How can I have **** to sort out if I've only just gotten on right now?
Reserving: Danger Dange, Terror of the Skies
Yeah, I got nothin'...I'm starting to remember why I couldn't finish the German class now, lol. Sorry, man.
I took a semester of German last year...Granted I failed miserably, but I might be able to help a little bit with whatever it is you need.
~Hogwarts~ Mephiles turned to react to the to the stun spell that was fire at him, which had little effect on him, though it did stun him for a split moment."Argh...You think your petty carnival tricks will work on me?"By the time Mephiles recovered from his short stun, a smokescreen was raised, and Patroklos and Sakura were gone, having been taken away by the others."How..."Mephiles sighed."No matter. M! Rise!" Mephiles yelled as he sent a small shock through M's system, waking him up.He coughed as he awoke, quickly gripping his head. "Shit...What hit me?" "It does not matter now. They have escaped." M growled. "Damn it...What now?" "We await Lord Caius's orders. We know not where they escaped to. Wherever it is, there could be an army waiting for us." "And you don't think Lord Caius could take 'em all 'imself?" "I do not doubt that our Lord could take on an army. But I do fear that if there is such a force waiting there, that the girl could simply escape again, thus wasting more of our time." "Right..." M finally stood up, his head throbbing from the shield impact, before looking over at Caius, who was still fighting off the Servants. "Should we help him?" "There is no point in doing so. Those Servants are no match for Lord Caius." "If you say so...Sweet Mega Mushrooms, my head hurts!" M said, his headache seeming to have intensified. "I'll be sure to get you some painkillers when we depart...Weakling." "'Scuse me!?" Just then, Caius had taken down both Servants in one swing. "Whoa..." Mephiles floated over to his Lord. He looked down at the Sabers with his demonic eyes. "It was incredibly foolish of you to think you could beat his Lordship, even if you are both Servants." Mephiles bowed to Caius. "An impressive win yet again, my lord. Unfortunately we were unable to apprehend the target. What would you like us to do now?" ~Galleon~ Inside the Galleon, Patroklos was finally waking up. "Uhn...W-Wha...Where am I?" Almost immediately, he had recalled the recent events at Hogwarts. "No, Sakura!" Patroklos shot up, not bothering to figure out where he was, or who was there with him. Before he could even take two steps, a sharp pain surged through his body, causing him to fall back down to his knees. "Damn it...Not now..." Patroklos, knowing that moving wasn't exactly an option at the moment, looked around. There were many people in the room with him, most being the ones who were at Hogwarts. Finally struggling to his feet, Patroklos took one more good look around, before noticing that Sakura was in the Galleon as well. "Sakura!" Patroklos said happily before running over to her and hugging her, completely ignoring the pain he was in. He quickly realized what he was doing and back away from her, his face now beat red. "S-Sorry about that, Sakura. I'm glad to see that you're okay." Patroklos said, embarrassed. He looked around the Galleon's interior once more. "What is this place?" He asked, hoping for a clear answer.
Reserving: Beardo the Magnificent Beardo the Magnificent's ripe ass
Progress is slow, but I'm getting there. Not sure when I'll be done.
Reserving: Rufure (Player Character from Fire Emblem: Awakening) Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening) Lissa (Fire Emblem: Awakening) Frederick (Fire Emblem: Awakening) Sully (Fire Emblem: Awakening) Virion (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
It's goin' good. Nothing of note is really goin' on, but that's not all bad. Yourself?
~Outside the Dai-Gurren~ "Alright, Rossiu, time to get started with your training! Lesson 1: The Blodia Punch!" Said Jin from the ground via communicator to Rossiu, who sat inside of Blodia's cockpit."Are you sure we should be moving on to advanced tactics so quickly? I've only just gotten the basic controls down...""Aw, c'mon, Rossiu! You'll never learn if you don't try!""I guess you're right..."Jin looked around the snowy landscape for something to practice on.He quickly found a boulder in the distance that was the perfect size."There! We're gonna smash that boulder over there! C'mon, Rossiu!"Jin ran over to the boulder, Rossiu following him in Blodia very carefully."Okay, performing the Blodia Punch is simple. You've got two handles to the left and right of you for Blodia's arm control. All ya gotta do is pull back and push forward while gripping the handle and BOOM! Instant Blodia Punch!"Rossiu sighed with relief."That sounds easy-""HOWEVER! The Blodia Punch is only at it's maximum power when synchronized with me! So, you and I have to punch the boulder at the exact same time! If either one of us are even the slightest bit too early or too late, Blodia won't hit maximum power. Ready Rossiu?""Y-Yes, Jin...""Alright! Follow my movements!" Jin said, prepping himself for the attack.Jin took the first stance, holding his left arm in front of his face whilst pulling his right arm back."Blodiaaaaa...."Rossiu moved Blodia's arms and legs to mimic Jin's stance, mirroring as best as he could."B-Blodia..."Jin twisted himself around and swung his right first forward towards the boulder.At the same time, Rossiu did the exact same thing."PUUUUUNCH!"The two fists collided with the boulder in complete synchronization, destroying it upon impact.When the dust cleared, Jin was struck with a surprised look."Amazing...Nobody's ever perfected it that fast..."Blodia's cockpit opened, allowing Rossiu to get a better look at the destroyed rock."How did I do, Jin?"Jin turned and looked at his student, smiling."Perfect! For it being your first try, that was amazing!"Rossiu looked down at Jin in disbelief."R-Really?""Yeah! Your timing, positioning, everything was perfect!"Rossiu smiled, feeling so proud of himself."But we ain't done yet, Ross! I still gotta teach you how to use those machine guns to their full potential!""Got it!" Rossiu said as he hopped back into the cockpit and closed himself inside.Jin sighed happily."I'm starting to think that meeting you was more than a coincidence, Rossiu..." OOC: Character development ftw! ~Dai-Gurren Lounge~ In the Dai-Gurren lounge, Dante was putting the new Pizza Oven to good use, cooking up pizza after pizza for the team to enjoy as they rested.The oven ding'd as the last pizza finished cooking.Dante stylishly jumped from the chair he sat in before making his way to the oven to retrieve the pizza.He opened the oven and removed the pizza, disregarding the heat, but quickly noticed something was wrong.Only half of the pizza was there.On the half of the pan where the missing half once was sat a slightly-burnt note. Dante picked it up and read it.It read 'I O U - Nintendo High'.Dante raised an eyebrow at the odd note but quickly disregarded it.He placed the half-pizza with the rest of them before taking a slice or five for himself and sitting back down."Aaah, life is good."As he ate his pizza, he sniffed, then sighed."She's still here...Guess I'll have to keep an eye out." He said as he took another bite. OOC: A little hint for next time. c; ~With Link and Co.~ As everyone prepared themselves for some rest before continuing to search for Zelda, Pit returned to the group having recently left for firewood. "I ruined a few squirrels' nights, but I got some firewood for us." Pit said as he dumped the wood onto the ground. After setting the chunks of wood up into a more fire-friendly pile, Pit took out Palutena's Bow, which immediately began to glow before transforming into a staff. Holding the staff like a rifle, Pit aimed the tip at the firewood, and fire a single laser shot, igniting the wood. "There, now we won't freeze to death." Pit sat down in front of the fire and began to think, his hand resting on his fist. "So we're trying to find Zelda, huh?" He sighed. "Not quite my strong suit...Saving princesses has never been a thing of mine...If only Mario were here or something..." He tapped his finger on his cheek as he thought. "Ah! Maybe I can use the fire to see the different places in the world like Lady Palutena does with Holy Water! Alright...Here goes..." Pit closed his eyes as he held his angelic hands out towards the fire. "O Angelic Flames created by the Laser Staff...Show me the location of Zelda; Princess of the Kingdom of Hyrule!" The red flames began to glow a bright white, whilst also growing in size. "I think it's working!" Just as Pit thought his idea had succeeded, the flames exploded in his face, leaving his entire front side charred black. The flames returned to their original size and red color. Pit coughed, causing a small black cloud to shoot from his mouth. "Okay, maybe not..." ~Haven City HQ~ The Pokétrainers were preparing for a good night's rest, when another trainer had entered with a Pikachu. Being the polite guy he was, Lance approached the young trainer to greet him. "Hello, welcome to the Haven City Pokemon Center/Headquarters-" Lance stopped, taking a closer look at the trainer. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about this trainer that Lance didn't like one bit. "...A-Anyway, you can go ahead and do whatever you like. This place is open to all Trainers." Oh, how Lance wanted to point at the kid and scream 'UNWORTHY' for some reason, but he restrained himself. Standing at the other end of the room, Blue eyed the newcomer closely. There was something about this kid that gave him an odd feeling. At the same time, he could feel Gary's influence again, but he held it back for the time being. "Who are you, trainer? And why does Gary want to talk to you so badly?" Blue continued to keep an eye on the new trainer from afar. OOC: No Gold or Nate this time.
Reserving: Liquid Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots)
-History- Kamina's face turned from flirtatious to disappointed when he was told that Crystal had a boyfriend.She then pushed his face away, causing his glasses to sit crooked on his face.Sighing, Kamina turned back towards the front of the room, his arms crossed.Meanwhile, Lordgenome had just gotten a re-assuring reminder from Yuri about their date, which made his time with his students much more bearable. "R-Right, we will." He said with an awkward smile.Taking out a textbook of his own, Lordgenome finally began his lesson. Actually, no, it was then he was approached by White, who scolded him for yelling. White didn't hold back in her scolding, going so far as to call Lordgenome an 'old man'. During White's outrage, Nia silently held back laughter. Lordgenome, on the other hand, was not as amused. He wanted strangle White and eat her face right there, leaving the rest for his pet, Guame, to eat. But unfortunately that was illegal, so he had to simply punish her via detention. Spoiler: White's gone and done it now "How DARE you speak to me that way in my classroom!? That's detention! Today after school! And I wouldn't dare think of skipping if I were you!" It was then that White gave Victini's Pokeball back to Black, followed by White standing on her own desk and showing another Pokeball. "And those things...I've had enough of your pets in my classroom!" Lordgenome yelled as he walked out from behind his desk and into the rows of desks, approaching White as she stood on her desk. He quickly swiped the Quick Ball that she held in her hand, gripping it tightly in his hairy man-hands. "You'll get this back when your detention ends." He grumbled before taking the ball back to his desk and placing it in the top-right drawer. "Now, if there are no more interruptions-" Just then, Harry stood up, saying he needed to leave for something from somebody named Serious...Yeah, that sounds right. "Fine, make it quick." Lordgenome said before continuing on. He opened his textbook to the page needed before speaking. "As I was saying, today's lesson focuses on the beginning of the ancient Humans vs Beasts war, how it started, why they were fighting, all the details. If everyone could turn to page 35, we can begin." "Hold up, scruffy." Kamina said, interrupting the entire class. Lordgenome stared Kamina down. "What is it now?" "Shouldn't we be starting at the first page? I don't know about you, but where I come from books start at page one." Lordgenome's rage was beginning to return. "PAGE. THIRTY. FIVE." Lordgenome growled, his teeth gritted. "...okay." After all of the students turned to the correct page, Lordgenome looked to his daughter. "Nia, darling, would you please read the first section aloud?" "Yes, father." Nia said before looking down at her book. Nia began to read through the first section of the chapter, which detailed the tyranny of the Swirl King and his army of beasts that walked on two legs and talked like humans. It also talked about a courageous man and his young friend, who led a group of human rebels to fight of the Swirl King's forces. Simon read along with interest, his eyes glued to the text as Nia read. Kamina, however, had already dozed off, his face stuck on the book's page.
Name: Arusia Armaguyda Arin Alsapien Bob Adai Description: Chief of Adai Village and Rossiu's grandfather. He watches over the children in the Kindergarten classroom. He tends to let them get out a lot though, something about letting them "find their own path". Occupation: Chief of Adai Village/Kindergarten Guardian Series Character is from: Gurren Lagann Other: Spoiler Name: Rossiu Adai Description: Bob's son, and one of the school's top students. He is secretly dating Kinon. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Gurren Lagann Other: Spoiler Name: Gimmy Adai Description: Darry's twin brother...Yeah, that's all I got at the moment. ._. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Gurren Lagann Other: Spoiler Name: Kiyal Bachika Description: Kittan's youngest sibling. She's very energetic and jumpy, but also very protective of her big brother. She also hides a secret, that being that she is a Magical Girl. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Gurren Lagann Other: Spoiler Spoiler: Magical Girl Kiyal
I'm at a loss for what to do as well...Anyone wanna adopt a group of Ninjas and other things?
No, she made a move. I just haven't responded as that group yet...Shame on me, I know.
Reserving: Samuel Oak (Pokemon)