything fits very well.
    Thank you so so much Dinny.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: Art Shop
  18. Lite
  19. Lite
    Diarrhea green. Fantastic.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Lite
    (And Chang Wufei)​
    ~Reaper Dig Site~
    As the group began to head towards the rainbow-explosion, Ryoma contacted his teammates.​
    "Hayato, Musashi, whaddaya say? Are we going with them?"
    "I think we should. It'd be best to stay in a group. Thoughts, Musashi?"
    "Whatever moves the plot along quicker."
    "Alright then. Amuro, we're comin' with you! Let's go!" Ryoma said before Getter-1 lifted up into the air and took off toward the explosion.
    Kouji also decided to follow along with Amuro, running toward the source of the explosion.
    "Alright! Let's see what else needs to be taken down a notch!"
    Inside SKL, Ken and Ryo rolled their eyes at Kouji's overly-upbeat attitude.
    "I swear, the kid's on some kind of endless sugar rush."
    "Just ignore it, Ken. Come on, let's get moving and see what's causing that explosion."
    "Tch...Fine." Ken said as SKL began to make it's way toward the explosion.
    Away in their own separate trio, Kidd, Iraak and Dayakka were discussing their next move.
    "So, d'you guys think we should go with 'em?"
    "I'm not sure...They do seem trustworthy enough..."
    "Yeah, but can they bring us back to Kamina 'n' the others in one piece?"
    "A good question..."
    "I say we go with them now. Amuro certainly knows what he's doing as the leader, and with all the strengths that the team has combined, I think we'll make it."
    "...Was that...Was that an actual coherent, non-alcohol induced sentence, Dayakka?"
    "Yes. Yes it was."
    "It's a miracle."
    "A-Anyway, I agree with Dayakka. Let's get goin'." Kidd said before moving toward the explosion site, Iraak and Dayakka following behind him.
    The final three mecha that remained were Wing Gundam Zero, Heavyarms Kai and Altron.
    The first of those three to take off was Heero in Wing Gundam Zero, who followed the group without so much as a single word or thought.
    Trowa sighed from inside Heavyarms.
    "It never ends." He mumbled before taking off behind Heero.
    Finally, Chang moved out, determined to erase whatever adversary awaited him and his comrades, if there was one at all.
    The other mecha had left, leaving those on the ground alone.
    "Alright, let's get going." Haruko ordered, her hands on her hips.
    "W-Wait, what!? We're going too!?" Naota exclaimed.
    "Well DUUUUUUH!"
    Haruko turned towards Canti, hopping onto his back as if to get a piggyback ride.
    "FORWARD HO! Follow that Heero-kun!" Haruko called out, pointing forward.
    Before running forward, Canti grabbed Naota by the arm, causing him to be dragged along the ground as they ran.
    Finally, the Shadows were left to decide where they would go.
    "So...Should we follow them? Those flying girls said they knew Sonic...Maybe they'll help us?" C. Shadow asked.
    "Yes, we're following them. The one called Stern was obviously very fond of Sonic, so she'd definitely help us." Shadow responded, arms crossed.
    "Alright, then let's go!" C. Shadow said before skating away at high-speeds towards the others.
    Modern Shadow followed closely behind.

    Patroklos tightened his fists as he watched Vergil take Sakura away.
    He didn't like it, but he knew that Vergil's plan was a solid one.
    Patroklos turned to the others in the Galleon.
    "Alright, you heard him. Make any preparations you need. We need to be ready to face whatever is at this Temporal Tower."
    He picked up Soul Calibur, gripping it tightly.
    "I may have just met you all, but I need you to take me there. I cannot leave Sakura there to be used to exact whatever plans that purple-clad man has. If you wish, you may take me there and leave, or you may fight by my side. The choice is yours."

    ~Lake Islet~
    Nisa and Laharl stood alone, arguing with each other, when he noticed the plot passing them by, along with their being left behind by others.​
    "Y'know what would make this place look better?"
    "Huh? What?"
    "A nuclear explosion. Right there on that tree."
    "I'm serious. Nothing says home like turning a beautiful lake into a radioactive wasteland."
    "...I feel like you're setting up for something."
    "Who, me? Nah, you're imagining things."
    Just as Laharl ended his sentence, a large, flying, fast-moving object could be seen in the distance.
    Someone's voice was echoing from it, but it was too far away to hear.
    Nisa and Laharl listened closer as the object came into view.
    The object revealed itself to be a flying boat.
    Finally, the voice was audible enough to tell what was being said.
    "...THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY WE GOT AN ARMED NUKE ON THIS BITCH!" Screamed a rugged voice from the inside, all the while the ship's horn echoed across the landscape.


    The flying boat was nearly overhead, when the voice spoke again.
    "FUCK IT, WE'RE DROPPING IT ON THAT TREE!" Bowser yelled before the back of the ship opened.
    A large mechanical hand holding a giant red Kamikaze Bill emerged from the ship before tossing it out, allowing it to fall to the ground on the very tree Laharl spoke of.
    "Holy shit that was close."
    "You know, you're lucky the Crossover Cove isn't rated E, or you'd be in some serious trouble right now, your turtly-ness." One of Bowser's Koopa underlings said.
    "Y'know, I'm startin' to like not having a rating filtering what I wanna say. I can say whatever I want and there's nothing that anyone can do about it." Bowser responded before the boat flew off into the distance.
    Meanwhile, the Kamikaze Bill was falling quickly towards the ground, right towards the unfortunate tree.

    Dante lay on the ground, his jaw incredibly sore after being belted twice by Tifa.
    Dante stood up, holding his jaw, before looking into the room.
    "Oh I'm sorry. Are we interrupting?" Dante asked sarcastically.
    Zone eyed Dante and the others angrily before climbing off of Cloud.
    "You again...Why are you always intruding on my fun!?"
    "Uh...What now? I haven't 'intruded' on any of your 'fun' at all. 'Specially since I was the one you were trying to have 'fun' with the first time."
    "Not you, mop-head! That whore with the guns!" Zone growled, pointing to Mami.
    Mami's eyes widened.
    "W-Whore? Excuse me!?"
    "Whoa, okay, now that tears it. Look, I can tell you wanna have a little fun. But when your fun involves getting busy with random dudes in my team's home base, that's a little much. Don't you think?"
    Zone sighed, still obviously angered.
    "I guess it doesn't matter...I've accomplished my mission..."
    It seemed as if she was about to leave. However...
    "But...Nobody said I couldn't kill a few poor souls before I went back home."
    Smiling devilishly, Zone summoned her Key-Staff, slamming the bottom of it into the floor.
    "Let's dance, pretty-boy."
    "With pleasure." Dante said before drawing Rebellion and charging Zone.
    He swung at her, assuming she'd block the attack, which she did.
    Zone pushed back with more strength than one would assume she had before charging Dante.
    The two clashed blades repeatedly, they seemed to be equal matches for one another.
    Finally, after what seemed to be a lengthy sword vs staff fight, the first and final blow was landed.
    The victim?
    He had been impaled by the 'H' on Zone's staff (Visual Reference Here), causing Dante to drop his sword.
    "How does it feel? To have this hard staff thrusted into you mercilessly!" She taunted, pushing it in slightly further before ripping it out of Dante's abdomen.
    The staff dripped with the demon-hunter's blood.
    Zone licked the bloodied staff, as if to taste Dante's blood.
    Zone kicked Dante to the floor before holding the sharp end of the staff above him.
    "Stop!" Mami yelled, summoning one of her rifles and aiming it at Zone.
    "Not this time, bitch!" Zone aimed her staff at Mami, firing off a jolt of purple electricity that pinned her to the wall, preventing her from using her guns.
    Moving her staff back to it's original position, Zone smiled evilly.
    "Time to meet daddy, Dante!" She yelled before stabbing the staff downward.

    Pit smirked at the newly-revealed Queen Chrysalis.
    "Pfft, of course I can take you on. You'll be a piece o' cake compared to Medusa-"
    Just then, three girls arrived, apparently wanting to fight Chrysalis as well.
    "Uh...Well, I kinda was gonna fight her...But I guess I could let you ladies join in. Female...and Male Angel...Against Female!" Pit said, readying an arrow.
    He looked to the girls.
    "Ladies first." He said in a gentlemanly tone.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home