ok, here Mickey (Coat) 11CE0B68 0000005B Mickey (Without coat) 11CE0B68 00000318 Goofy 11CE0B68 0000005D Donald 11CE0B68 0000005C Groundshaker (donald) 11C6CC22 00000459 Groundshaker (goofy) 11C6CC24 00000459 if u do like wisdom w/ Normal sora, or any or all of form have mod of normal sora, the YY is 00, if you replaces any or all of form with 1 form model, is 5F so, if u want to mod sora to be a Limit mod, 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 4631484B so, the red one is used when u mod form or normal sora with form models and if u mod Limit form has normal sora's model 21CBD2D4 00303031 21CBD2D8 00000000 if u use 00000000 digits, u should use 00 at YY no, if u used it it'll BSOD, someone has tell about it there is only Inf Form i have 201a1be0 c60001b8
ok, DW Roxas 11CE0B68 00000323 R1X3-87NB-VJ7U7 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F or u can Replaces sora, donald, goofy with someone or something with digits replaces Sora 11CE0B68 0000???? replaces Donald 11C6CC22 0000???? Replaces Goofy 11C6CC24 0000????
Terra looks like someone from FF VII: Crisis Core, but i have no idea :nono:
yeah, Roxas has best Friend, Axel Sora has best Friend, Riku and Namine is Kairi's nobody, look at cutscene at final mix+ after Sora woke up, Axel namine and Ansem(Riku) at sunset train :D
ok, here: Code: All Sora Weapons 0032F0D1 00000062 1032F0D2 00006262 1032F0D4 00006262 0032F1AB 00000062 0032F1AC 00000062 0032F1AF 00000062 4032F1B0 00040001 62626262 00000000 0032F1C8 00000062 0032F1C9 00000062 or AR Max Code: All Sora Weapons T2Q3-7CXH-FD5QH PU7T-KUYM-V74VQ EP2X-HFT4-2XH21 1GQV-8TB5-BR4AU XEP3-8913-3GBVF QDJH-RB74-NK4BA TT5Z-H412-JP6B5 PMA3-H9TY-A3QNK 9MZ1-XZT1-YB1FP PPVQ-QV3E-EWKCM NAB5-N88Z-AN320
All Sora Weapons 0032F0D1 00000062 1032F0D2 00006262 1032F0D4 00006262 0032F1AB 00000062 0032F1AC 00000062 0032F1AF 00000062 4032F1B0 00040001 62626262 00000000 0032F1C8 00000062 0032F1C9 00000062
thanks! now i know!
nice!! i have wait for that Vids, and.. FINALLY DONE! thanks! btw, what codes to gets Terra help you at the battle? and Aqua's armor digits? wisdom sora as ur normal party member(u ar not controling two of them)? thanks, a lot of question, sorry, i can't wait for new vids again!!
huh? Dw Sora-Roxas Style: HC9T-05DB-VN29K H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY 8QZT-N84U-Y6UE4 YNDU-ER3P-UZZTB Normal Sora Dual Wields - Valor Style PVTM-812J-CZ321 H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY TZ7W-HEYU-VYT6K YNDU-ER3P-UZZTB the red line is different each other, dw sora with roxas style when he unleash finishing move at air, the sound is rapidly (Trink Trink Trink Trink!) like DW roxas's air finishing move :D
nooo!! that was only DW Roxas, not DW Sora, for dw sora is: Code: Normal Sora Dual Wields - Valor Style PVTM-812J-CZ321 H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY TZ7W-HEYU-VYT6K YNDU-ER3P-UZZTB OR Code: Dw Sora-Roxas Style: HC9T-05DB-VN29K H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY 8QZT-N84U-Y6UE4 YNDU-ER3P-UZZTB Which one do you need?
Normal Sora Dual Wields - Valor Style PVTM-812J-CZ321 H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY TZ7W-HEYU-VYT6K YNDU-ER3P-UZZTB
Dw Sora-Roxas Style: HC9T-05DB-VN29K H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY 8QZT-N84U-Y6UE4 YNDU-ER3P-UZZTB
is that? Namine is without X and not Kairi's random alphabet, why Namine is kairi's nobody?
ok! i'll try it, thanks :D
is there a party mod?
i think those works, you mean the palace where you fight Xemnas 1 right? that's not Skyscraper but, Memory of Contortion. you can get to Memory skyscraper anytime as u want before second Save point at The world that never was. ok here, hold R2 from Twilight View (The world that never was) to Xigbar's battle palace, E003FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00001312 11C9561C 00000646 11C9561A 00000023 The blue digits replaces Goofy with Xemnas 1 The red digits replaces Donald with nothing so, Sora fight xemnas alone, after u defeat him, u can't escape! or use this cutscene trigger Hold R2 too, but this one is can be used wherever u are Xemnas 1 Trigger E002FDFF 0035B55C 2033E830 3B001312 2033E834 00003B3B
i like it when after he punch very much, his keyblade is cool when get back to it's keyblade form
yeah, AR max please? :D or Game ID Please?
what kind of them? brand?
what kind of DVD player can do that?
i agree with you! :D
i doubt, but there is only heartless i've seen at trailer, screenshots, etc.