Search Results

  1. Lite
    I'm sorry to see you go, Myst. I really am. I did look forward to the time when our characters and plots would come together. But if you feel this is the necessary action to take, I respect your decision. But we will happily accept you back into the Cove family with open arms if you do indeed decide to stay after all. Good luck with your future RPing endeavors, Myst, be they in Cove or any other RP.
    Post by: Lite, Apr 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Lite
  3. Lite
  4. Lite
  5. Lite
  6. Lite

    Setsuna F. Seiei (Celestial Being: The Movie)
    Tieria Erde (Celestial Being: The Movie)
    Ozma Lee (Macross Frontier)
    Michael Blanc (Macross Frontier)
    Post by: Lite, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Lite
    Another mass reservation (Lawdy I feel so diiirrrrty) :

    Tohdoh Kyoshiro
    Ohgi Kaname
    Tamaki Shinichirō
    Nagisa Chiba
    Shōgo Asahina
    Anya Alstreim
    Jeremiah Gottwald

    All from Code Geass.
    Post by: Lite, Apr 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Lite

    Sophia continued through the hall that she had taken when running away from the commotion. Thinking back, she remembered there being several paths to take. They all looked like they went in the same general direction, but it was also entirely possibly that the pathways twisted and turned in different directions along the way. What if she took a path that lead to something fatal? A hidden spike pit...Or some kind of trap door...No, now was not the time to be thinking things like that. First priority was to find Angela as soon as possible. As long as she was there, Sophia would feel safe. Sophia was tempted to try and look for Angela via psychokinesis, but she didn't want to risk tiring herself out. "Guess I'll have to use my eyes and ears for this one..."

    She continued down the hallway, when finally she saw an opening in the distance. Could it be the way out? There was only one way to find out. Picking up her pace, Sophia finally exited the path she had taken before, coming to an area where all the paths seemed to converge. Several others had also made it there. Above all of that, however...Was the dead end she had reached. Sophia's heart sunk as the large wall blocked any hope of escape. "This...Can't be happening..." She choked, tightening her fists. She wanted to break down and cry right there...But she had to be strong. She'd be dead meat if she gave up now. Ignoring the wall, Sophia looked around frantically for her friend. Seeing the others, Sophia thought that she should perhaps...Interact with them somehow. "No...Not now. Angela comes first." Seeing as Angela hadn't made it yet, Sophia walked over to a wall and pushed her back back up against it before sitting down. She sighed. "I hope you made it out...Please don't leave me here to die."
    Post by: Lite, Apr 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite
    One last Dragon Ball-related reserve:


    Just like with Recoome and Guldo, HoT gave me permission to use him. Thanks, bro, I owe you one. c:
    Post by: Lite, Apr 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Lite
    Mass reservation inbound:

    Recoome (With HoT's permission)
    Guldo (Also with HoT's permission)
    Hercule Satan

    I was going to do more but I didn't want to go overboard. If there's somebody here that's already taken, lemme know.
    Post by: Lite, Apr 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Lite
    Happy birthday to the bestest bro ever!

    Knowing you has been a great pleasure, to this day I question what I'd be doing if I hadn't met you. I hope our friendship continues to be the wonderful ride that it's been since the day we met.

    Happy Birthday (again) DT!~
    Post by: Lite, Apr 5, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Lite
  13. Lite
  14. Lite

    The characters of mine that are reporting to the basement are:

    Sonic the Hedgehog
    Dr. Eggman
    Yusei Fudo
    Hayato Jin
    Musashi Tomoe
    Benkei Kurama
    Zessica Wong
    Malloy Direzza
    Sazanka Bianca
    Post by: Lite, Apr 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Lite
    Genome strolled through the Dai-Gurren's interior, his hands in his pockets. On his left shoulder sat his own pet, Guame, while on his right shoulder sat Simon's pet, Boota.
    Looking at the little Pig-Mole, Genome raised an eyebrow.
    "Boota, shouldn't you be on Simon's shoulder? Or in Yoko's cleavage?"
    "Buu." Boota said, shrugging (or doing the Pig-Mole equivalent of shrugging).
    Looking around the back of Genome's neck was Guame, who eyed Boota with a jealous stare.
    "Guaaaa...." Guame mumbled before turning his gaze forward once more.
    Passing by a window, Genome noticed a colorful explosion on the horizon.
    "Whoa...What's going on over there?"
    Genome squinted, trying to see if the source of the explosion was visible, but alas the Dai-Gurren was too far away.
    Luckily the Dai-Gurren was already moving in that direction, so he would soon find out what caused such colorful destruction.
    "Looks like the peace ends just as soon as it begins, huh?"
    "My thoughts exactly."
    ~Elsewhere in the Dai-Gurren~
    "There all done.Honestly demon hunter I'm surprised at you, you've suffered worse then that. Getting lazy it would seem."
    "It was that crazy chick's staff...As soon as she got me with it, I started feeling weak all of a sudden, like all the energy had been drained outta me. After you fixed me up, my strength came back."
    "So you're saying that her weapon does more that it seems?"
    "Probably some magic BS infused in it. Wouldn't be surprised, she is a demon after all."
    "R-Right..." Mami mumbled, taking slight offense to Dante's 'Magic BS' statement.
    "And I'm not really sure why you are surprised, Mami. Disgaea is full of giant mechas, magic of various styles, horses turned human, dinosaurs, flying lizards, aliens, various degrees of psychotics roaming around, demons, and the thing that surprises you is a talking spider? Really? Humans these days..."
    "H-Hey! I've never seen a talking spider before, okay! Give me a break..."
    Standing up and brushing himself off, Dante walked over to Cloud, placing a hand on his shoulder.
    "Buddy, if I were you, I'd go and try to calm your lady friend down. Keep your distance, though...She's got a mean punch on her..." Dante said, rubbing his chin.

    ~Reaper Dig Site; Approaching the Multi-Colored Explosion~
    The group continued on towards the colorful explosion.​
    As they grew closer, something flew from inside the explosion.​
    It looked like a mecha of sorts, but there was one distinct feature about it.​
    "Is that thing on a surf board?" Ryoma asked, confused as to why any kind of mecha would have such a thing.
    "It looks like it...It doesn't seem very practical, though..." Hayato responded.
    "It's coming this way." Musashi announced.
    "Let's see if there're actually people inside that thing."
    Ryoma activated Getter-1's external speakers, allowing them to converse with the pilot or pilots of this mecha, if it had any at all.
    "Hey, nice robot you got there. It'd be a shame if it got wrecked by one of those lasers." Ryoma said sarcastically.
    Rolling his eyes at Ryoma's dickish comment, Hayato spoke next.
    "If there's anyone inside the white and red mecha, can you confirm that you're human? If so, we're on your side."
    "Buzz kill..." Ryoma mumbled as he dodged any stray laser fire that came towards Getter-1.
    ~Temporal Tower~
    Kabuto smiled fiendishly as Precia brought NachtWal to life.
    He didn't say it, but he was unsure if that technique would work with a Linker Core, as it wasn't a traditional human organ.
    But now he knew he could use anything, traditional or otherwise, that contained the person's DNA.
    "Unbreakable Dark...Quite the intimidating title. I certainly hope this young form can yield desirable results for you."
    Now that NachtWal had been brought to life, Kabuto felt the time was right to bring in some of his own newly-Resurrected fighters.
    "I hope you don't mind, Lady Testarossa, but I have a few...Friends for NachtWal to play with." Kabuto explained.
    He raised his arms up slowly before clapping his hands together.
    "Kuchiyose*: Edo Tensei."
    A moment after, four coffins shot up from the ground vertically a small distance behind NachtWal.
    Their lids fell to the floor one after the other, revealing four motionless figures that resembled a certain mercenary.
    "My sources told me that the Unbreakable Dark had an army of minions with it, these being four of them."
    Kabuto walked in front of the coffins, examining the people inside.
    "Nemepool...Rienpool...Darkpool...Droidpool. Mercenaries who had taken on the form of another mercenary, one called Deadpool. These four should make perfect assistants for NachtWal until more of it's minions are made."
    Revealing four kunai knives from in his sleeves, two in one hand and two in the other, Kabuto inserted one kunai into the backs of the necks of each mercenary, bringing them to life.
    "So, what will our next move be, Lady Testarossa?"

    *Kuchiyose = Summoning

    ~Cave; Vs. Queen Chrysalis~
    As the girls finished their flurry of attacks, Pit took the opportunity to get in an attack of his own.
    Summoning a new weapon, the Poseidon Cannon, Pit aimed it at Chrysalis.
    The cannon was easily more than half the size of Pit himself, causing him to have to hold it under his arm.
    "Hope you don't mind water, 'Princess', 'cuz you're about to be blasted by the power of Poseidon: King of the Sea!"
    Pit then let off a single shot, which moved incredibly fast. The shot itself had the power of a flood behind it, easily knocking out any who would be hit by it.
    Post by: Lite, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Lite
    My favorite track from KH2 would have to be Vim and Vigor, with Sanctuary and 13th Dilemma close behind.
    Post by: Lite, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Lite
    "Tiuj de malluma koroj, vidi nur lumo."
    "Run now, children!"
    Those words echoed in Sophia's mind. Where did they come from? Who did they come from? Those questions remained unanswered for the time being, but one thing was for sure: The voice was right. She needed to get out of there.

    "Sophia! Run and don't wait for me! I'm going to get Luna and Ayer! We'll meet up later!"

    Sophia was torn. Could she really just leave her best friend behind? There was no time to think. She had to go now, or something bad could happen. "R-Right! Please hurry, Angela!" Sophia said before taking off down the hallway as fast as she could. The other students who ran were quite a ways ahead of her, but, looking back, it looked as if some had been overtaken by some kind of spell. In fact, she did see Julia freaking out. Perhaps it was a spell that only worked on jerks? Whatever the case, she had taken the opportunity to run like hell away from the chaos. As she ran, Sophia took quick looks back to see if Angela had caught up yet. She couldn't tell, and she was too worked up to try and use her psychokinesis to find her friend. "Angela...Please...Just listen to the voice and run!"
    Post by: Lite, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Lite
    If everyone could please read the post I just made in the main thread, that'd be great. It's pretty important, too, so I think it'd be in everyone's best interest to read it.

    Post by: Lite, Apr 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Lite
    ~Dai-Gurren; Deadpool's Room~
    As Team Dai-Gurren continued on it's journey, Deadpool sat in his room, admiring his swords and guns.
    "Aah, how beautiful you all are. 'Specially you, my little handguns. Ebony and Ivory ain't got nothin' on you-"
    Just then, Deadpool froze in place, not saying another word.
    After a moment of silence, his eyes began to glow a bright orange.
    Finally, he spoke.
    "ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL" He said in a deep, menacing voice.
    Deadpool seemed to have been possessed by an outside force...No, this was not Deadpool at all.
    Grabbing his swords and guns, 'Deadpool' exited his room and began to march the halls of the Dai-Gurren, as if looking for something - Or someone.
    He walked by the doors, most of which led to empty rooms, before stopping at one and looking into it.
    Deadpool then kicked the door in.
    He walked in, eyeing the owners of the room.
    "...Deadpool? What's the matter? Why'd you kick our door in?"
    Without a word, Deadpool aimed one of his pistols at Classic Sonic, quickly firing one round into his head.
    The small hedgehog's life faded almost instantly.
    Modern Sonic was speechless. He looked at Deadpool, angered.
    "What is wrong with you!? He's your comrade and you...Just..." Sonic began to feel odd before falling to the ground.
    Seconds after, his body faded away, leaving the corpse of his classic self there alone in a puddle of blood and gold rings.
    "SUBJECT SONIC THE HEDGEHOG: ELIMINATED" Deadpool said before exiting the room and moving on.
    As he continued through the halls, Deadpool came to a split in the pathway, one going left and one going right.
    His decision was quickly made, as a figure could be seen coming down the hall way.
    Deadpool approached Banagher, who looked back at him.
    "Hi, Deadpool-" Banagher stopped. He could sense something was wrong with Deadpool...Well...More wrong than usual.
    "Deadpool...Are you alright?"
    No answer was given as Deadpool approached, drawing one of his katana.
    "D-Deadpool! What are y-" Banagher was cut off by the sudden shock of being impaled.
    Deadpool's Katana had gone all the way through, sticking out of Banagher's back, blood dripping from the tip.
    Banagher couldn't speak. The pain was too intense.
    After leaving the blade in for a few moments, Deadpool ripped it out, leaving a bloody hole, before kicking Banagher to the floor, leaving him to bleed out.
    Further down the hall in one of the rooms, someone was hiding. He hadn't been detected by Deadpool yet, but he had just seen all of what happened.

    Genome hid in the empty room, his heart pounding.
    "He...He just...Killed Banagher..."
    Genome looked around. There was no alarm switch inside any of the Dai-Gurren's living quarters - They were all in the hallways.
    Genome took a deep breath as he realized what he had to do.
    Opening the door, he ran out as fast as he could, away from Deadpool.
    "LIFE FORM IDENTIFIED: LORDGENOME TEPPELIN" He said before taking out and aiming one of his pistols at Genome, firing.
    Genome continued to run, narrowly avoiding the bullets as they flew by him.
    Finally, he came to a turn, which led to the Mecha Holding Area.
    When he took the turn, Genome noticed an alarm switch on the wall, which he pulled, not bothering to stop running.
    Finally, he got inside the Holding Area, where Tails and Leeron were busy with science-y stuff.
    Genome fell to his knees, breathing heavily.
    Tails and Leeron rushed over to him to see what was wrong.​
    "Genome! What's the matter!"
    "Calm down, hon! You look like you've just witnessed murder!"
    Genome looked up at them, his breathing still heavy.
    "I...I did just witness murder!"
    Tails and Leeron both looked surprised yet confused.
    "What? What do you mean?"
    "It's...It's Deadpool. He just impaled Banagher!"
    "What!? Why in the world would he do something like that!?"
    "I don't know...He just...Did. For no reason at all. And then, when I tried to run here, he noticed me...And when he spoke, he sounded...Off."
    "Yeah, he didn't sound human. And the what he said...It doesn't sound like him at all. But that's not important! We need to get out of here before he finds us-"
    It was too late. The door that Genome had entered opened up again, Deadpool standing on the other side, swords at the ready.
    "Oh my..."
    Tails stepped up in front of Deadpool, a small red arm-cannon covering his hand.
    "Deadpool! You have to stop! We're your friends!"
    "Wait...Three? I thought you only got Banagher!?"
    Tails' eyes widened, and his heart sunk.
    "N-No...Sonic...I'll avenge you!" Tails yelled, tears rolling down his face, as he opened fire with his mini arm-cannon.
    The shots hit Deadpool, leaving visible burn marks.
    "Genome! Leeron! Get out of here!"
    "But, Tails-"
    "I SAID GO!"
    "Genome, Tails has a mission now...We need to let him finish it."
    Genome gritted his teeth before grabbing Leeron by the arm and running through a door on the other side of the room.
    Tails stayed behind, firing blast after blast from his arm cannon. While they left marks on Deadpool, he didn't react. He simply walked closer to Tails, ignoring the shots entirely.
    As Deadpool got closer, Tails' firing got more sporadic as his crying intensified.
    Finally, Tails fell, landing on his backside.
    "You...They'll stop you...You won't get away with this, Deadpool!"
    Deadpool ignored Tails, picking him up by the throat and stepping over to one of the windows, kicking it open.
    Outside, just below the window, was a large propeller with fast-spinning blades.
    Deadpool held Tails out the window.
    Deadpool released Tails, causing him to fall.
    Deadpool began to walk away from the window. As he did, a loud grinding sound was heard from outside the window, followed by a splatter.
    In the halls, Genome and Leeron ran for their lives, the alarm still blaring throughout the Dai-Gurren.
    They came across Jin, who was running down the hallway towards them.
    "Guys! What's going on?"
    "It's Deadpool! He's gone on some kind of murderous rampage! He's killing everyone!"
    "I had a hunch that he was off his nut...But never did I think he'd go this crazy."
    Before Jin could answer, he noticed Deadpool coming down the hall, walking slowly towards them.
    "Genome, Leeron, get going. I'll hold him off. Kamina and the others are in the lounge. Go there."
    Genome nodded, not wanting to leave Jin behind.
    "Right...Let's go Leeron." He said, running down the hallway to get to the lounge.
    Jin approached Deadpool, ready to take him down.
    "Okay, you spandex-wearing freak. Your killing spree ends here!"
    Jin drew his sword, ready to fight Deadpool.
    "You're only getting past here over my dead body!"
    "SO BE IT." Deadpool said, drawing his own sword.
    Jin charged, yelling out as he did so, while Deadpool simply stood still.
    The two clashed blades, seemingly matched equally with one another.
    Meanwhile, in the lounge, Genome and Leeron had arrived and explained the situation to everyone.
    "That's crazy!" Yoko said, fear building up inside her.
    "Yeah...I know. Jin is already back there trying to hold him off...I don't know how long he'll last."
    Rossiu held his hand up to his heart.
    "Please make it...Jin..."
    Back in the hallway, Jin was already losing badly.
    He had suffered many cuts, and his once-white outfit was now more red than anything.
    "J-Just...What the hell are you...?"
    "I AM..." Deadpool approached Jin, grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the floor, ending him right then and there.
    Deadpool's gaze remained locked on the floor, as he picked up a single life form below him.
    He stomped down, so hard in fact that it created a hole for him to fall through.
    Deadpool landed in a bedroom, where one woman sat alone, crying.
    Tifa, who had tears rolling down her eyes, turned and looked at Deadpool.
    "What do you want?" She asked, obviously annoyed at his destructive entrance.
    Instead of answering, Deadpool grabbed Tifa by the shoulder and spun her around, her back again to Deadpool.
    "Hey, what are you doi-" She stopped when she felt a sharp pain going through her back.
    She looked down and saw the end of Deadpool's blade sticking out from her chest, covered in blood.
    Deadpool removed his blade, leaving Tifa on the ground to die in the same fashion as Banagher.
    Just then, Deadpool's eyes began to glow brighter.
    As Deadpool said this, his voice sounded much less like his own, and more like a deep voiced robot.
    Orange lines began to flow down his body, as if the veins inside him were glowing.
    His range of detection had also increased, as he picked up several life forms further into the Dai-Gurren.
    "LIFE FORMS IDENTIFIED, ONE LIFE FORM UNIDENTIFIABLE: DANTE, MAMI TOMOE, CLOUD STRIFE, JASON GRACE, MORDIN SOLUS, SHEP-SHEP-SHEP-SHEP-" Deadpool's voice repeated like that for several seconds before finally saying the full name.
    Deadpool exited Tifa's room and quickly made his way to his targets, repeating Shepard's name as he did so.
    Quickly he was noticed, first by Cloud, who charged at him, sword in hand.
    When in attack range, Cloud leaped forward, preparing to swing.
    However, Deadpool attacked first, bringing his right arm out to the left of him and swinging it to the right with unnatural force, knocking Cloud through the Dai-Gurren's walls to the outside, where he fell to his death.
    "The hell!?" Dante yelled.
    He looked at Deadpool, confused more than anything.
    "Deadpool! Come on, it's me, Dante! You need to stop!"
    Then it hit Dante: Deadpool had to have been the cause of the alarm.
    "What the hell did you do, Deadpool?"
    Deadpool simply continued forward, still just repeating Shepard's name.
    "Fine, maybe I can blast the answer out of you!" Dante said before arming himself with Ebony and Ivory, opening fire on Deadpool.
    The rounds hit Deadpool, leaving holes and blood stains, but even still he continued on as if nothing had happened.
    At this point, Shepard had stepped up, his M-8 Avenger at the ready.
    "You...You're not who we think you are, are you?"
    "CORRECT." Deadpool said, surprising those he had ignored.
    He continued.
    "So Deadpool...He was just one of your spies? He's a Reaper, too!?"
    "You're insane! There's no way we'd let you-"
    "SILENCE." 'Deadpool' said before aiming his pistol at Shepard and firing, hitting him dead on in the forehead.
    Shepard fell to the ground, lifeless before everyone.
    The group was speechless, Shepard's team mates feeling the most pain.
    Dante looked at Deadpool.
    "Are you crazy!? What the hell is wrong with-UGH!"
    Dante stopped when Deadpool's hand pierced into his chest, gripping his heart.
    Deadpool then crushed Dante's heart, not even bothering to remove it from his chest cavity.
    "Dante!" Mami yelled, watching as Deadpool pulled his hand from Dante's chest, allowing Dante's body to fall to the ground.
    Shepards two partners, Mordin and Jason, charged Deadpool, attempting to pin him to the ground.
    Just as it looked like they had succeeded, Deadpool's body began to vibrate violently.
    "What's going on!?" Jason exclaimed.
    Finally the vibrating stopped, followed by Deadpool's arms and neck extending to disgustingly unnatural lengths, his face taking on a monstrous form.
    Deadpool's long arms wrapped themselves around Jason and Mordin, gripping them tightly.
    Deadpool's grip grew stronger and stronger, until finally.
    Jason and Mordin snapped in half from the strength of Deadpool's grip, their upper and lower halves falling to the ground.
    They were dead within seconds.
    Mami, scared out of her mind, summoned one of her rifles and aimed at Deadpool, just about to fire.
    Before she even had a chance to, however, Deadpool's neck extended towards her, his disgusting mouth opening as he came closer.
    Deadpool was finally face to face with Mami, his mouth wide open.
    She stared into Deadpool's gaping maw, unable to move, until finally...
    Mami's body hung from Deadpool's mouth, limp and lifeless, before finally falling off, only now...She was without her head.
    Looking around, Deadpool attempted to find the remaining members of Team Dai-Gurren, but was unsuccessful.
    Deadpool smashed open the Dai-Gurren's wall and jumped out, landing on the ground below safely.
    Looking into the sky, he opened his mouth and let out a loud shriek, as if calling for something.
    Moments later, a large army of small furry creatures resembling a famous children's toy line involving bears that have a high tendency to care approached Deadpool, their eyes glowing orange.
    The creatures let out a horn-like cry before speeding off in all directions, ready to kill everything in sight.
    A mission which they had succeeded at.
    There were no survivors.
    None in the Savannah.
    None in Haven City.
    None at the Temporal Tower.
    None at the Reaper Dig Site.
    None anywhere.
    The Reapers had won. They had succeeded in killing every living thing on Disgaea, Good and Evil.
    Nothing was left standing, except for the successful Reapers.
    This was truly...

    THE END.

    ~Dai-Gurren; Deadpool's Room~

    "Hoo, boy, that was one hell of a movie, huh?" Deadpool said to himself as the credits rolled on the screen.
    Turning, he noticed you, the reader, and how confused and/or annoyed you were.
    "Oh, hey, didn't see you there. Yeah, you probably figured it out by now, but none o' that happened. It's 'Non-Canon', so to speak. But there's somethin' I gotta say to all o' ya who took the time to read that obnoxiously long wall of text up there. Is it 'Thank You'? Is it 'Hot damn you've got some endurance'? No and no. Your reward for reading all of that crap is this."
    Deadpool leaned closer to you, handing you a card with his face on it.
    You open the card, hoping for a nice message or a crisp 20 dollar bill (or the UK equivalent for the lovelies that live in that region).
    Instead, it said two simple words, written in bold red text by Deadpool himself, just for you.

    April Fools!~
    Post by: Lite, Apr 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lite