"Heroman Engage!"
~Lastation; Crystal Cave~ The ex-Haven Freedom Fighters were cornered inside the cave. The Darkness covered one side, while Nox Decious covered the other.The Heavy, Medic and Scout were focusing on Nox Decious.The Scout smirked as he eyed Nox Decious."Yo, big H. Looks like we got one o' them low-life, back-stabbin' Spies on our hands.""Yes. And there is only one thing to do with such scum."Heavy's Minigun then began to rev up."Put holes all over body!" Heavy yelled before unloading a barrage of bullets in Nox Decious's direction.The remainder of the team was focused on The Darkness, who had just undergone a kind of transformation. Captain Qwark and Ratchet had helped Murray and Bentley up after The Darkness had pushed the two of them down. "Fear not, cadets! Captain Qwark is here to save the day." Qwark announced as he helped Murray up. Ratchet sighed, annoyed. "Don't mind him." Ratchet said as he helped Bentley back into his wheelchair. Finally, Jak was keeping his distance, as a pained feeling began to flow through him after The Darkness's transformation. A feeling that grew stronger by the second. Jak Suddenly fell down to one knee, gripping his head with his open hand. "Jak! What's the matter!?" "It's...It's him. He's letting off some kind of aura...It's making the Dark Eco inside me go crazy..." As Jak spoke, small purple bolts of electricity sparked off of his body. Daxter jumped off of Jak's shoulder, knowing what was about to happen. "E-Easy buddy! You can control this now...Right?" Torn and Nathan approached Jak, hoping they could help him. "Jak! Come on now, I'm not gonna let my best fighter let some damn Eco ruin him!" "Just breathe, man! I don't know what's going on, but you gotta fight it!" "Fight!?" Jak said in a loud, evil-sounding voice. Just then, a wave of purple energy pushed Torn and Nathan back, and Jak's form had changed. Jak's skin color was now a pale white, his hair now a dark grey. Two horns were also sticking out from the front of his head. His eyes were pitch black, and his fingernails had grown into full claws. Jak had been overtaken by Dark Eco, turning him into Dark Jak. His gaze was now locked on The Darkness. Jak was prepared to kill. Jak charged past the others, Verde included. As he ran, a bolt of dark electricity shocked Verde's plasma grenade, detonating it immediately. Letting out and angered yell, Jak violently swung at The Darkness with his claws in an attempt to tear him apart.
Reserving: Sir Galleth Cooper Bob Cooper Salim Al Kupar SO MANY 'COONS Edit: Also reserving: Gogorr (Heroman) Simon "Psy" Kaina (Heroman) Lina Davis (Heroman) Professor Matthew Denton (Heroman)
Reserving: Leonard Fiennes (Gundam 00) Lasse Aeon (Gundam 00) Hayana (Gundam 00) Hermiya (Gundam 00) Gundam Meister 874/Hayano (Gundam 00) Shu Shirakawa (Super Robot Wars) Gainer Sanga (Overman King Gainer) Ian Vashti (Gundam 00) Linda Vashti (Gundam 00) Mileina Vashti (Gundam 00) Bring Stabity (Gundam 00) Devine Nova (Gundam 00)
Just thought I'd put this out there for those who haven't read/don't want to read the comments in the linked article in the OP. It's story related stuff (not much), but I'll spoiler it anyway juuuuust in case: Spoiler The movie is apparently going to be a re-imagining of the first game's story, as the antagonist is Chairman Drek, the antagonist of the first Ratchet and Clank title. Like I said, not much, but at least there's an idea of what we're in for in this film. The source is the same article linked in the OP. You can see this info being talked about by James Stevenson (Insomniac Games Community Lead) in the comments of the article. All of his replies are in red boxes.
To say that I'm excited would be a major understatement. Ratchet and Clank has been one of my favorite video game series' of all time, and to see a film being made out of it is a dream come true. I can't wait to see how they incorporate the insane weapons the series is known for (Here's hoping for a Mr. Zurkon appearance!). One thing I'd absolutely love to see in this movie is Dr. Nefarious. I don't even care if he's the main villain, he just needs to be in there. This is definitely a movie I'll be seeing in Theaters.
Spoiler: An ungodly amount of banners ~The Conveniently-Placed Hot Spring~ The entirety of Team Dai-Gurren and the group who had been scooped up by the team's Dai-Gun had been flung into what seemed to be a hot spring. Some were skeptical, but most were glad to finally get a break from the constant fighting.Getting ready to enter the men's side of the spring, Sonic was stopped by the two small gamers, Jonby and Egopoppy."You. Hedgehog. We gotta talk." Jonby demanded."Uh...Sure, guys. What's up?"Egopoppy stepped up to speak."We've been playing one of your games. This particular title is known as Sonic '06. A title that, in our honest opinion, should be burned. Now, just as we were about to beat one of the hardest levels in the game, we were stopped when the walking boat we were on flung us out of it's windows."Sonic was confused, to say the least."Okay...Uh...""Sonic the Hedgehog. Do you understand the implications of this?""Uuuhhh...""Hours, LITERALLY, hours of time. Lost-""Your voice is nice.""To the constant flow of repeating and repeating, DEATH, repeating...Is there anything to gain from this?""...""No. Is there anyting to feel-""Anyting?""Anyting to feel from this? No. But what is it-""HEY AAAAARIN?""What is it that makes us-""WHADDAYA DOIN' OVER D'AAAAAARIN?""Hold on, son. Let me finish.""DAAAAAAAD AAARIN!""Eat your peas." Ego said as he pulled a bowl of peas from nowhere."BUT I JUST WANNA TOUCH YOUR BIG BLACK-""Okay, that's enough. Good luck with your problem, guys." Sonic said as he walked toward the spring, keeping an eye out for Stern on the way there.He looked back slightly."Freaks."The grumps stared at each other for a moment before Egopoppy spoke once again."I don't care how you do it; A fork. A spoon. Your fingers! It doesn't matter to me as long as they're in your mouth.""I'LL USE MY FINGAS DAAAAAAD!" After getting away from Jonby and Egopoppy, Sonic focused on finding Stern."If she was on the Dai-Gurren, then she couldn't have gotten far..." Sonic said to himself as he looked around.Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of looking (even though it was only about 80 seconds), Sonic found who he was looking for. Stern was up ahead, the other Materials with her.Sonic's heartbeat began to pick up as he looked at her. He could hardly believe he was seeing her again."Stern...Stern!" Sonic called out as he ran up to her incredibly fast. Meanwhile, Genome was looking for someone as well; Noriko Takaya.Having spotted her, he quickly made his up to her position."Noriko! Hold up!" He called, causing her to stop.Genome stopped in front of her, panting slightly."Hi, uh...I just wanted to say thanks for hopping inside of Zen in that last fight. If you hadn't done that, I may have lost the body to my Lazengann...again." Genome explained, rubbing the back of his head.
Also reserving Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail).
I'll take Bardok, if that's okay.
You had me at Robits. I'd love to hear it as soon as you're able to share it.
Well, yeah. You're my house...Among other things, remember?
Oh ho ho, I knew my 3DS purchase would pay off eventually. The original Yoshi's Island is one of my favorite platformers of all time, so seeing a new title in that series makes me incredibly happy. This is a title I will be keeping a close eye on.
Don't ask.
Reserving: Toji Suzuhara (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Kensuke Aida (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Hikari Horaki (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Reserving: Jin Saotome
OOC: This next part was discussed by NutheadBros and I. The Pokemon Trainer plot will not be affected by this next post, and can still continue as planned in Haven City. ~Haven City; Undisclosed Location~ Dr. Nefarious, Baron Praxis, Giovanni, and the man who somehow always has a conveniently placed shadow covering his face sat in a meeting room at a round table, discussing important plans."Are saying that the Dark Eco Freak and his comrades are of no threat?""Precisely. You see, I've been studying these Pokémon creatures. Their anatomy, their abilities, everything. In their unaltered state, these creatures are incredibly powerful. Even more so when trained. That alone makes them more of a threat than those rebels, simply because of how many of them there are. Colress hypothesizes that there may be more than one method to turning standard Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon, which would make them even more powerful. A method that you, Baron Praxis, are quite versed in.""You mean...Dark Eco?""Correct. However, we have no confirmation that this method works, yet. According to Colress's research, there are one of three outcomes; The Dark Eco-Exposed Pokémon would die, it would become a Shadow Pokémon, or...It would attain abilities similar to the 'Dark Eco Freak', as you call him, Praxis.""A risk I am willing to take." The man smirked."I admire your devotion, Baron. You take on this risk despite not knowing all the details. I'll get a team on tracking down stray Pokémon as soon as possible. But for now...Back to my original topic. The only true threat in that group of rebels is the one called Jak. His ability to harness the power of all Eco power would greatly hinder our progress in building our army if he were to lead an attack on us. Luckily, I was able to track them back to their hideout in the city slums. Giovanni, explain the rest.""Gladly. Since we've got the location of the rebels' hideout, I've sent a squad of my best technicians into the sewers, where they're installing a special mechanism to eject the rebels' entire headquarters out of the city in seconds."A spark flew from Dr. Nefarious's head casing."You mean that instead of killing them ourselves, you're just going to CATAPULT THEM out of the city!?""Yes. Simple yet effective.""More like simple and moronic! I was told I would get my chance to annihilate those squishies with my own two hands, and now you're just going to fling them out!?""We needed to remove them as quickly and efficiently as possible, Nefarious. This was the only way."Nefarious groaned."Fine...I guess the next best thing would be for them to break their necks on impact...""That's the spirit. Anyway, my team should be calling back any momen-"Just then, faint music could be heard from Giovanni's pocket, where his phone was ringing.Giovanni answered the phone."Are you done? ... Good. Get back to base immediately."Ending the call, Giovanni eyed the faceless man, nodding.On the table in front of the man was a small machine with a single red button on it.He picked it up and smiled, though it was hard to see behind the shadows."Enjoy your flight, rebel scum." He said before pressing the button. ~Rebel Headquarters~ Having recruited only three people from the prison, Torn and his merry band of mercenaries (Including Sly Cooper, Bentley, Murray and Cole McGrath) regrouped back at their headquarters to discuss their new plan, blissfully unaware of what was going on below them. "So the only people actually in that prison were you three, aside from Jak and Ratchet of course." Torn said, arms crossed. "Pretty much." The Scout responded. "Damn...I was hopin' to get a hell of a lot more guys on our side after that." "Three's better than none, that's for sure." Jak added. "Besides, when the Daxtinator's on your side, you've already got an army!" Daxter gloated, flexing his tiny furry muscles on Jak's shoulder. Jak rolled his eyes at his partner's overconfidence. "So what's the plan now?" "If I may interrupt..." Clank said, hopping up onto the meeting table. "What's the matter, pal?" Ratchet responded. "My sensors have just picked up a new structure underneath this building." "What!?" "Closer inspection shows that the structure is some kind of catapu-" Before Clank could finish speaking, the entire building suddenly shot into the air. Clank was correct, there was a catapult under their hideout, installed by none other than Team Rocket. The area where their hideout once sat was now a chunk of ground that was bent upwards after catapulting the mercenaries. Moments later, it lowered back down, and the alleyway it sat in looked as if the building was never even there. ~Lastation; Crash Landing~ The catapulted building finally began to descend above Lastation. Getting a quick look out of a window, Daxter noticed the ground getting closer and closer. "Jaaaak! Do something!" Thinking quickly, Jak outstretched his arms before a bright light blinded everyone in the airborne house. Seconds after, a crash was all that was heard. The light faded from everyone's eyes. They were on the ground, perfectly fine. The building they were in, however, was nothing but rubble now. After rubbing his eyes, Ratchet looked up at Jak, who's appearance had changed. "Whoa...What is that!?" Jak's entire body glowed a bright blue, and his eyes were glowing white. What could only be described as tentacle-like wings extended from his back. Jak stood silently, the look on his face not changing. Daxter slid in front of Jak. "Oh yeah! Light Eco at it's finest, baby!" Jak's body flashed as he reverted back into his normal state. "I used Light Eco to project a shield around us." Nathan Drake looked stunned at what he had just seen. Quickly taking out his notebook, he flipped through the pages until he found two images that he had taken from an old history book. "Was that the actual Light God that you just turned into?" "Light God? That was just Light Eco...I'm not a God." Drake showed Jak the images. "These are an artist's depiction of what the Light God might have looked like. What you just did there looked a lot like these. Especially the one on the left." Jak examined the images. There were obvious inconsistencies, the wing shape being the most glaring. "Sorry, that wasn't me." Drake sighed. "Oh, well. I'll just look into that later, then. For now...How about figuring out where the hell we are?" Ratchet looked to Clank. "Anything on this place, Clank?" Clank shook his head. "None of the areas we have visited have matched any of my star charts. Including this place." "Great..." Jak looked to Torn. "You want to lead?" "Nah. I'm about as useful as Daxter outside of Haven. You lead." "Oh yeah, that's right-...HEY!" "You got it." Jak said before looking ahead. He noticed a cave up ahead. It seemed like a good place to stay that wasn't out in the open, allowing for them to plan their next move. "We're going to that cave. Let's move." ~Lastation; Crystal Cave~With Jak as the lead, the group slowly made their way through the cave. "J-Jak...How long do we gotta be in here? This place is givin' me the creeps." Daxter said, sitting on Jak's shoulder. "Don't worry, Dax, I haven't seen anything dangerous yet. I think this cave is empty." "That is shame. I have strong urge to kill a little baby coward right now." Heavy said, punching his right fist into his left palm. A few moments had passed before Jak stopped in his tracks, holding his arms out to make everyone behind him stop as well. Jak turned his head, looking back at the group, before silently shushing them. Up ahead, he saw a green womanly figure. It was hard to see what it was exactly, as it was further into the cave in the darkness. Not wanting to take any risks, Jak readied his Blaster Rifle and aimed at the figure. His blaster's red laser sight was locked on the figure. "You've got ten seconds to speak up before I shoot you full of holes." Jak threatened. Looking behind him self for a moment, Jak saw that the Cooper Gang was still with him. He was relieved to see that. "Sly, Bentley, Murray, move up. If whatever's up there does so much as point at you, I'll stop it." Spoiler: An ungodly amount of banners ~The Dai-Gurren~ Everything had happened so fast. One moment, the Dai-Gurren was slowly but surely making it's way towards the group that was engaged with the Reapers, then the next moment the Dai-Gurren had gone past that point and then some, all of those in the other group now on board the walking battleship. The first to speak up were Kidd and Iraak, who remembered the ship from their home world, albeit before it was taken by Team Dai-Gurren. "This is the Spiral King's ship!" Kidd said aloud from inside Kidd Knuckle. "You mean we've been captured!?" Iraak responded, a genuine sense of worry in his tone. "Not exactly." Said a voice that was familiar to the brothers. Looking down down at the deck of the Dai-Gurren, Kidd and Iraak saw Yoko standing there. "Yoko!" The brothers said together. Yoko winked at the Coega brothers. "I take it you were successful in obtaining the Dai-Gunzan from the Spiral King's general?" Iraak asked. "Yep! And it's called the Dai-Gurren now." "Dai-Gurren...I like it." Kidd said, nodding. At that moment, Kidd looked around for Dayakkaiser, which was nowhere to be seen. "Oh crap, where's Dayakka?" "Righ-*hic-Right here, gaiz." Said Dayakka, who had stumbled on to the deck behind Yoko. "Wha-How...Let me guess, you made this happen?" "Yyyyyyep." Kidd sighed, his hand covering his face, before exiting Kidd Knuckle and approaching Dayakka. He started Dayakka in the face for a moment, looking as if he was about to tell Dayakka off. "Dayakka...You are a drunken idiot who can't aim worth crap, and somehow boarded this battleship before it was even here, but rather than question anything you've ever done, I'm gonna applaud you, because that was awesome." Dayakka held up one of his hands, as if to stop Kidd's applause. "I accept your applause, but I need it not, for I have just hoofed a Reaper in the genitals, and that's all the praise I really need." Dayakka said, talking as if any intoxication he had built up was suddenly gone. As the group of mecha pilots that were grabbed recovered from the fall onto the Dai-Gurren's bladewang, some more of the Dai-Gurren's occupants emerged to see what was going on, the first of which being Sonic the Hedgehog. The hedgehog examined the pile of mecha, confused. "What happened here?" Sonic noticed a white-gloved hand reaching out from the pile, attempting to break free. Sonic ran over to it, and pulled, quickly releasing whoever it was that was stuck, who just happened to be Shadow. "Shadow!" Sonic looked Shadow over. "Shadow, you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine, but that's not important. Tell me where I am." "Fine, grumpy shorts. You're on board the Dai-Gurren, a special battleship that Team Dai-Gurren stole from one of the Spiral King's generals." "Did you just call me grumpy shorts?" "Here, come on inside, I'll explain while I show ya around." "No, not yet. There's somebody else that wants to see you. I believe her name was Stern." All kinds of feelings began to rush through Sonic upon hearing that name. Had the time finally come when Sonic could see Stern again? "R-Really!?" "Yes. There were also three other floating females with her." "They're all here!" Without saying another word, Sonic dived into the pile of mecha as if he were diving into water - Something that Sonic wouldn't dare do. Shadow crossed his arms before sighing. "How he's managed to keep our world safe for so long is beyond me..." "I think this belongs to you, Shadow!" Sonic yelled from inside the pile before Classic Shadow was tossed out, landing on his behind. "Ow..." C. Shadow said before standing up. Having made their way out of their Getter Machines, Ryoma, Hayato and Musashi approached the entrance to the Dai-Gurren's interior, looking up at it's giant "face". "So this is the thing that scooped us up, huh?" "It looks like some kind of battleship...With arms." "That face, or whatever it is...It's kinda creepin' me out..." "You've gotta be one crazy bastard to have this kind of ship under your control..." Ryoma said quietly. He closed his eyes for a moment as a smile grew on his face. "...The kind of crazy bastard that I'd like to meet." And then all of the other pilots exited their respective mecha (except the FLCL characters, who don't have mecha) and just stood there until something happened because I can't think of what the balls to do with all of them. The end. ~Cave; Vs. Queen Chrysalis~ Switching the Poseidon Cannon out with the Burning Palm, which looked as if his entire right arm had caught on fire. Using his blazing arm, Pit caught the fireball.Tossing the fireball into the air and catching it like a baseball, Pit looked at Chrysalis with a cocky smile."Try all you want, lady. You're not gonna beat an Angel. And three girls."Catching the fireball one last time, Pit grasped it, causing it to be absorbed into his flaming arm."Alright, I'll be a nice guy. You get one free shot on me." Pit taunted, holding his arms out. OOC: Short part is short and blagh
In response to those reserves, I reserve: Jupiter (Mega Man Classic) Mars (Mega Man Classic) Saturn (Mega Man Classic) Terra (Mega Man Classic) Venus (Mega Man Classic)
In response to Dark's reserves: Touga Tenkuuji Eiji Shigure Runa Gusuku Tachibana Midzuki Eina Leele No colors (yet) because lazy.
Reserving: Precursors 1, 2, and 3 (AKA Precursor Leader, Precursor Surfer and Precursor Dummy respectively) Leo Stenbuck (Zone of the Enders) Okay, since the Precursors don't have canon names, I'm gonna nickname them right here and now. Precursor 1/Leader is Sigmund Precursor 2/Surfer is Brody Precursor 3/Dummy is Ed These nicknames will eventually be given to them in Cove by a currently undetermined character.
Spoiler: Banners Students and Staff alike had gathered in the basement to see what Leeron had to talk about, but were too caught up in conversation with one another to hear Leeron trying to get their attention. Suddenly, however, a loud clap echoed across the room, ceasing everyone's talking. "I still wonder how he claps so loud..." Yusei thought. Leeron and Zen explained that what they were about to see was not to be spoken of outside of that room. Many wondered what they were talking about...That is, until the wall behind them began to slowly slide to the side. Finally, the wall had moved completely into the wall next to it, revealing a very large room filled with robots of different shapes and sizes. To add to that surprise, especially for Yusei, Zen's attire seemed to have changed while everyone was focused on the room. "This is Zen Fudo, head of Neo-Deava Headquarters, the place that you see before you. Neo-Deava is an organization built to be prepared to fight off large-scale threats to the planet and its people, without becoming involved in direct conflict with any one group." "Neo-Deava, huh? Eh, I won't need any o' those things. I can fight those invaders just fine on my own!" Sonic said, feeling confident. "Is that so, Sonic?" Replied Dr. Eggman from behind the hedgehog. Sonic's ears twitched upon hearing that voice. He turned to face the doctor. "Eggman? What're you doing down here?" "I'm here for the same reason you are, Sonic; To save the city." A look of slight disbelief grew on Sonic's face. "...'Scuse me? I thought you wanted to take over the city or something cliche like that?" "Think for a second, you rodent: How can I take over the city and build the Eggman Empire if there are no people to rule over!?" "Whatever, Egg-head. Not like it's gonna happen anyway." Sonic said as he turned away from Eggman and walked towards the exit to head outside. Eggman growled before entering the Neo-Deava Headquarters, where one of his own creations, the Egg Emperor, was waiting to be piloted. "It's been a long time, my sweet creation." Eggman said, rubbing his hands together fiendishly. Somehow managing to get up to the cockpit, Eggman entered his mecha and took off through an exit ramp in the room. In the back of the room stood Dante, a young man who had the blood of a Demon and Angel running through his veins. The thought of fighting off giant robots sounded good to him. It would be a nice change from the creatures he had been fighting for who knows how long at this point. A cocky grin grew on his face before he turned towards the exit, ready to head out and face the forces threatening the city. "Demons, I can deal with them...But as soon as a bunch of aliens start takin' away the babes, I get pissed." A few of those in the room weren't surprised by this reveal, as they were already a part of this organization. Three of them, Zessica Wong, Malloy Direzza and Sazanka Bianca. Zessica stepped into the newly-revealed Neo-Deava headquarters alongside Sazanka Bianca, where they approached a set of three jet-like ships. Zessica looked at them, a small smile growing on her face, before turning to her co-pilot. "Okay, you ready to do this, Sazanka?" She asked as she turned, to only to find that Sazanka was not there. She looked around. "Sazanka?" When Zessica finally located Sazanka, she was found drooling over the men in the room, obviously thinking some quite naughty things about them. "Of course..." Zessica groaned before walking over to Sazanka, pushing her back towards the three jets. Finally, Sazanka snapped out of her yaoi-induced trance and looked at Zessica, somewhat annoyed. "Why'd you do that? I was just getting to the good parts..." She whined. "Because we have a job to do. Now let's hurry up and get into our Vectors, we need to go now." Zessica ordered before climbing into the cockpit of one of the 'Vectors', hers called Vector X. Right after, Sazanka entered Vector Z, leaving Vector Y for Mix. "Ready to go!" She said enthusiastically, trying to hide that she was also taking quick looks back at the boys in the room. Three ramps (different from the one Eggman took) leading to an exit tunnel emerged in front of the Vectors, allowing them to take off when ready. Zessica took off first, as she was the head pilot. "Vector X launching!" She stated before her Vector took off, emerging outside of the school. "Vector Y launching!" Mix stated, taking off just after Zessica. "Vector Z launching!" Sazanka stated, taking off last. (OOC: I'll continue with these pilots, minus Mix, in the next section.) Meanwhile, Malloy Direzza walked up to what appeared to be three Vectors that were identical to the ones that Zessica, Mix and Sazanka had just taken off in. "Okay, time to get this show on the road." He said to himself before entering his own Vector Z, waiting for his two co-pilots to arrive. Up at the front, a man who went by the name of Hayato Jin was speaking with Superintendent Leeron. "I'm sure it'll be a pleasure working with you, Superintendent. I'd be out there myself, too...But I've retired from piloting. However, I can work as the Operator on this mission." "Sitting back as usual, eh, Hayato?" "Oh, give him a break, Musashi. Sitting back and watching is his natural habitat." The two joking voices belonged to two of Hayato's old comrades; Musashi Tomoe and Benkei Kurama. "Musashi, Benkei! What are you two doing here?" "We're here to help, too." "But...I thought you both had retired?" "Back at you, pal." "...But if you're not piloting, then what will you do?" "I'm gonna help evac the citizens." "What about you, Benkei?" "I've got a new weapon that I'm gonna test. I think it'll be pretty effective against these enemies." Hayato raised an eyebrow at this. A new weapon? What could it be? Just then, something occurred to him. "Have either of you seen Ryoma around here?" "Can't say that I have." "He's probably off somewhere doing his own thing...He's never been one to go the organized route when it comes to these things..." Hayato sighed. "Ryoma...We could really use you right now." Meanwhile, in a less crowded part of the basement, Lordgenome was speaking with his son, Lordgenome Tepellin II, about something that seemed important. "Son...I've been waiting for years for the right moment to do this...And I believe now is the right time." Lordgenome told his son before reaching into his pocket. He pulled what looked like a small drill from his pocket. It glowed with a faint green aura. "This is my Core Drill. It was what allowed me to pilot my Gunman, Lazengann, back in my military days. But today...I pass it along to you. From this day forward I am no longer the pilot of Lazengann. That honor now belongs to you, my son." Lordgenome said before placing the Core Drill in Genome's hands. "Keep this safe. It's the only thing that can make Lazengann work. And don't worry...Lazengann will tell you how to pilot, just as it did for me." Looking down at his son one last time, Lordgenome cracked a slight smile. "You know...I knew this day was coming...The day that I could pass down the right of every Tepellin man, just as my father passed it down to me, and his father to him. But nothing could have prepared me for how proud I am that you are my son, Genome." Finally, Yusei had approached his father, who had hidden the existence of Neo-Deava from him for years. He looked at what was revealed, before looking at his father's new apparel. "Okay...Dad, two questions: One, why did you hide all of this from me, and two: What's with that getup?" -Tokyo; Aquaria F is formed- Zessica, Mix and Sazanka were circling Tokyo, looking for their target, the Mithra Gnis, which they located relatively quickly."Target spotted. Mix, Sazanka, let's merge and take it out!""Right.""Got it!"The three Vectors flew close to each other in a triangle formation before bright electricity began to pull them together. The Vectors started to change shape as they grew closer, eventually merging together into a rifle-wielding humanoid form known as Aquaria F. While all of this was happening, the pilots' senses began to intensify somewhat, giving a feeling of pleasure between the three of them as Aquaria F formed. As Aquaria F's main pilot, Zessica landed the mecha in the city center, where the Mithra Gnis was headed. Zessica spotted the Mithra Gnis heading right for them and aimed the mecha's rifle at it. Without warning, she opened fire on the enemy, intending to take it out quickly. -School Halls; A Hot-Blooded Meeting- Kamina and Simon strolled the halls of Nintendo High. Nia had been taken to stay with one known as Viral, and Kaito and Luka had gone off to do their own thing, leaving Kamina and Simon alone."Do you think everyone will be okay, Bro? I can hear a lot of noises from outside...""Eh, they'll be fine. I saw a bunch of guys go downstairs, so they've pretty much got an army now.""If you say so..."The duo continued to walk the quiet halls, until they noticed a man coming around the corner just ahead of them. He looked very enigmatic. He wore a scarf that covered his mouth, leaving only his eyes visible. Just looking at him, Kamina could tell there was something different about this guy. Kamina slowly approached the man, an unusually serious look on his face. The man did the same, his eyes locked on Kamina's. Finally, the two were face to face. They stared silently at each other for a few moments before Kamina finally spoke up. "...What's with the mask, pal? You got a zit or somethin'?" Kamina asked, completely breaking the tension. Simon facepalmed. The man laughed quietly before finally removing the mask from his face. "There. Better?" Spoiler: ENTER "Name's Kamina.""Ryoma.""...""...""Wanna go outside and yell at the invaders?""I thought you'd never ask."Kamina smirked before looking back at Simon."Simon, buddy, sit tight. I'll be back in a bit." Kamina said before walking to the school's front entrance, Ryoma following him."I-I...You...He...I give up..." Minutes later, Kamina and Ryoma stood in front of the school, the Abductors in sight."HEY! ALIEN FREAKS!""GET OUTTA OUR TOWN!""HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GET A GIRLFRIEND IF YOU KEEP TAKING ALL THE CHICKS!?""YEAH, HOW IS HE-wait, what?"