Sorry, man. Hair Trigger.
Reserving: Attenborough Cortitch (Gurren Lagann) Beam Spam McMuppet has arrived. EDIT: Making another reserve: Shiony Regis (Super Robot Wars Z2)
Link-chan! *shoots* ...Whoops.
Sophia exited the elevator alongside Angela, intrigued by the interior of this new room. She thought the lobby was old-looking, but this room looked downright ancient. Sophia examined the room, taking in it's stone structure, when suddenly- "A lockdown has been initiated. The President of Lorima has been attack-" "W-What!? What's going-" Before Sophia could even finish her question to herself, a loud thud echoed through the stone hallway. Turning around, Sophia noticed Kendric on the ground by the elevator doors. She couldn't tell if he was dead or just knocked out, but either way it was apparent that something wasn't right. When rituals and monologues were mentioned, Sophia turned her attention back towards Professor Fay. "Let's just say right now a friend of mine is upstairs making short work of security. It's funny what kind of holes in security can be made when you know someone working to protect Wendel's own President." She pointed at the students. "And guess while we're making you kiddies take the fall for it, us adults will be planning something bigger. How convenient it is that you all are trapped here with no way out..." She took a step back. Her powers far outclassed that of the students, if any tried to attack wouldn't turn out so well for that person. Sophia's eyes widened as she realized what was happening. She was being played. No, ALL of the students were being played. Every one of them was brought on this trip only to be tricked and trapped in a musty basement. But the question remained: Why exactly were they all tricked in the first place? "Lu, stay down and keep quiet, okay? The same goes for the rest of you. Sophia, come with me. We should see if we can't get up closer and hear more of what she has to say." Sophia nodded to Angela. "Right. Lead the way." Following Angela, they got closer, listening to what Fay had to say. She didn't show it, but Sophia was scared out of her mind. Why was all of this happening? Why was it happening to her, or Angela and her Sisters? Part of her hoped that this was just some kind of sick joke and that they'd be let out soon, but Sophia knew that her hopes were in vain. As her hopes faded, the urge to lash out and fight Fay began to occur, but Sophia knew that would be suicide. "Damn it all...Damn it all!" That was the only thought that went through Sophia's mind as her final moments seemed to loom closer. Looking over at Angela, her only true best friend, Sophia quietly regained her composure. "If Angela can keep her cool...Then so can I." Sophia thought, breathing deeply, before turning her attention back to the situation at hand.
"If I can't be the best, I sure as hell can be the WORST!" - Jon "Jontron" Jafari
Excellent. I like a challenge. c:
Sophia was amazed by the interior of the tower. Maybe a bit old-fashioned for her tastes, but still a breathtaking sight. She was so entranced by the sights, she almost missed Angela's question. "H-Huh? Oh, Yeah! This place looks amazing!" She answered as she looked up, admiring the lifelike painting of the night sky. Looking ahead, she noticed the other students getting on an elevator. She wanted to keep marveling at the lobby's design...But taking the elevator could mean even greater sights to see. Somewhat hesitantly, Sophia walked to and entered the elevator, excited to see what else this place had to offer. As she waited in the elevator, she motioned for Angela and the others to follow her in, a giddy smile on her face. It was strange, Sophia hadn't felt so...Alive in a long time. With most of her time being spent at school or at home, going to a phenomenal place like this brought out some feelings that Sophia hadn't felt in years.
Reserving: Garrod Ran (After War Gundam X) Tiffa Adill (After War Gundam X)
~Temporal Tower~ "Yakushi...You know what to do."The man standing near the entrance grinned widely, the hood of his coat covering his eyes. "As you wish, Lady Testarossa." He said as he walked from his position near the room's entrance to right in front of Reinforce. The man removed his hood with his left hand, revealing his face to Reinforce. Spoiler: ENTER "It would have been a much wiser decision to help our cause...But I'll be honest; I'm glad it turned out this way." Kabuto's grin grew larger, his teeth now visible. "It means I get to test out my special technique with a new form of DNA." Kabuto's right hand raised up, revealing the gauntlet he wore on it. "This gauntlet should easily remove the crucial piece to this puzzle, Reinforce...Your Linker Core." Kabuto reached towards Reinforce, his gauntlet-covered hand entering her chest. A bright ring appeared around the area where Kabuto's hand had entered. Moments after, Kabuto pulled his arm back, removing his hand from Reinforce's chest, her Linker Core floating just above his hand. "Fascinating. None of my medical training has ever taught me of such an organ. Thank you, Reinforce Eins, for your contribution." Turning around, Kabuto looked to the center of the room, where a man who's eyes and mouth were covered sat on his knees. Using his free hand, Kabuto took out a scroll from inside his coat, place it on the ground and unraveled it. On the scroll was a circular marking, where Kabuto placed Reinforce's Linker Core. Seconds after being placed, markings that glowed the same gold-ish color of Reinforce's Linker Core began to spread across the floor, a pitch black circle forming underneath the nameless man. Kabuto grinned once more before clapping his hands together, causing the markings around the black circle to glow white. Next, small grey objects that resembled pieces of paper covered the man, who screamed in pain as he was covered. Finally the man was completely covered, and his basic form seemed to change underneath the 'papers'. The 'papers' began to fall from the person, showing those in the room the new form that had been created. "And that, Lady Testarossa, is Edo Tensei*." *Edo Tensei = Impure World Reincarnation
Reserving: Laxus Dreyar (Fairy Tail) This is only the beginning...Muahaha...
Yeahp. I'm sure once I get themes from everyone else things will get a bit harder, but that's why I'm testing this method of theme-making. If this...
Let's see...You've given me your two, Bushy gave me his, and DT gave me his, too...I think that's it so far.
Well. That's a motivator, lol.
Oh did you now? Lol. What was he gonna say to Spidey?
Yes I believe I do.
~Dai-Gurren~ Dante and Mami looked at the spider, confused."A...Talking spider?"Dante could smell the spider, just as he could Zone. But this smell...It wasn't demonic at all. He couldn't describe what it was...But it was definitely not a demon.Dante began to speak up."F-Fine...Help me. But if you start pulling any funny business...We won't hesitate to get the bug spray."Mami looked down at Dante, somewhat surprised."Are you sure, Dante? What if he's another demon?""He's not...A demon. He doesn't reek like a demon..." Dante said before coughing up blood."Okay, okay, just lie back. Don't strain yourself." Mami advised, holding Dante's head up so he could look at the spider.She looked up to the spider."Well? You heard him. If you can help Dante, then please do it now!"
That was actually perfect. Loved the usage of the music, btw.
Gotta say, I didn't see that one comin'.
~Dai-Gurren~ Just as Zone's staff was about to finish Dante off, a sharp pain was felt in Zone's abdomen.Zone's hands began to shake before she let go of her staff, where it landed just next to Dante.She put a hand over her mouth and coughed something up.Upon removing her hand, a dark purple liquid had covered it.Looking down, the same purple fluid could be seen dripping from Cloud's Fusion Sword. Was this her blood?"G-God...Damn you!" She stuttered before gripping the sword behind her and pulling it out, leaving a vertical hole going through her entire abdomen.She looked back at Cloud, her eyes having taken on a more demonic look."You've made...A big mistake..." She growled before picking up her staff and slamming it into the ground, which opened a bright doorway before her."I will keep coming back...Until I've destroyed...All of you!" She said, angered, before walking through the portal she made, allowing it to close after she walked through.Just as the portal closed, the lightning that bound Mami to the wall disappeared, allowing her to move freely.Immediately, she ran to Dante and knelt down."Dante, are you alright!?"Dante was breathing heavily, blood running down his face from his mouth, and well as down the side of his abdomen."N-No problem...*cough*...It's just a...flesh wound..." He stuttered before attempting to get up, which he failed at doing.He fell back down, obviously in pain."Okay...Maybe it's more than a flesh wound..."Mami was worried sick. She had no idea how to treat wounds like this, or any wounds for that matter."Is there a doctor on board!?"